Gambia Searches For Deadly Poison

The Gambia’s Interior Ministry, headed by one of President Yahya Jammeh’s purported killer machines, appears to be searching for deadly poisonous substance. Interior Minister Ousman Sonko has his hands dirtied with innocent Gambian blood, sources alleged.

The tip-off landed on Kairo News desk last night. A reliable security source called to alert us that a “European country (name withheld) intercepted a search by the Gambia’s Interior ministry looking for ‘poison substance’ in the region of the former Soviet territories.”

While Gambian officials were searching for the said poison they didn’t know someone would track their online presence. This is exactly what European security agency officials did, our source confirmed.

“Such a substance can either be administered in the air or contaminated in food,” said our source. The same substance was used by South Africa’s apartheid government to assassinate several black political activists.

The Gambia’s search for poison comes at a time when leadership of the opposition United Democratic Party and others held in custody. These detained people can be prime target of poisoning, which is why it is necessary to raise alarms. Relevant Gambian authorities, particularly Interior Minister Ousman Sonko, Director of Prisons David Colley and President Yahya Jammeh should be held responsible for whatever happens to the detained opposition peaceful protesters, including Lawyer Ousainou Darboe. The blame will be squarely on these people if any of the opposition detainees gets sick, deformed or died of poisoning upon release or in custody.

Kairo News has learnt that western powers have intensified satellite navigation activities on the Gambia since last month when the government arrested peaceful protesters only to torture some of them death. The goal of the intense satellite navigation is to quickly pick up any foul play or nefarious activities in the country.


One Comment

  1. Jammeh is a criminal who has mastered his criminal act . Jammeh in his own mouth has indicated that the best way to deal with his enemy is to poison them so that there will be no blame after their release . Jammeh is so callous that he recommended his jugulars to mix cement with food and his deadly poison for his enemies . This was what he used on Tumbul Tamba and musa Jammeh two of his most trusted former jola aides . Ousman Sonko is deadly and he is most brutal and heartless member of Jammeh’s inner circle . He must be stopped before he strikes again .