CORDEG Regrets Resignations

Sigga Jagne and Banka Manneh!
Sigga Jagne and Banka Manneh Threw in CORDEG Towel!

The recent resignations of Ms. Sigga Jagne (Vice chairperson) and Mr. Banka Manneh (Director, Communications Officer) is a big loss to CORDEG. Both Sigga and Banka are outstanding personalities who are well known in their own rights as activists in the cause of transforming The Gambia into a thriving democracy. Their record of service in organisations they belong to, those they are associated with and their individual acts and sacrifice are a records that are widely known and appreciated. Therefore, CORDEG accepts both resignations with much regret and sadness.

As an organisation, CORDEG was not a party to the events of December 30/31, and had no prior knowledge of its planning. However there was a public perception in the diaspora and to some extent in Gambia that CORDEG might have been a party to the events. This might have arisen as a result of the popular support enjoyed by the attempt about which some leading members of CORDEG gave much support.

We reiterate our position that the Democratic route to a peaceful transition to stability and peace is our preferred option, together with the political parties who are members of our organisation. We will readily support a mass based popular uprising where The Gambian people express their desire to exercise sovereignty and establish their will, while defending ourselves against any use of violence to silence us. History has proved this method has worked for many.

We regret the loss of lives arising out of the events of Dec 30/31, and extend our heartfelt condolences to families and friends of the fallen soldiers. CORDEG also condemns arrests of innocent Gambians and issued a public letter addressed to president Jammeh asking him to resign. We made it clear that the blame lies with the Jammeh regime, which has shut all channels for dissent and free expression.

We will continue to intensify our efforts to galvanise support among all Gambian groupings to come together and find solutions to the Gambian problem. We will continue to work with corridors of power and influence in the international community, and press for punitive and targeted sanctions against the Jammeh regime to isolate and weaken it further towards its eventual demise.

CORDEG is committed to working with all groups who share our vision. And, we shall go through nominations and elections to fill positions left vacant by these resignations.

Professor Abdoulaye Saine, Chairman



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