The Investigations Should Go In Tandem

By Abdoulie John

Lawyer Patrick Gomez on Monday called on the authorities to make sure that the investigation into July 24 protests, and the death of the cell phone repair service provider, Ousman Darboe, be conducted concurrently. He decried the fact that Police investigators are only focusing on the youths instead of shedding light on what has caused the death of Ousman Darboe.

Lawyer Gomez told reporters that the prosecution is much more interested in arresting ‘protesters’ than uncovering the truth lying behind the death of Serrekunda market’s mobile phone repair service provider.

In late July, protesters erupted in various parts of Kanifing Municipality as the news broke out that Ousman Darboe succumbed to the pains he allegedly suffered reporting to the Police. The unrest provoked the destruction of properties, including the compound of Anti-crime unit chief.

While denouncing all forms of violence, lawyer Gomez further stated that there can be ‘proper investigation.’

In a letter dated August 31st addressed to the country’s lawmaking body, the collectives Team Gom Sa Boppa and Power of Freedom, and copied to the Human Rights Commission, Office of the President, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior, Inspector General of Police and the Interparty Committee, campaigners expressed concerns about the way Killa Ace has been being treated.

“We implore on your Office to demand for their immediate release, and to be granted bail similar afford to numerous suspects such as the Junglers,” the report noted.

Both organisations, he went on, have lamentd the fact that “government can treat Junglers better than Killa Ace and 36 others.

“This is unacceptable and we implore on your Office to rectify this by prioritizing life over property,” the report said.

The arrestees are comprised of 29 Gambians, 3 Sierra Leoneans, 3 Guineans, and 2 Senegalese. They are set to appear before the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court as the presiding magistrate will give a ruling as to whether the case should be referred to the High Court or not.

In a poignant statement, Dabakh Malick denounced what he termed as a “selective justice”, and expressed surprise about the way the Police are dragging their feets when it comes to look into the death of Ousman Darboe.

“We need the Police to do their job within the context of the law,” he said while indicating that all Gambians know what they went through during the past 22 years.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Aja Ya Mammy Ceesay of the Victims’ Centre. She urged all victims to focus on unity, adding that they can only overcome the challenges lying ahead if they are able to be together.


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