Jammeh Suffers Another Major Setback

President Yahya Jammeh’s plots to stay in power has been dealt yet another blow. After losing the December 1st presidential election, Jammeh conceded defeat and congratulated the President-elect Adama Barrow. He described the results as “the will of Allah” who made him President on a Friday and unseated him the same day. Jammeh’s concession had elevated his social standing and even earned him some respect. Some gullible Gambians have started establishing the Truth and Reconciliation when the road to Justice has not opened. But Jammeh would prove skeptics right that his concession was not “from the heart.” They observe two things: ductators don’t give up power without a fight and that Jammeh’s body language communicated anger. Exactly a week after conceeding defeat Yahya Jammeh stunned the world when he recanted, announcing the nullification of the election results and calling for fresh election to be conducted by God-fearing electoral officers. Except Jammeh and his blind loyalists, no one has spotted irregularies in the election process. Jammeh’s ruling party filed a petition at the Supreme Court, praying for the annulment of the results as well as declare the defeated leader President. Little did Jammeh and his loyalists know the the Supreme Court lacks quorum of judges to preside over the case before January 18th when Jammeh’s mandate expires. The Dictator and his gang of criminals smell this last minute defeat coming. This was why the so-called General Saul Badjie yesterday went to army barracks in Fajara and Yundum threatening soldiers to show their loyalty to Yahya Jammeh or else they will be weeded out on January 15th. In that case Yahya Jammeh is setting the stage for war against ECOWAS forces even though regional leaders are fully committed to resolve the Gambia’s political impasse peacefully? The Gambia’s only Cancer that infects all her body parts is none other than Yahya Jammeh. Let the World take care of him before he plunges Africa’s smallest country on mainland into war. All Gambians want is to heal the many wounds caused by the Jammeh dictatorship.



One Comment

  1. I believe when there is military intervention, jammeh will be taken out at 3am when everyone is sleeping in The Gambia . My prayers are that he suddenly change his mind again and leave peacefully. There are signs that indicate that all his support are fading gradually. In coming days we will see more defectors. Saul Badjie is imported cassamance Jola killer who knows his days are numbered .