Typical Life In Jammeh's Gambia

The farmer who relies on forced labour!

It’s barbaric to live in Jammeh’s Gambia
Where one person grabs all the lands
Seizes all the powers and accolades
Forces offices to use his countless titles
Brags about his manhood prowess
Sees himself as the lone saviour
Compares himself to prophet
Issues fatwa anytime he wills.

It’s awful live in Jammeh’s Gambia
Where horror awaits those who question
Detention and murder become their pay
Escapees carry with them burden of harm
Many later succumb to poisonous death.

Are these people proud of living in Jammeh’s Gambia?

It’s shameful to live in Jammeh’s Gambia!
Where a sword hangs over civil servants
Servants who fight over dictator’s tasteless jobs
Servants who abandon their taxpayer paid jobs
Servants forced to till dictator’s farm for free
Servants who defend Kanilai trip on TV screen.

It’s unacceptable to live in Jammeh’s Gambia!
Where security forces become tools of anarchy
Where soldiers become dictator’s shepherds
Where lawmakers trumpet kingship campaign
Youths isolate parents for the dictator’s cause
Clerics are more loyal to the dictator than Allah
Their goat-like beards define their character
That’s why they lost respect and value in society.

It’s sympathetic to live in Jammeh’s Gambia
Where only Jammeh talks freely and loosely
The messenger blamed for carrying the message
Detained, tortured and murdered in cold-blood
Media outlets fire-bombed and illegally banned
Official censorship is adored and celebrated.

Is it haram to live in Jammeh’s Gambia?
Where the truth becomes lonely
Even clerics are running away from it
Backstabbing becomes order of the day
Threats hang over everybody’s head
Everyone lives with perpetual fear of guilt.

Is it worth living in Jammeh’s Gambia?
Where courts are known for travesty of justice
Where courts lost the last bastion of hope title
As innocent people are wrongly convicted
Convicts illegally and secretly executed
And their bodies remain in dictator’s shrine.

It’s an irony to live in Jammeh’s Gambia
Where your treasure is seized illegally
Where unemployment becomes rampant
Where poverty shoots through the roof
Where youths breathe air of frustration
Where youths see back way as their only hope.

It’s terrible to live in Jammeh’s Gambia
Where secret dogs monitor our every action
Where we carefully choose who to talk to
Where poison awaits us in certain restaurants
Where we trust no one with our lives
Not even close friends and relatives.

How long do we live in Jammeh’s Gambia?
Where 1 in 5 babies dies in childbirth
Where moms fear Cuban doctors more than gun
Where kids ask questions yet unanswered
Where quagmire soaks wives of disappeared men
Debating when to start the waiting period [Iddah]
Where orphans are left to fend for themselves.



  1. Very touching, explicit and factual poem. This sums up our country’s realities. Jere jeff Musa

  2. Mba koko! this will break dictator’s head.

  3. Somehow provocative but loaded with facts. Excellent thoughts!

  4. I shed tears when I read these lines:

    “Where 1 in 5 babies die in childbirth
    Where moms fear Cuban doctors more than gun
    Where kids ask questions yet unanswered
    Where quagmire soaks wives of disappeared men
    Debating when to start the waiting period [Iddah]
    Where orphans are left to fend for themselves.”

    May Allah help us.

  5. Your Niuminka Buddy

    Jarra boy, when did you start writing poems? This one is as hot as the hot soup deh? Peace be unto Kairo team.

  6. Simply great and interesting lines.

    • Marvellously articulated…….. Today’s Gambia “kids ask questions….” & get murdered in cold blood……. This satanic kanilai hypocrite is a murderous devil

  7. Beautiful, yet very sad…I hope the Jammeh fluke is a lesson for all to learn from…Never again to be entertained or accepted…

  8. Very intresting poem keep it up.

  9. What a touching and factual Piece,i almost shed tears while reading it but,these are the real characters of Yahya Jammeh in our once peaceful and smilling coast -The Gambia. Thanks a lot Brother. May the Almighty Allah see us through in this fight aginst Tyranny in our Beloved Country…Ameen!!

  10. Great poem Musa. Keep it up

  11. Luntango Suun Gann Gi


  12. Deeply emotional and nerve wrecking poem.

  13. All conscious humans dislike Gambia’s governance disease. The devil in the detail reduce us into bunch of laughing stock. It’s a national tragedy.

  14. Don’t forget Gambians rooted him in power.

  15. Sadly, victims are either nursing in silence or crawling after their torturer. That is the new dawn.

  16. Stop blaming Jammeh, blame Gambians who run his nefarious errands.

  17. Horrible but truthful…