Search Results for "what"


Fallen Drone Ignites Fears In Niumi

Fear and panic this morning gripped the residents of Niumi Mayamba in Lower Niumi after they spotted remains of a drone in their backyard. Onlookers stormed the scene in their bid to satisfy their curiousity. Nimuinkas’ lack of knowledge of what looks like a spy drone is understandable considering the […]


Letter to Sajo Jallow II

  Wama lakum la tuqatiloona fee sabeeli Allahi waalmustadAAafeena mina alrrijali waalnnisa-i waalwildani allatheena yaqooloona rabbana akhrijna min hathihi alqaryati alththalimi ahluha waijAAal lana min ladunka waliyyan waijAAal lanamin ladunka naseeran And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allâh, and for those weak, ill treated and oppressed among men,women,and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect,and raise for us from You one who will help. Letter to Sajo Jallow II Maodo Sajo! Ajaarama! Son of Neneh Futa (Isatou Binani) and Modi Adoulaye Tella, My Husband, The Father of my children! Sending you warm and most affectionate greetings from the Cold Country, Sweden! Sending you Love and Special Du’ahs for your continued wellbeing both somatic and psychologically. May ALLAH SWT accept […]


Jammeh’s Last Dance

By Amaze Obi Broken Tongues Anybody who has had a close interaction with The Gambian President, Yahya Jammeh, cannot but express surprise that the man subjected himself to a proper election. Jammeh has no democratic credentials and does not care a hoot about his deficit in that regard. It must, […]



By Ebou Gaye Beware! Many powerful voices have sounded a warning to your commander-in-chief but to no avail He senselessly and shamelessly remains recalcitrant, Turning deaf ears and blind eyes to the reality, Believing erroneously that he can manoeuvre his way out of the awkward situation in which he has […]


Jammeh Has No Birthright To Presidency

By Abdoulie John Prominent Gambian filmmaker has added his voice to the chorus of critics flooding on the Gambia’s defiant outgoing President Yahya Jammeh whose volte-face has left the country reeling in political impasse. Prince Bubacarr Aminata Sankanu too wants the ‘defeated incumbent’ to respect the will of the people and […]


Gambia Awaits The Will Of Allah

Anxiety prevails in the Gambia as the people await what becomes of their country come January 19. Will this country tow the path of peace or anarchy? Will Gambians have a new president? Will the incumbent remain in power? On this day of destiny, current president, Yahya Jammeh is expected […]