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GPU Damns Reporter’s Mistreatment

GPU deeply concerned by rough-handling of Journalist Mafugi Ceesay by security agents The Gambia Press Union is calling on the Gambia Armed Forces to investigate the case of Mafugi Ceesay of The Voice Newspaper. The journalist reported that he was maltreated by men in military uniform during the President’s meeting […]


Remanded Thione Sheds Tears

The remanded Senegalese music icon is reported to have shed tears in prison. Thione Seck, who is facing money laundering charges, says the tears are not connected to his case. “I do not cry because I am in detention, but for the difficult conditions under which many prisoners are currently […]


UK Minister Reacts To Gambia Expulsion

Member of Parliament for Rochford and Southend East. Minister for Africa, Caribbean, and the Overseas Territories in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The United Kingdom Minister for Africa has expressed disappointment about the expulsion of the European Union diplomat in The Gambia. James Duddridge, also a Conservative Member of Parliament […]


UDP West Coast Tour Itinerary

In the quest to reach out to every corner of the country, the United Democratic Party (UDP) is commencing the Third phase of their nationwide tour today. After the successful completion of First leg of the countrywide tour and the regional tour of Lower River Region last week. The UDP is going […]


Is America The Promised Heaven On Earth?

Have the chilling racial statistics besmirched the tantalizing image of the world’s only super power nation? Opinion by Lamin Sabally, Minneapolis, Minnesota Unreservedly, I am an unapologetic proud naturalized American of undiminished Gambian pedigree, admittedly. An infinitesimal proof is I still continue to cautiously chase the American dream of getting […]