Search Results for "a"


PDOIS Haters Are At It Again!

We have heard it before and they are at it again. This is what they are good at. Instead of congratulating President Barrow and his delegation’s China trip successes, haters return to their hateful behaviour. They launched personal attacks on President Adama Barrow and Foreign Minister Ousainou Darboe. Alagi Yorro […]


A Case For A New Constitution

By Foday Samateh The purpose here is to state, in principle, our freedom and right as a nation to have a new Constitution. I must begin by admitting that I wasn’t following the proceedings in the National Assembly on the bill for a new Constitution. I took it for granted that […]


Jappineh Set For Revival Agenda

In their bid to revitalise, foster unity and accelerate development, youths of Jappineh organise a week-long forum at the Central Jarra village. The youth forum injects energy into the Jappineh Youth Development Association (JYDA) which aims to bring the youths of village under one umbrella. Jappineh is a unique village […]


Gambia in Numbers!

PART I: Gambia in Numbers! CONCLUSIONS: We remained POOR, MISERABLE and UNFREE largely how we’re governed and our resources managed. Part I will look at GDP, Revenues and Cost (overheads) of government GDP Regression/Growth Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measure the aggregate final value of all productions in The Gambia in […]


Gambia Defeats Politics Of Fear

President Adamant Barrow has used his New Year’s national address to highlight some of his government’s gains and challenges. President Barrow says the Coalition administration’s gains includes restoring free speech and freedom of the press as well as knocked down politics of fear and intimidation. An age of dialogue and […]


Al Maulid

Listening to a speech delivered by one Sheikh through one of Sheikh Dawood Bojang’s Video clips, totally denying the very idea of celebrating the Maulid “Birth day of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), describing it as” Bida’h” [innovation] and an illusion which never existed in the Sunnah. The Sheikh went on […]


Why They’re Going After Alkali

Let me respond to an article titled “I Lost My Cousin To Alkali Conteh’s Beastly Brutality” written by so-called journalist Ebou Sohna, published by Freedom newspaper on December 23, 2017. I found Mr Sohna’s article not only troubling and lacking credibility but it was also designed to assassinate the character […]


Weah Wins Liberia’s Presidency

MONROVIA, Liberia — George Weah, the former soccer player known around the football-watching world as the scorer of one of the greatest goals of all time, has won the Liberian presidency, provisional results show. It was his third effort to lead this nation founded two centuries ago by freed American […]


The Gambia Regains AGOA Eligibility

The Gambia has regained its eligibility under the United States African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The Gambia had lost its eligibility in 2015 due to human rights abuses and the deterioration of the rule of law. The U.S. Trade Representative’s Office announced on Friday December 22, 2017 that the […]


China-Gambia Sign Bridge Constructions

State House, Banjul, 27 December 2017 – President Adama Barrow has concluded a six day state visit to the Peoples Republic of China which further strengthen bilateral relations between The Gambia and China. The two countries have signed bilateral cooperation to support The Gambia in the areas of investment and […]


Barrow: China Is Very Serious With Our Relationship

Gambian President Adama Barrow has praised the Chinese government for being very serious with his country’s relationship. He says this evidence is demonstrated by signing of cooperation in many areas of development. In an exclusive interview with CCTN TV shortly before concluding a week-long China trip, President Barrow sees China […]


What I Hate In New Gambia!

Irrespective of our differences in ideology, culture, religion or ethnicity, Gambians on December 1st 2016 weathered the storm by defeating the man who hanged yoke of brutality on our necks. Defeating Yahya Jammeh – the man who singlehandedly decided who survived, tortured, disappeared and lived, claimed to have owned the […]