

Jammeh or Bazzi: Who Owns Gampetroleum?

In the surreal world of the autocracy that reigns over the poverty-stricken, miniscule West African state of The Gambia, things, as usual , have a tendency of going one way when the world outside pushes ahead on another. So while everyone else is jubilating over the sharp fall in international […]


Fear Overwhelms Gambia

By Yaya Dampha The Gambia has become a place where citizens and those living in the country are not guaranteed the rights to security of persons and properties. Although these are guaranteed by both the Gambian constitution and international laws. Human rights reports illustrate how rights violations are perpetrated by the […]


God Help Gambian Farmers!

The Gambian economy continues to slide down the abyss. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth continues to suffer from bad government policies and the severe drought of 2011. Despite a strong start in December 2013, the tourism season failed to meet expectations. Both arrivals and hotel room occupancy dwindled. The re-export trade […]


The Woman Who Confronts Child Abuse

The woman who exposed the mistreatment of a 10-year-old girl has become news herself. Aminata Manneh, a third year university gender activist student and intern at an intern at the American Corner in Banjul, disappeared after she posted the video of a traffic police man beating the helpless young girl […]


Sir Dawda Jawara Is Alive

Gambians were last Saturday evening put through a false news frenzy that former President Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara died in a Dakar hospital. Kairo News was inundated with calls and text messages as people were in desperate bid to verify the story. As it happens, Sir Dawda wasn’t dead, and […]


Kairo Clocks One Year Today

The one year anniversary of Kairo News and Radio coincides with the golden jubilee celebration of The Gambia’s existence as an independent sovereign nation. The idea of the Kairo project was conceived at a time when a group of Gambians felt the need to better serve the information and entertainment […]