Search Results for "a"


The Anointed Turns Against The Anointer

By Suntou Touray The Blessing has overtaken the curse. The Sherrifs are said to be the first spiritual community to bless the former Lt Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh before, and after he joined with other disgruntled soldiers to overthrow the Gambia’s democratically-elected government with force. The soldier-turned-civilian leader felt so spiritually […]


Jammeh Must Talk With Opponents

President Jammeh Must Immediately Enter into Talks with the Political Opposition and Diaspora Gambian Dissidents By any measure, the August 2nd, 2014 political protests that greeted President Yahya Jammeh’s US-Africa Summit visit, was unprecedented in its skillful execution, scope, and success. Gambian dissidents traveled, at great financial and personal expense […]


Former SG Sabally In Tears

Kairo News crew is trying to verify the incidence of former President Jammeh’s right hand man, SG Momdou Sabally sobbing with the NIAs. Our sources are working to confirm the alleged incident. If you were in court or witnessed Momodou Sabally sobbing, email Our Executive Editor Musa Saidykhan and […]


Gambia Puts EU Aid At Risk

DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Gambia has postponed at the last minute a week-long visit by two U.N. experts on torture and extrajudicial killings, a move they said was ‘extremely worrying’ and cast doubt on the  country’s commitment to a better human rights record. The European Union, which has given […]


Wounded Jammeh Vents Anger On His Personal Guard

The Gambia’s wounded President has started venting anger on those close to him, with his Personal Protection Officer Col. Umpa Mendy becoming the first victim. President Yahya Jammeh on Monday ordered Mendy to be demoted from Colonel to Lance Corporal. Mendy was part of the presidential delegation booed, yelled at and […]


Pa Bojang Escapes Jammeh's Wrath

The head of Kanilai International Group has completely escaped President Yahya Jammeh’s wrath. Pa Ousman Bojang who jumped bail in April this year finally landed in the United States on Sunday. Prior to his US travel, Mr. Bojang had been living in Senegal where Gambian intelligence agents were tracking his […]


Bombardier Is Still Alive But …

Kairo News can confirm with confidence that the former army Lt. Col. Kawsu Camara alias Bombardier is alive and kicking, although he is going through hell. “Bombardier is still alive and kicking,” our indefatigable Revealer confirmed. “He is still in Mile 2 Central Prison,” the Revealer said, adding that “President […]