Toubab Who Diagnoses Yahya Jammeh

Since July 1994, Gambians have been debating whether their president needs psychiatric treatment. While the diaspora media openly write or state that Yahya Jammeh grapples with psychiatric problems, Gambians murmur in their homes for fear of being disappeared, chained or tortured to death. But one man has posted a video on social media, nailing the coffin on the debate. Binney Williamson – a Gambian in spirit and soul – paints a perfect picture of Gambian dictator. The Swedish is convinced that Jammeh definitely needs psychiatric treatment. The toubab who speaks perfect local Wolof dialect proves why Yahya Jammeh is far from being normal. Williamson who currently lives in Sweden has been making a lot of videos on the Gambia’s dictatorship but he agrees that this one depicts seriousness. The man who grew up in the Gambia admitted that this video is unique in the sense that it is related to his profession of clinical social counseling which involves detecting people with early signs of mental disorders. He is convinced that Yahya Jammeh’s character matches with people struggling with mental disorders, especially personality disorder. Williamson says Gambian leader has and continues to exhibit all signs of mental abnormality. Such people, among others, become obsessed with titles, personal achievements, self importance or enjoyed hurting others. Watch Mr. Williamson’s 11 minute video for yourself and extract chaff from the wind.


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