

Ex-Minister Hospitalised Under Guard

The Gambia’s illegally detained former Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs is reported to be hospitalized at the Serekunda General Hospital, family sources corroborated. Mr. Mambury Njie has been detained by agents of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) for 125 days.  The Banjul native, who had earlier been acquitted and discharged […]


Over Analysing Yahya Jammeh

Is it all about Dictator Jammeh or is there more to it? Kairo radio show on today. Gambians have somehow become addicted to every conversation which starts and ends with Yahya Jammeh. We start with Yahya Jammeh the rapist, Yahya Jammeh the murderer, Yahya Jammeh the corrupt President, Yahya Jammeh […]


FBI Allays Gambians’ Fear

It looks like there is some glimmer of hope for Gambian activists battling to cope with the fear and panic stemming from the arrest, detention and subsequent arraignment of people accused of attempting to overthrow the government of a “friendly” government. Such a hope becomes evident when a senior high-ranking […]


Kairo’s New Year Message

We wish all our readers, audience, whistle-blowers, followers and citizen journalists a Blessed and Happy New Year. We equally wish to express our profound and sincere gratitude to all those who support Kairo News and Radio in whatever way. Without your undivided support and encouragement, we would not have existed […]