Dear Gambian brothers and Sisters, Allow me yet again on a similar situation but of a different matter, to make this humble appeal to all Diaspora Gambians seeking your kind donation towards setting up a Legal Defence Fund to support our legendary freedom fighters now going through legal tussles in […]
Other News
Gambian Dictator Says 'I Am Sorry'
Gambian President Yahya Jammeh apologised to former colonial master Britain on Sunday for saying its nationals were involved in a failed coup attempt last month. Gunmen attempted to storm the presidential palace in the beachside capital of the West African nation overnight on Dec. 30 while Jammeh was abroad, but […]
Deconstructing Yahya Jammeh – Part III
By Baba Galleh Jallow The purpose of deconstructing Yahya Jammeh is not to merely criticize him, however justified such criticism is. Nor is the purpose to simply vent anger, however justifiable, at his systematic abuse of our rights and responsibilities as Gambian citizens. We deconstruct Yahya Jammeh to highlight the […]
Jammeh: "I'll Teach You A Lesson"
President Yahya Jammeh promised to teach Gambian dissidents and their foreign backers an unforgettable lesson next they launch attack on his government. President Jammeh had earlier said none of the Gambian military officers was involved in what he called “terror attack.” He said attack on State House on December 30th […]
CORDEG Regrets Resignations
The recent resignations of Ms. Sigga Jagne (Vice chairperson) and Mr. Banka Manneh (Director, Communications Officer) is a big loss to CORDEG. Both Sigga and Banka are outstanding personalities who are well known in their own rights as activists in the cause of transforming The Gambia into a thriving democracy. […]
Is Islam At Clash With The West?
By Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh Following the tragic attack on the satirical Magazine of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, there have been different reactions from a show of solidarity with the victims, “Islamic terrorism” to Far Rights assertion that Islam is not compatible with Western values. In as much as we […]
A Lunatic That Becomes President
By Lamin Saddam Sanyany in The Netherlands When a lunatic becomes a President always contradicts himself; always acts before thinking; always blind to see the truth and reality; always thinks he is fooling everybody whiles not realising that he is fooling himself and enjoy telling lies everyday and everywhere! President […]
Jammeh Too Dangerous And Unsuitable For A President
Sarjo Bayang reveals serious imbalances and risks of a leader in crisis There exists large body of tangibly compelling evidence suggesting how dangerous and unsuitable it is for Yaya Jammeh staying as president of Gambia. Such evidence is derived from no remote sources but by critical examination of the man […]
List of Civilians Arrested After Failed Coup
In collaboration with human rights and civil society groups, in particular, Human Rights for All, Kairo News is publishing the list of civilians who have so far been arrested, detained and interrogated in the aftermath of the attack on State House in Banjul last week. Based on the information we […]
Fitting Response To Gambia’s Coup Statement
I have observed that the statement though attempted to give the government’s side of the events, fell short of key details and background information. In my view, the statement should include details such as: It could be recalled that the President together with his group of armed terrorists, criminals, bandits […]
Jammeh Axes SG, Justice Minister
Some news reach our news desk confirming the firing of the Gambia’s Secretary General and Minister of Justice. In a rather surprising move, President Yahya Jammeh fired Dr. Kalilu Bayo and Basirou Mahoney from their positions without explaining reasons, a violation of an earlier threat. President Jammeh has appointed the […]
Islam Is Categorical About The Sanctity Of Human Life
By: Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh (PGCert THE, Fellow HEA) The Sacred text (Quran) Sanctity Human Life “Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain […]