Search Results for "what"


Girl Stabs 'Baby Daddy' To Death

Mariama Konteh alias ‘Kuku’ from the Bakau quarter known as ‘Farokono’, has been arrested for stabbing to death her boyfriend, Tijan Bah, 23, Wednesday evening not far from the offices of The Standard newspaper. A visibly grief-stricken aunty of the deceased, Aji Fatou Jallow, yesterday told The Standard: “I understand […]


Jammeh’s “Graceful Exit” Part 2

Of late, there seems to be calls for those surrounding that Monster, from his bodyguards, cooks, to his ministers, and so on, to “abandon ship”, or “abscond” and leave this Monster to “wallow”. Why these calls were not made 10, or 15 years ago? There are so many questions to […]


Jammeh’s “Graceful Exit”

FIRST AND FOREMOST, I want you to, when reading both parts of this thesis, keep this in mind: This PIECE is not about you, me, any other political party or entity, at home or overseas, nor is it about any other thing, object, entity or person. It is about THE […]


Serious Crisis Engulfs Gambia

Now little over 20 years since the “Military with a Difference” took over the reigns of power in the Gambia. Too many promises were made and people were so excited that at last meaningful changes were coming to a country living by hope. Today the Gambia holds top record for […]


OJ Misfired At Lawyer Darboe

Sort PPP Out Instead Of Meddling Into UDP’s Internal Business Dear Sir, I would like to make a rejoinder to a story you published in your newspaper captioned “Darboe should step aside now -says OJ Jallow”. I read with an utter dismay OJ’S personal attack on Ousainu Darboe’s leadership of […]


One Word for OJ and Darboe

From Sarjo Bayang Current exchange of heated words between key political personalities Omar Jallow (OJ) of People’s Progressive Party PPP and Ousainou Darboe of United Democratic Party UDP falls on the wrong ground at very wrong time. These two are highly respectable and big hope of many Gambians even outside […]


How OJ-Darboe Brouhaha Started

Double click above images to increase characters.   DARBOE SAYS PPP IS  PAROCHIAL, SECTARIAN United Democratic Party leader Ousainou Darboe has condemned Omar Jallow’s (OJ) futjitsu in calling for him to abdicate leadership of his party. BY SAINEY DARBOE In an interview with The Standard at his offices yesterday, theveteran […]