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Gambia Coalition’s Post Election Strategy

As European Union election observers are banned from the country to monitor this December election, Gambian opposition coalition leadership must have contingency plan for post election challenges in place to ensure that the voices of vast majority of citizenry are respected and implemented. Anywhere in the world, Dictators never hand […]


No Islamic State In Islam

By: Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh (FHAE, FRSA, UK) Islam is a divinity, a theology and a revelation that should not be used for personal interests and promotion of an ideology. Upon his arrival at Yathrib that became known as Medina, the Prophet of Islam Muhammad did not convert it. Rather […]


Christmas is coming!!!

Christmas is coming!!! By Paul Gomez   Christmas is coming and it is a festive season that we Christians cherish and have been celebrating with our Muslim relatives and friends since time immemorial. I hope and pray that we continue to celebrate and enjoy Christmas and other Christian feasts in […]


Is Gambia Reaching The Political Breaking Point?

By Dr Ebrima Ceesay For many years now, the Gambian situation has been deteriorating, but in recent months, it has in fact, worsened. After several years of economic decline, the situation in the Gambia is becoming too desperate and unsustainable. Therefore, important questions to be asked are: Is the Gambia […]


Why Jammeh Blocks EU Monitors

President Yahya Jammeh has once again made international headlines for wrong reasons. Mr. Jammeh’s refusal to allow the European Union election observers in the country has raised doubts as to whether the December 1st presidential contest will be free and fair. It also demonstrates the weakness of the Independent Electoral […]


Personal Plea To All Gambians

By Muhammad Bai Drammeh My Gambian brothers and sisters, my fathers and my mothers, my uncles and aunts, my nephews and my nieces, my sons and my daughters, my grandfathers and my grandmothers; I am appealing to you to go out and vote for the sake of democracy. For all […]


Jammeh Kneeling Down Before Elders

President Yahya Jammeh has once again become the source of speculation and controversy. Gambian leader is on a campaign tour, ahead of December 1st presidential elections. Mr. Jammeh’s this year’s tour is unique in the sense that he has held very few rallies in the North Bank Region. Instead of […]