‘Jammeh And Thugs Must Face Justice’

Dictator Jammeh threatening with his fingers!

A notable human rights organisation wants international community support initiatives geared towards bringing Gambian Dictator and his thugs to justice.

In a New Year media dispatch, Campaign for Human Rights in The Gambia UK (CHRG-UK)  says “Yahya Jammeh’s tyranny against Gambians is on a monumental scale.” It frowns on the government’s boundless repression as “evidenced by the continuous detention without trials, torture, summary execution and enforced disappearances.”

EU Officils with Dr. Amadou Janneh and Alieu Ceesay
EU Officils with Dr. Amadou Janneh and Alieu Ceesay

The dispatch also blames the Jammeh regime for not caring about the welfare of Gambians. “The dictatorship is now ruling by brute force, fear continues to reign in the country and civil society organisations have all been cowed down,” the CHRG-UK writes. Consequently, thousands of Gambians have fled into exile to escape tyranny.

The group calls on the international community to redouble efforts to urgently act on a regime with dirty hands. “Failure to act on the dire situation in The Gambia will be devastating for the defenceless population who have been held on their throat by a very vicious dictator,” CHRG-UK says, hoping the 2016 will be a year of in which the international goes beyond issuing press statements.

“The international Community has the power to use international Human rights laws to  bring Jammeh to  justice,” the group insists, adding that most countries in the world have signed and ratified the UN Convention Against Torture and have incorporated it into their domestic laws. The convention empowers all signatory states to arrest and prosecute anyone who commits or condones torture anywhere in the world.

The group vows to continue consultation with its partners to draw international community’s attention on The Gambia’s systematic human rights violations. “It’s time to end impunity,” CHRG-UK says that plans to intensify advocacy and lobbying.

CHRG-UK expresses gratitude to its partners and supporters for their continuous  support for human rights in The Gambia. It wishes them all happy new year and hopes to continue collaboration with them.

“Special thank you to the British government, Parliament and House of Lords; European Union, European Parliament, European Union Human Rights, and Development; Scottish Government and Parliament; International Bar Association Human Rights Institute, Trade Union Congress, Academics, Journalists, Students, All Party Parliamentary Group on Human Rights, and other Party Parliamentary Groups, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, Amnesty  International, Commonwealth Journalist Association, National Union of Journalists, International Federation of Journalist, and many other civil society and pro democracy groups around world we  remain grateful for your support.”


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