Search Results for "what"


Democracy Is On Trial In Uganda

The leader of Uganda’s opposition Forum for Democratic Change has issued a press statement, explaining how his country’s democracy is put on trial. Dr. Kizza Besigye read his statement while still under house arrest. Press Statement Message: The results of the presidential elections must be rejected Kampala, Uganda   20 […]


Another Sham African Election!

The re-election of Uganda’s aging President in a contest in which opponents were tamed with brutal force is another clear manifestation of how African leaders insult democracy. Yoweri Museveni’s win with over 60 percent of the votes was a foregone conclusion. His government was hellbent on winning, no matter what […]


Sheriff Bojang Is Unethical, Irresponsible

Please allow me space in your paper to respond to the Information Minister Sheriff Bojang’s unethical and irresponsible response to the revelations by Hon Dembo Bojang, UDP [United Democratic Party] National President that President Yahya Jammeh’s Information Minister was a onetime member of the UDP and that he even used […]


As Gambia Clocks 51, Opposition Leader Challenges Jammeh’s Legitimacy

By Abdoulie John The Gambia’s opposition leader has challenged the legitimacy of the country’s leadership. Omar Amadou Jallow described President Yahya Jammeh’s 21-year rule as “terrible.” “The government of the people of The Gambia, elected through a free, fair and transparent election, was overthrown by a group of misguided soldiers within our […]


Happy 51 Gambian Independence

  Music and Musicians were curial in uplifting Gambians and generating a sense of national pride Loving your country is part of solid faith! Why are Gambians not passionately Gambian? It is true our country is small It is true we don’t have natural resources like other African countries to […]


Discourse On Independence

By Ebou Gaye Many Africans viewed colonialists as encroachers and oppressors during the colonial era. Thus, they craved, clamoured and fought hard for independence. I commend them highly for the earnest efforts they made to disentangle our people from the clutches of those exploiters. However, hopes were dashed shortly after […]