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The Political Martyrdom Of Ousainou Darboe

By Sulayman (Saul) Saidykhan  When I was writing my last opinion some days ago, I was unaware that lawyer Ousainou Darboe, leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP) and his entire executive, some other associates, and relatives that were arrested with him in mid-April this year were all- but-one, convicted […]


No Theocracy in Islam

By: Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh The extensive interest in Islam recently in the world, has occasionally caused confusion as a result of ignorance and misinformation. Distortions of the teachings of Islam  through myopic lenses  have resulted from negative passions. Therefore, the task of understanding Islam as lived and viewed traditionally […]


The Unbearable Burden of Yaya Jammeh

  The Unbearable Burden of Yaya Jammeh By Saul saidykhan If history is anything to go by, tomorrow, the cause of The Gambia’s ongoing needless tragedy Yaya Jammeh would be spending millions of Dollars to throw another outlandish party in celebrating his usurpation of power in our country for twenty-two […]


UDP Wants Nigerian Judges To Leave

The deputy party leader of the opposition United Democratic Party has written to the President of Nigerian Bar Association, calling for the withdrawal of Nigeria’s legal technical assistance to the Gambia. Aji Aji Mariama Secka’s petition came in the wake of the illegal prosecution and sentencing of opposition leadership and […]


Gambia: Prison sentences for opposition leaders continues downward spiral for human rights

The conviction of opposition leader Ousainou Darboe and 18 other peaceful protestors highlights the continuing downward spiral for human rights in Gambia, Amnesty International said today. Following a court decision this afternoon, 19 people including the leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP) have been sentenced to three years imprisonment. […]


From Prezidom to Family Nation

By Baba Galleh Jallow Unlike Africa’s current nation-state system, the chiefdoms, kingdoms and empires that existed in precolonial Africa had fluid boundaries that expanded or contracted depending on the power or weakness of their central governments. Some of them had wise rulers who treated their subjects in a kind and […]