Jammeh Sends Nai Ceesay Packing

President Yahya Jammeh has sent Momodou Nai Ceesay, the Permanent Secretary of Interior Ministry. Ceesay lost his job on Tuesay, October 24th when he was handed his termination letter. It wasn’t confirmed whether Nai has been detained, although rumours have it that he was a guest of the National Intelligence Agency headquarters in Banjul.

No reasons have so far been advanced for the firing of former Immigrayion Director and Local Government Minister. Ceesay’s firing was ordered by a presidential directive.

Mr. Ceesay’s firing followed the absconding of the former Interior Minister. Ousman Sonko fled to Senegal before landing in Sweden where his asylum application was rejected. Sonko has since been deported to Spain, the first country he had landed in Europe begore heading to the Scandanavian country.clear if Nai Ceesay’s dismissal have anything to do with absconding of his former boss Ousman Sonko who is expelled from Sweden.


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