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EU Tells Gambia To Free Opposition Prisoners

EP delegation to The Gambia calls the government to release all protestors arrested in connection with the April protests Pres release Delegation composed of four members of the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI), David Martin (S&D, UK), Richard Howitt (S&D, UK), Judith Sargentini (Greens/EFA, NL) and Karol Karski […]


Bankrupcy Fear Engulfs APRC

Senior members of the Gambia’s ruling Alliance for Patriotic Re-orientation and Construction (APRC) are convinced that their once affluent party is facing bankruptcy. This comes ahead of the APRC’s planned meeting in Basse, which must be funded by the party’s senior members. According to leaks arising from a secret APRC […]