Search Results for "what"


Salary Nightmares In Gambia

Dictator of eating from hand to mouth His government’s pay scale is so low that the highest paid civil servants cannot survive on their salaries for 15 days without overdrafts and shop loans. The grade 12 salary is not more than D8000 per month for permanent secretaries, senior civil servants, Assistant […]


Processed Meat Causes Cancer

Like your daily hot dog or bacon sandwich? You may want to think again. The World Health Organization said Monday that eating processed meat such as sausages and ham causes cancer, while unprocessed red meat may also be carcinogenic. The WHO’s cancer research unit now classifies processed meat as “carcinogenic […]


Let’s Keep Up The Momentum!

Gambian opposition in general are good at creating or generaring political momentum but their problem lies in sustaining it. The main opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) is no exception here. The truth is that even the party’s ambitious, able-bodied and energy-filled youths complain about this waekness. They keep wondering when […]


The Heroine

By Ebou Gaye She is a heroine She is comparable to the unnamed lady whose virtues I extolled in one of the articles I wrote in a Gambia High School student magazine in the late 80s under the little Je Ne Sais Quoi, Calling her a moralist, an egalitarian, an […]


Sankanu: ‘My Article Touches Nerves’

This Ejike Asigubu is one of the Mafias promoting the “godfatherism” culture of greed that has kept the Nigerian film industry from moving beyond the Nollywood junk. Even if my piece was substandard, I am glad it is having an impact. Over 16,000 people have read and shared it across […]

Religion Society

Of Karan Madiba And Serign Touba

Karan Madiba Diaby and Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba [Serign Touba] were both known for their steadfastness in teaching and propagation of Islam. Both had huge followers, students and disciples in the world. Like Serign Bamba, Karan Madiba was not interested in worldly materials; he herefore divided his time between worshipping Allah, […]