Search Results for "a"


Where’s My Change?

Three starving men – an Afro-America, a West Indian and a Nigeria – lived together in London. They devised a plan to beat starvation. The plan was to eat at a nearby restaurant without paying a dime.  The Afro-American volunteered to go first. He ordered three food and drinks. “Here […]


Remembering Amilcar Cabral

By Sainey Faye AMILCAR CABRAL – 1924-1973, A REVOLUTIONARY AFRICAN HERO Remembering Amilcar Cabral (Abel DjassI) “KAABU NYANGCHO” -1924-1973 JANUARY 20TH, 1973 …On this date Amilcar Cabral, one of Africa’s greatest revolutionaries was killed by Portuguese Colonialist agents in Conakry, Guinea.A true Pan-Africanist and an outstanding theoritician of the anti-colonial, anti-imperialist struggle; […]