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TRRC Update

By Baba Galleh Jallow Truth commissions are complicated institutions. Their very existence is mired in controversy. Their mandates are often complicated and misunderstood by the publics they serve. They are often considered a panacea for all the human rights and criminal justice-related issues in society. They never manage to mobilize […]


Not Business As Usual

By Baba Galleh Jallow A famous Africanist once said something to the effect that in terms of development, Africa has remained prostrate since independence. While other continents are more or less up on their feet and walking, even if their walk is a stagger, Africa remains unable to rise up […]


Striking Doctors Cross The Red Line

It is extremely concerning to see an ongoing sit-down strike by The Gambia Doctors’ Association despite heartfelt apology from the Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Dr Saffie Lowe-Ceesay regarding truthful statements she had made. In press conference, Dr Lowe alleged that “When you talk about corruption in the health […]


US Gives No Deportation Money

The United States Ambassador to The Gambia has refuted rumours milling in town that her country offered money to deportees to resettle in their home countries. In a statement published below, Ambassador C. Patricia Alsup made it clear that the Gambia government was never given 40 million dollars in exchange […]


Activists Denounce Mauritania Slavery

Press Release Mauritania: Growing repression of human rights defenders who denounce discrimination and slavery · Government continues to deny the existence of slavery but thousands remain enslaved · Activists have faced arrest and torture simply for speaking out against exploitation · Scores of anti-discrimination groups remain banned Mauritanian human rights […]


Madi Gets It All Wrong Again!

The person responsible for the debacle in the parliament last Thursday is no more than Halifa Sallah. After listening to the audio from parliament this has been universally clear by all sensible and objective Gambian both home and abroad except in the Halifa Sallah camp. This never came as a […]


Meeting The Tiger Lady

Saul Saidykhan On February 9th, 2018 I called an older brother in the morning to check on him only to learn he was taken to the hospital overnight and admitted. I immediately cancelled my other engagements, and crab-walked to the Kotu makeshift cab stand to get a ride to the […]


Doctors’ Rights and Responsibilities

I put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) in response to brother Madi Jobarteh’s passionate support of Gambia’s striking junior doctors. Madi’s thesis in support of the doctors’ strike has moved beyond the specific complaint about the Health Minister’s utterances, but I would like to start with my brief comments […]


More Candidates Join KMC Ward Races

As the KMC ward election is set for April 12, more candidates have filed their nomination papers under a political party banner or as a non-partisan politician. The country’s new democratic dispensation has brought about positive changes, providing more opportunities for Gambians to exercise their civic and political liberties. “I’ve […]


Remembering Aline Sittoe Diatta

March ….African Women’s Month REMEMBERING ALINE SITTOE DIATTA (JATTA) – AFRICAN HEROINE, PRIESTESS, & LIBERATION FIGHTER By Sainey Faye Question: who was Aline Sittoe Diatta? She and Ndatte Yalla Mboge are the only women in Senegal with statues, to honor their heroic deeds. Ndatte Yalla Mboge was the “linguere” of […]