Search Results for "what"


My Dozen Wishes For The Gambia In 2019

I wish President Barrow will focus on development efforts more in line with the Lamenkoto-Passamace road project. Both Kiang and Nuimi -especially, are in DESPERATE need of similar projects. I wish President Barrow will shun the court jesters around him who are pushing him into unnecessary and diversionary things like […]


CRC Receives More Position Papers

Press Release For Immediate Release As the consultation process continues to gather momentum, more organizations have presented their position papers to the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC). The latest to submit their papers, were the Women’s Bureau, Central Bank of the Gambia, Africans Rising and a youth civil society coalition led […]


President Barrow’s New Year’s Speech

END OF YEAR MESSAGE BY HIS EXCELLENCY, MR. ADAMA BARROW PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA 31ST DECEMBER 2018 Fellow Gambians, Friends of The Gambia, Distinguished Listener and Viewers, The wheel of another year has come full cycle, as today marks the end of 2018. In view of all […]


Gambia 2018: Personal Experience and Observations

By Saul Saidykhan To close out this series, I circle back to my initial allusion to what I deem the bane of contemporary Gambia: lack of any enforcement of Regulations or Standards (where they exist) in Gambian social or public live. I’ll present the reality by segment. First, my initial night in […]


Re: Gambia and Secularism

Great piece and very well presented however, I am not convinced that the idea of secularism in the political context, as adopted today by countries like The Gambia, reflects the philosophical meaning of the ideology as conceived by the developers of the idea or its intended purpose(s), as presented by […]


Gambia and Secularism

I want to begin with a brief philosophical study and analysis of secularism and subsequently discuss it in the context of the Gambia. Secular means without religion. Secularism is the belief that religion should be a private, personal and voluntary affair that does not impose upon other people.  It is the […]


Your A B C and 1 2 3 of Political Economy

By Sarjo Bayang Part 25: Politicians that Cannot Fix our Economy are not fit for the job Everywhere around the world, public outcry gets louder about failure of politicians fixing the national economy while they feed on it with open access to collectively owned resources. In the job description of […]


APRC Declares Jammeh Flagbearer

The ousted ruling Alliance for Patriotic Re-orientation and Construction (APRC) at the weekend held its Congress at Bwiam village in West Coast Region. In a surprise move, party delegates issued resolutions electing and adopting its exiled leader Yahya Jammeh as the Supreme leader until 2018. The Congress also nominated Mr. […]