
Baby Aisha And Mother Slept On Bare Concrete Floor

IMG-20160713-WA0030The Gambia’s breastfeeding mother who had her bail revoked on Monday without justifiable reasons was released on from police detention. Kaddy Samateh and her three months old baby Aisha Fatty spent Monday night at the Banjul police cells where several detainees are packed like sardines. And to add salt to their injury, Kaddy and her toddler were forced to sleep on bare concrete floor in an island city where residents cope with excessive moisture. Apart from adjusting with sleeping on the cold cement, Kaddy and Aisha struggled with the scent of mosquito coil in a mosquito-infested cell. Baby Aisha soon developed common cold. She was sneezing and coughing badly by the time her mother left the police station on bail.

Despite going through all these punishments, Kaddy Samateh remains strong and adamant in the fight to get her husband and other peaceful protesters released from illegal detention.

In May this year, Kaddy and Aisha spent a week in detention at the Police Intervention Unit in Kanifing for taking part in a peaceful protest. Six of the May 9th protesters have since been appearing in court.



  1. Maxs

    Baby Aisha and her mother will be victorious soon . Jammeh’s Mercelessness has no boundaries. Jammeh want to make sure that even the babies are not spared.

  2. Muhammad sanyang


    • Modou Lamin

      Almighty Allah is all knowing, all seeing, may Allah bless them, and guide us to the truth. may Allah safe Gambia and troubled nations

  3. Manjou

    Heroes but the regime will soon fall we are at the end now.

  4. Bax

    It is a very callous and inhuman regime, and no doubt, Yaya Jammeh, being the head of the regime and who initiated, encourages and facilitates such callousness, is the main culprit, but individuals who put these terrible callousness into operation are as equally culpable as he is…

    A station officer should rather step down and walk away from the Police, than obey an illegal order that asked him/her to place an innocent and vulnerable child in a life threatening situation.. and a cold concrete floor, in a mosquito infested cell with a burning mosquito coil, is life threatening for a baby..

    I am not defending and will NEVER defend Yaya Jammeh, but holding people personally responsible for their actions is fundamental in holding people to account and for me, the station officer and his superiors bear more responsibility for what happens in their station (charge office) than anyone else..

    Far too many people are allowed to “hide” behind Yaya Jammeh to mete their own callousness and injustice against innocent people and it is time that we recognise that.

    • In which of the police stations and prisons in the Gambia is Yaya Jammeh not represented?
      Definitely, I agree, law enforcement bodies and Mps, etc. should begin to desist from carrying out a criminal state’s criminal orders and propaganda in the process of perpetuating itself as the custodian of the key of the ‘house of life and death’ of the Gambia.

      The only political entity that had been exposed ‘hiding’ behind Yaya Jammeh is PDOIS. They won’t make one single comment where it won’t be expressed.
      ”Far too many people are allowed to ”hide” behind Yaya Jammeh to mete their own callousness and injustice against innocent people and it is time that we recognise that”-@Bax
      You may not be far from the end of the tnnel.

      • Bax

        Which Gambian did PDOIS mete callousness and injustice against and what was the nature of this callousness and injustice…?

        • Any political party or its leaders, with a sense of feeling of self-freedom and immunity to the status in Bjl/Knl, and to its state of impunity in my point of view, must have to be the ones ‘hiding’ behind Yaya Jammeh meting out callosity and injustice to the Gambian people muchmore when they accused sincere oposing opinion and view holders in the Kairo new debates and forums of warmongering, most of who are diasporans enjoying a lifes progress in examples of civil society democracies in the diaspora.

          • Bax

            Listen to yourself. I don’t think you have even convinced yourself with this twisted reasoning. Pity, this is what we have become..

  5. Kinteh

    Let’s not forget about coming together and raise funds for Kaddy samateh and Aisha Fatty and all UDP hostages. They and she in particular, will be counting on us to stand by her in this difficult times and reaffirm her conviction that all she is going through is not in vain.
    Let follow up contributions in this forum with actions.

    • Once there is a go-fund-me, there is a thousand roads to reach it and fund it. Everyone choose one.

  6. @Bax, it is perhaps perfect people won’t ever listen to themselves and i am not one of them and so therefore, I listen to myself with respect to my opinions and view points as well as others’ in the national debate, in the hope of sharpening them with good reasoning.