

Suntou Touray Speaks to RFI

Seven Gambian diplomats have been jailed after being found guilty of running a tax-dodging tobacco scam out of the Gambian embassy in London. Judge Michael Gledhill at London’s Southwark Crown Court said the embassy workers had breached the trust of the president and people of Gambia after cheating British taxpayers […]


CORDEG Ongoing Activities

From the spring of this year to date CORDEG has been involved in a number activities and exploratory works in promoting our aims and objects. International/Diplomatic: CORDEG was represented at the Brussels EU/AFRICA summit planned protest Match in April 2014.Although the protest as originally conceived did not take place, because […]


'EU Aid Not Tied To Homosexuality'

European Union officials have reportedly dismissed the Gambia government’s accusations linking the regional bloc’s aid to homosexuality. “We are aware of the statement by the Gambia Foreign Minister’s intention to end dialogue with the EU,” a source close to the EU told Kairo News. “The EU does not link its […]


Remembering Nelson Mandela

By Sainey Faye Remembering Nelson Mandela – A great Revolutionary Leader (Born : July 18, 1918 – Died : December 5th, 2013) Some famous words of wisdom, from one of Africa’s greatest revolutionaries of the twentieth century. “It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, […]


Editor Elected Burkina Speaker

The editor of the weekly Bendré newspaper has become the head of Burkina Faso’s  Natonal Transition Committee. Cherif Moumina Sy occupied the position after defeating Ibrahim Koné in a contest last week. The council’s 90 members comprises of 30 opposition politicians, 25 civil society representatives, 10 members of the ousted […]


My Beef With Educated Gambians

By Papa Kumba Loum I do not have any personal grudge(s) against Mr Sabally despite that fact that I probably think that he has an exaggerated sense of his intelligence and importance. My point has always been that many Gambians and especially those who join the Jammeh government are hypocrites, […]


The Deliverable Constituency

By Karamba  Touray The largest constituency in The Gambia has always been the one opposed to the regime of Yahya Jammeh. This is not an opinion but a statement of fact as shown in the last measure of his standing with The Gambian people in the previous general election when […]