Restaurant Shut Down For Serving Human Flesh

Flesh: The police raided the restaurant to discover human heads, with blood still dripping into plastic bags (file photo of beef steak)
Flesh: The police raided the restaurant to discover human heads, with blood still dripping into plastic bags (file photo of beef steak)/ Daily Mail Image

A hotel restaurant in Anambra, Nigeria has been shuttered by authorities for serving human flesh. According to the BBC, suspicious residents told police of rumors that the restaurant was cooking human meat for customers. Police then raided the restaurant, where they discovered fresh human heads that were still bleeding. The blood was in the process of being drained into a plastic bag.

In addition to the illegal meat, authorities discovered automatic weapons, grenades, and cell phones. Ten people were arrested in conjunction with the crimes. One resident said, “Every time I went to the market, I observed strange activities going on in the hotel. People who were never cleanly dressed and who looked a bit strange made their way in and out of the hotel, making me very suspicious of their activities. I am not surprised at the shocking revelation.”

A priest who ate at the restaurant was alarmed when presented with a bill of 700 Naira, or roughly $3.50 (Tens of millions of people in Nigeria subsist on less than $1 a day). “The attendant noticed my reaction and told me it was the small piece of meat I had eaten that made the bill scale that high,” he said. “I did not know I had been served with human meat, and that it was that expensive.”

Last year, Australian chef Marcus Volke murdered and cooked his girlfriend before killing himself. In Brazil, also last year, a man and two women were arrested for murdering potential nanny candidates and then cooking their flesh into empanadas.




  1. What else are we left with in this world….???

    Words can’t describe how I feel with this story; especially happening just next door in Nigeria; I began to wonder whatever else happens in world that ISN’T already in Nigeria….??

    What future lies ahead for the human race; our children, grandchildren & generations to come…?

  2. It had to be Nigeria, isn’t it..? The motivation here seems to be money and material wealth…

    And unfortunately, the desire for the acquisition of material wealth, for the average Nigerian, is at times so overpowering that anything goes, and so fraud and fraudulent activities becomes a way of life…This is not unique to Nigerians alone but they have quite a reputation, as a community…

    This has been the biggest downside of many Nigerians, especially abroad, though the number is still in the minority…Most Nigerians are hard working and enterprising individuals…

    Looking at how relations are portrayed on Nigerian Movie by Nollywood, as, through interactions with the few Nigerians I meet, it seems that the problem.may be a consequence of how Nigerian societies perceive status…

    A Nigerian acquaintance of mine has a Vauxhall corsa (02) and a very good car…He’s saving to buy a £5000 BMW 3/5 series and the motivation (believe it or not) is perception at church…When he parks his car on Sundays, he feels embarrassed because less prominent members of the church are driving big cars… (He is a sort of committee member in the church)..

    Like Gambia, Nigeria may need fundamental changes to re-orientate itself, and create a civilisation that not only appreciates, but also defines it’s members for “who they are”, and “what they contribute” to society, rather than what materials they possess…