Search Results for "what"


Jawara Finally Gets What He Wants

The man who led the Gambia to Independence in 1965 had finally got what he had been long waiting to see: the Gambia without Yahya Jammeh, an army lieutenant who headed a group of ragged-tag soldiers and dislodged the People’s Progressive Party government from power. Sir Dawda Jawara, who would […]


What Next For New Gambia? After January 19th…

Hard work, dedication, perseverance and commitment are but vital ingredients for new Gambia. Mr Editor, please allow me space in your newspaper once again to add my voice to the humble population of Gambians both at home and in the diaspora who in one way or the other contributed immensely […]


What Jammeh Doesn’t Understand

BY LIBERTY This article is in response to professor Baba Galleh Jallow’s article entitled WHAT JAMMEH WANTS. The professor has seen through Jammeh from head to toe. All the points raised by the professor are 100% accurate. Due to the quick thinking of all Gambians in particular the world in […]


What Jammeh Wants

By Baba Galleh Jallow Certainly, Jammeh’s ultimate desire is to totally nullify the results of the December 1st elections and stay on in power. Over the past 22 years, he has repeatedly declared that neither elections nor coups can remove him from power. And while coups might be beyond his […]


Even Ouza Speaks Up; What About The Others?

Even the Senegalese pop-singer friend of the out-going Gambian dictator has appealed to the stray Gambian autocrat to re-think his decision not to concede defeat in the 1st December presidential election. Ouza Diallo called Jammeh’s behaviour “regrettable”. The Senegalese pop star who had spent years in the paradise-like Gambia of the […]


What Trump’s Election Teaches Gambians

Donald Trump’s victory is both stunning and unprecedented. Mr Trump defied almost all the political forces, especially the established leadership of both democratic and Republican parties. It is the biggest disappointment and political upset in the history of the United States in the view those who favor immigration and globalization. […]


The Die Is Cast; What Next?

The conviction and subsequent sentencing of the opposition United Democratic Party leadership, supporters and opposition activists has again reminded us about the Jammeh regime’s callousness, cruelty and disrespect for human rights and the rule of law. The regime’s heartlessness have over and over gone over the roof. It has simply […]