Kairo News Is Born!

The growth of technology and knowledge has not only caused tremor among dictators but also struggle with proliferation of the news media. With a click of a button, you don’t only create a website but also start streaming across the world. What is more sweeter than that? This makes the world a place where censorship is out of question.


  1. We welcome the initiative and give our full support Team Kairo. Thank you!

  2. Welcome and stay focused in the pursuit of the truth. Courage and professionalism must remain the driving stick in the execution of your noble duty. Always remember that you are the voice of the voiceless.
    May ALLAH (the Almighty) guide and protect this team and reward you with abundance of “kairo”…Ameen!

  3. Congratulation to your new website, Karo News.

  4. listening to some serious sewruba… am sure it is the work of Yaya Dampha…

  5. Welcome Kairo. May Allah SWT bless and guide you in doing your noble job.

  6. There is UNITY in DIVERSITY..keep it and stay focus.

  7. welcomed kairo ,but am dissaponted,because,as i heard musa,suntou,and yaya,quit,i was really dissaponted and surprised,wish u all the best.

  8. Dear Editor, I made comment on Nanamakeita’s article and you edited it. It is not fair as you remove the most important part of it giving the inpression to readers that I totally concour with Nanamakeita.
    I repeat here that Yaya Jammeh should an assassination TARGET. If you find it unacceptable then please remove all my comment instead of editing it.
    Thank you Musa Ngom

  9. Fanding Kinteh Darboe

    Welcome Kairo news for the new website. I am praying for all the best in your new endeavor and hope that Gambians will give you all the support. Good luck.

  10. Can you please provide for a printable version. It will be nice to print and let others who do not have access to the internet to read.
    I commend you for the initiative.

  11. Wish you all the best the kairo team. May Allah SWT guide and protect you all.