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PPP Blows 2016 Alliance Trumpet

The Case for a United Coalition of the Opposition for 2016 General Elections… By: People’s Progressive Party ( PPP) – Gambia – Media The PPP believes that the democratic process, and a free and fair elections is the only way for a peaceful democratic change of government. The PPP is […]


Mau Mau Kids Rock Kenya!

Something of a revolution is taking place in Kenya, thanks to kids from Langata Primary School in Nairobi. Kenya’s infamous Land-Grabbers finally met their match when they grabbed the children’s playground – and the angry primary school children demonstrated and tried to knock down the land-grabber’s fence. The police as […]


Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Dies

Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has died in hospital, royal officials have announced. A statement, made early on Friday, said his brother, Salman, had become king. Before the announcement, Saudi television cut to Koranic verses, which often signifies the death of a senior royal. King Abdullah, who was said to […]


Gambia Fabricates Coup Report

The Gambia government earlier this month issued a statement detailing the public about what it called “attack by dissident Gambian terrorists”. The report was received with sigh of relief, especially from a government that has effectively been sitting on vital information throughout. Some people however remain skeptical about the content of […]


Gambia’s Undocumented Prisons And Prisoners

After weeks of large-scale investigation, Kairo News is today making public the locations of the Gambia’s unofficial secret detention centers. The number is pegged at three. Our trusted sources said these unofficial prisons have been holding people termed as “security threat to the Gambia.” Disturbingly, some of these secret detainees […]