
Kairo Clocks One Year Today


The one year anniversary of Kairo News and Radio coincides with the golden jubilee celebration of The Gambia’s existence as an independent sovereign nation.

The idea of the Kairo project was conceived at a time when a group of Gambians felt the need to better serve the information and entertainment needs of their oppressed people. Like any new initiative, the founders envisaged monumental challenges: financial or human resources. However, with determination and  dedication to seeing a fairer and responsible dissemination of news, the task became easily manageable.

Some of the goals we set ourselves includes the Ideals of a free press which is essential for a democratic society. Kairo has come to calvanise the expectations of the Gambian people by bringing objectivity, professional competence, accurate and responsible journalism to enable them to make informed choices about who to entrust the affairs of their Society.

As a medium, Kairo will serve as a watchdog to the public and hold our government, and non-state actors accountable to the people and we encourage our esteem readers to join us in this venture to build a better society for our feature generation.
Kairo will strive to be a beacon of hope  for the oppressed masses of the Gambian people.We will engage  those who seek to lead us not just to voice empty rhetoric but  produce clear, unambiguous solutions to solve our many problems.This is the duty of every honest and patriotic citizen of the Gambia in this very difficult moment of our history and together we can do it.

We will strive to practice the true ethics of journalism, and we will not allow  to be manipulated by any individual or group  who tried to dictate the space of public discussions as well as those who saw an opportunity to become
relevant at the expense of national interest of the Gambian People.Let us remember that Gambia is bigger than our individual and group interest.The restoration of democracy and good governance is a Gambian problem and only Gambians can solve it so lets face the task and avert National disintegration.

Saving The Gambia from such a calamity is a task that must be done. No one can do it better than Gambians themselves. It is only by talking through it openly and honestly that we can make each understand that as far as public affairs are concerned groups does not matter it is policies that do. Politics is the competing over the quality of policies. Competing policies has nothing to do with rivaling groups. Let us stop putting the blame for our continued retardation on others is an old over-played game.

We at Kairo will promote the media’s  role of sensitizing the people on their rights and giving them a voice in determining the type of society they want to live in.In this regard, we will not abandon the cultural, traditional and social values of our People. This is why, all the program on kairo radio are anchored on the ethic of our society with a clear emphasis on promoting the Gambian cultures and traditions, and the African heritage as a whole.

Whilst we at kairo news commemorate our one year of operations, the Gambia government is engaged in wasteful spending in the name of  celebrating the 50 years of independence. However, the government of President Jammeh is said to have invited many foreign dignitaries, whilst in the home front, he refuse to engage the opposition, in restoring the rule of law, human rights and democracy to our motherland .

From the entire kairo news team: Executive editor Musa Saidykhan, Senior Editor Yaya Dampha, Editorial Consultant Muhammed L Sillah, Political and culture Editor Suntou Touray, Religious Editor Imam Momodou Ceesay, Women Affairs Maimuna Ceesay-Darboe, Content Adviser Saul Saidykhan, Political Cntributor Fabou Sanneh and all those associated with the platform, we extend a big thank you.

Kairo has some dedicated readers and listeners, and without you, we will not have become a come this far. Please continue to freely express your views, even against the Kairo. No one is beyond criticism and scrutiny.We will not promote monolithic system of thinking that both Stalinism and Nazism had in common, we detest such very strongly. We will condemn it everywhere we come across it. It is against the universal right of free thinking and free expression, and a fertile ground for the growth and triumph of tyranny and gives those in power monopoly over truth and the expression of it.

Happy 50th independence commemoration to Every Gambian! Happy one year for Kairo news. The readership hit counter is over 2million plus already. We remained your humble servants. Send comments and suggestions to kaironews12@gmail.com. With Thanks to Bax, Dida, Lafia La Manju, Kemo, Bajaw,Batch Samba Faye Deyda Haidara Papa Kumba Loum and others for making the comment section lively.

Long live the Gambia.



  1. Maxs

    Thank you very much for giving us a medium to express ourselves which dictator jammeh deny our fellow citizens. We are so proud of your professionalism and commitment to national development . Please create instant messaging in our discussion forum so that we can timely respond . Thank you .

  2. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Well done Kaironews. You have provided me the platform to defend Mandingo pride against ghastly insults from low self esteem people including certain mandinkaphobic politicians in The Gambia (the opposition included) who are hell-bent on stoking hatred to compensate their inadequacies.


  3. Musa Kora

    Thanks kairo for the valuable service. Keep going guys. In Gambia, we are easily able to read kairo and listen to the radio.

  4. Maxs

    LaFia , it is unfortunate to see you bring tribe in every topic . Where do you learn that from ? I asked this question because most Gambians are not tribalist this is evidence in our intermarriage, able to speak each other’s language fluently , peaceful coexistence as a people and great examples of our political leaders except dictator jammeh who has been bashing Mandingo tribe whenever he fell threaten . Even jammeh was able to succeed in power through the help of Mandingo sons and daughters. The last time , he used mr sabally , our civilized political leaders came out and released a joint statement to condemn it . That was very responsible and patriotic thing to do . Don’t you have any important thing to say to educate readers rather than this narrow , outdated and divisive issue. Please my friend , you are smarter than that , use your brain to critically think and write things that will benefits the majority . Freedom of expression comes with personal responsibility.
    Just my thought .

  5. Kemo

    Thank you Kaironews staff.We visit your website every time, because we know if it is happening kaironews is always on top of it.

  6. Alkali

    “Fair and balance” are virtues easily claimed by almost every news medium under the Sun but only a handful live up to that standard,….Kairo is a product that truly portrays all the professional elements that underscore the criteria of “fair and balanced”. Your commitment to the pursuit of truth is unflinching, so is your continuous coverage of a variety of news items that range from culture, religion, history, economics, politics,….(you name it), not to mention the provision of an interactive platform for your readers.
    May Allah (SWT) continue to guide you. May the team be protected from the forces of division and may we all live to see Kairo transform into an international media mogul…..Ameen.

  7. Happy Birthday Kairo…

    Indeed you will grow…no doubt about that.

    The challenges faced by the online media are many. I have always maintained that Gambia’s greatest asset is its people. Any foremat that show cases Gambian’s consumate ability to engage and deliver sound reasoning…needs very little glitz and glamour.

    Just keep it simple….and Gambian’s will take us the top of the highest mountain….where all horizons are made visable.

  8. J. Baldeh

    Long live Kaironews radio and its staff for a job well done.

  9. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Max, certain politicians have made tribe an issue in The Gambia to compensate their inadequacies. So we have to address it before it imports the Laurent Gbargbo style carnage into our country.

    I am unapologetic in my defending the Mandingo pride against politically motivated ghastly insults. Everybody knows my stands on that here. Perhaps you are a late comer. That’s why.


  10. Bajaw

    Happy belated birthday Kaironews, & many many more to celebrate… You have become a lifeline for the voiceless Gambian & an unique opportunely platform & media for all to contribute to the struggle to salvage our motherland Gambia for decadence…. God bless & guide you in your selfless endeavours to inform, sensitize, educate & meaningful contributions in the struggle to reclaim the motherland… Ameen.