Search Results for "a"


Poetry On The Street

By A Gambian Poet On the street that I grew up has a big poetic tree call ”apolipo” It is centred on the half way heart of the street In a minority village call Churchill’s town that no body knew of until when apolipo was a mother-tree It grows with […]


Deputies Pile Pressure On NYSS

Public Accounts and Public Enterprises committees (PAC and PEC) of the National Assembly have asked the National Youth Service Scheme (NYSS) to recover outstanding loans of D740, 526. The loans were noted in 20 files examined by the auditors. Pa Majagne Ndow, an auditor at National Audit Office, told deputies in […]


History of Fishing Industry In Kombo

This video documentary is the work of the historical fact-finders of the  University of the Gambia. It gives a detailed survey of how traditional fishing was conducted was conducted prior to the introduction of modern technology. It also explains the transformation and development of the Fishing Industry in Kombo. History […]


The Economic Power of Women’s Empowerment

The great Japanese writer and feminist, Raicho Hiratsuka, once famously wrote: “In the beginning, woman was truly the sun. An authentic person.” Today more than ever, the global economy needs precisely this kind of radiant sun—to provide light and nourishment. To provide healing. To dry out the swamps of poverty […]


Swedish left-wing bloc wins election

Sweden’s centre-left Social Democrats and its allies are poised to return to power after defeating the centre-right government, in a general election that also resulted in strong gains for an anti-immigration party. With all voting districts tallied by Monday morning, the Social Democrat-led bloc won 43.7 percent of the vote […]


Torture Victim Flees For His Life

By Abdou Jeli Keita  I fled the Gambia on August 10, 2014 after I was unlawfully detained under very brutal condition for allegedly feeding wrong information to Gambians and enemies of the Gambia government base abroad and belonging to opposition parties, an accusations which are baseless. Prior to fleeing the […]



By Ebou Gaye As you celebrate your coup d’état of 22nd July 1994 misnomered revolution, I deem it fitting and timely to- once again- remind you of some of your innumerable promises which are yet to be fulfilled, In case you have forgotten, Due to your tight schedule, In spite […]


The Struggle Before The Revolution

Every revolution, every change of a status quo through out the history of human social co-existence, nation building or organisational formations must be understood to have gone through such phases that would overlap one another, diverge at some points and finally converge to a focal point of understanding, an understanding […]


University Chief Fooled MPs

The Vice Chancellor of the University of the Gambia had fooled Members of Parliament, investigators proved. “It has been revealed that the National Assembly Select Committee on Education paid a visit to the University of the Gambia following an elaborate report presented to the Assembly by Professor Muhammadu Kah. However […]


Rule By One Person

By Lamin Saddam Sanyang, The Netherlands The word “monarchy” literally means “rule by one.” When that sole ruler is wise and ethical, the government may run smoothly, but when that individual has flaws of character or temperament, they affect the entire nation. Monarchs typically hold their seats for life, which […]