
As Political Crisis Continues, University Students Boycott Exams

Image result for university of gambia buildingUniversity of the Gambia Students have unanimously voted not to sit to exams until the country’s political dust settles down.

The students arrive at the decision following a referendum. Their decision has been premised on the fact the crisis affect their state of mind. Besides, some of the students are part of the security forces who are currently not taking exams because of their work. They also expressed disappointment with the outgoing President Yahya Jammeh’s nullification of the Gambia’s free and fair election.

“As their representative, we therefore deem it necessary to represent the views of the people that we represent,” University of the Gambia Student’s Union said in a news dispatch.

The results are as follows: Banjul 90 students voted against the motion while 94 voted for the motion there were 15 invalid votes.

BPA 54 voted for the motion while 42 voted against the motion. There were 15 invalid votes.

Faculty of law and Journalism 479 voted for the motion while 242 voted against. There were 34 invalid votes. Brikama 360 voted for the motion while 120 voted against the motion, also there were 16 invalid votes.Therefore the total numbers of votes for the motion was 1023, that of the ones against was 494 and a total of 80 invalid votes.
The students have spoken through this referendum and the decision will be forwarded to Senate.

University students should stay away from exams until the situation is calm.
