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Magistrate Jaiteh Joins The List

  Is Magistrate Jaiteh Targeted For Freeing Caliph Hydara? The Magistrate who threw away the senseless case against the Caliph General of Darsilameh Sanghajor has joined the list of those illegally arrested and detained without appearing un court or charged. Magistrate Ebrima Jaiteh in May this year freed Sheikh Muhideen Hydara […]


White Lives Matter! Black Officers Charged

Luntango Suun Gann Gi muses from London, UK Two dumb trigger-happy police officers from Louisiana, Mississippi USA, made the mistakes of their lives when, having racially profiled a runaway driver of being a Negro, like themselves, they opened fire to “neutralise” the suspect. Unfortunately for the officers, the miscreant driver […]


Women Drink Jammeh’s Bitter Pills

Women – Number 1 Victims Of Gambia’s Military Dictatorship By Max Dictator Yayah Jammeh’s regime false propaganda and misinformation about Gambian women’s advancement under his regime is no longer effective. It is indeed erroneous and outright false to state that women are the biggest beneficiaries of this regime in the […]


Beyond Alassane Ouattara’s Victory

After a landslide victory in Côte d’Ivoire’s recent presidential election, Alassane Ouattara was sworn in for a second term on Tuesday, 3 November. The organisation and outcome of the election happened in a peaceful way, but this does not necessarily make it a democratic success story, and several key observations […]


Gambians Reject Jammeh’s Sacrifice

Gambian leader has reportedly reached the height of desperation and has therefore resorted to a sacrifice spree, slaughtering camels to consolidate his crown. Authoritative sources further tell Kairo News that the desperate President is also hosting a 24-hour Quranic recitation at State House in the capital Banjul. “President Yahya Jammeh’s […]


ECOWAS Court Seeks French Support

The President of the ECOWAS [Economic Community of West African States] Court of Justice, Justice Maria Do Céu Silva Monteiro, has called for French support in strengthening the court towards the successful discharge of its mandate. He said the court is the last bastion for the defence of the human […]