MBG Set To Inaugurate Computer Literacy Centers

rahul & mbye

On February 21, 2012 the Million Books to The Gambia (MBG) project was formally inaugurated. To date we have delivered over 484,000 books, close to the half-way mark of our one-million-books goal. We have 66,000 being prepped to leave in the next two to four weeks.

Due to such positive development, we plan to launch the next phase of the MBG project (Phase II) this year and that is, to establish – Computer Literacy Centers (CLC) in learning institutions within the country, with the goal to enhance the academic development of Gambian students. Our target is to complete up to four CLCs within our five year project period, depending on funds. Nusrat and Armitage Senior Secondary schools have been selected as the first beneficiaries of this CLC initiative.

MBGWe at the Million Books to The Gambia Project are quite fortunate to attract two distinguished gentlemen who are well aware of our operations in The Gambia and are willing to volunteer their time, energy and resources to join this most noble crusade. Mr. Rahul Mitra, a Development Engineer and Dr. Lamin Mbye, a Neuroscientist, are co-Project Coordinators tasked with the CLC phase of the MBG Project.

A brief write-up on each of these knowledgeable coordinators is provided below, for your information and perusal.


Dr. Lamin HAN Mbye

Lamin HAN Mbye is a Neuroscientist, with over ten years of biomedical research experience in Neuropharmacology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Neuromolecular Genetics. A native of The Gambia, Dr. Mbye traveled to the U.S. to pursue higher education, after completing his High School education at St. Augustine’s High School in Banjul.

Upon graduating from college, he obtained a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University Of Kentucky School Of Medicine, before proceeding to Harvard Medical School and Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) for his postdoctoral trainings. He is currently serving as Instructor at BCM, studyingbrain function and dynamism in both healthy and disease states.

Besides his research interest, Dr. Mbye is strongly passionate in the healthcare development and education of underdeveloped societies, through effective collaboration and sharing of innovative ideas that improve overall life quality.

He can be reached by either email:

Lamin.mbye@bcm.edu, laminhanmbye@yahoo.com; or phone: 502-545-3766.


Engineer Rahul Mitra

Rahul Mitra is a development engineer who has over eight years of experience implementing basic infrastructure in developing countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. He has led computer center and water system projects in Bangladesh, Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Panama, Madagascar and Cameroon. Rahul is particularly interested in working with underserved communities in designing sustainable solutions that are economical and make use of appropriate technology.

Mr. Mitra has been working as a Project Lead for Engineers without Borders for over seven years and has overseen the design and construction of water distribution and treatment systems, improved sanitation infrastructure and computer literacy centers. His research interests include technology for development, indigenous peoples’ rights and rural development.

Rahul’s dream is to connect schools across Africa to the information technology highway through the establishment of computer literacy centers and vocational training.

You can contact Mr. Mitra at rahulpm@gmail.com

We thank all of you for your continued support of our MBG project. Your contributions made it possible for us to help our educators better serve the needs of our beloved Gambian students and adult learners. On behalf of all MBG Project stakeholders, in the Gambia, Nigeria, United Kingdom and the USA, thank you profusely for your generosity and kindness. We are profoundly grateful.


Donations can be made:



http://www.razoo.com/story/1-Million– search Lamin M. Dibba (Lang).

Please specify

  • The umbrella MBG Project – to send million books
  • Computer Literacy Center Project – Nusrat Senior Secondary
  • Computer Literacy Center Project – Armitage Senior Secondary

VIA MAIL: MBG Project, c/o Books for Africa, 253 East 4th Street Suite 200, St Paul, MN 55101.

–          Please identify  ___ MBG (send books)          ___CLC – Nusrat       ___CLC – Armitage



Yours sincerely

Lamin M. Dibba – Lang                                                                             Ms. Megan Meyer, MDT

Project Manager                                                                                         Executive Director – Hand In Health.org

Million Books to the Gambia (MBG) Project                                          Doctoral Candidate – Public Health

2013 Service Award Recipient – MN Governor’s Commission               Community & Behavioral Health Promotion

on the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday 2013.                    www.handinhealth.com

langdibba@msn.com                                                                                 megan.m.meyer@gmail.com

The below links to articles and videos would give you a synopsis of our work in The Gambia:

Launching the Project- Feb 2012 – in the Gambia:


Media Coverage:


Thompson Reuters Company Fund Raising Event – summer 2012:

–                           http://legalcurrent.com/2012/12/06/can-you-imagine-a-life-without-books/

The University of Wisconsin – Stout “Three-day Book Walk for Africa -university of Wisconsin – Stout”:

–                         www.uwstout.edu/news/UW-Stout-News-Story.cfm?…2198


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