Search Results for "what"


GCCI Chief Thumbs Up AFTA

By Abdoulie John The Chief Executive Officer of Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has thumbed up the signing of the free trade agreement by 44 African countries at the just concluded African Union Extra-ordinary Summit held in Kigali, Rwanda. “We welcome very much the continental free trade agreement,” […]


Let’s Find Out The Why Of TRRC?

It is indeed worrying to see our learned and respected Dr. Baba Galleh Jallow completely deviating from the mandate of TRRC and directing this Commission to become more of a civil organization. This is evidenced when Dr Jallow stated “In the meantime, the TRRC believes that work on the prevention […]


Dr. Janneh Freed After Questioning

By Abdoulie John Gambian activist was let go after the police questioned him over the removal of a waste pipe belonging to Golden Lead, a Chinese fishing company. Located in Gunjur, about 35 km away from Banjul, the fish meal processing factory has been under fire for allegedly pumping toxic waste […]


My Take On Doctors’ Strike

As a liberal democratic thinker, I believe in collective bargaining to resolve differences. Our sit down striking doctors threatening the health and the well being of patients because of what Hon. Minister Lowe had said is act of abandonment, terror and disloyalty and should have no place in civilized society. […]


Who’s Amy Jacques Garvey?

By Sainey Faye March …….AFRICAN WOMEN’S MONTH 2018 !!!!      FAREWELL TO OUR HEROINES !!! WHO WAS AMY JACQUES GARVEY ? (1896-1973) “The doll-baby type of woman is a thing of the past, and the wide-awake woman is forging ahead prepared for all emergencies, and ready to answer any call, […]


Doctors’ President Yet To Convince Us

After listening to the President of Gambia Association of Resident Doctors (GARD) the “The CheckPoint” show, one can easily draw the conclusion that if anyone were to resign from their position it should be without a doubt Ebrima Bah. The said interview was a complete disaster. Mr. Bah did his […]