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UDP Damns Lasana’s Conviction

The United Democratic Party chapter in the United States of America damned the conviction of the party’s media officer. Lasana Jobarteh was la.ukst week convicted and fined D50,000 by a rookie Magistrate Isatou Janneh. Read below a statement issued by the UDP-USA. The UDP USA condemns in the strongest terms […]


It’s Is Very Disappointing

By Lamin Saddam Sanyang, The Netherlands The death of Hon. Buba Baldeh is a big loss to the Gambia and Africa at large. He is a true patriot. He lived and died for the Gambian people. Hon. Buba Baldeh will never be forgotten, he will be always remembered. May the […]


Court Convicts UDP Media Officer

Magistrate Isatou Janneh of Bundung on Thursday found an activist of the main opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) guilty of broadcasting without license using Skype. Lasana Jobarteh was fined D50, 000 Dalasi or in default serves one year in prison. The 59-year-old Jobarteh has been appearing before Magistrate Ebrima Kijera […]


Message Of Condolence For Baldeh

The Campaign for Democratic Change, Gambia (CDCG) has learned with extreme sadness the death of Mr Boubacarr Michael Baldeh which occurred in the Republic of Senegal. The campaign recalled the tremendous achievements the late Mr Baldeh registered in the public service of The Gambia. In the past years, Mr Baldeh’s […]


The Late Buba Baldeh’s Last Wish

  “If President Jammeh denies my body to enter the Gambia, bury me in Madina Qunas in Senegal,” Late Bubacarr Micheal Baldeh As if the political hero knew what would happen after his death, Bubacarr Baldeh instructed close relatives that, if he didn’t recover from the stomach complication from which […]