
Biden Defeats President Trump

The former Vice President Joseph Biden Jr. has become the 46th President of the United States. Mr. Biden, a Democratic Party candidate, has defeated President Donald Trump.

News of the victory sparks an array of American flag swinging on the streets, with people jubilating the restoration of a leadership characterised by normalcy and decency.

Americans went to the polls on November 3rd to elect President, Senators and House of Representatives. After days of counting and tallying of millions of votes, it was clear on Saturday that Mr. Biden has defeated Mr. Trump. According to major news organization projections, Mr. Biden secured enough Electoral College votes to be declared the President. He had amassed 290 Electoral College votes which is 20 more than the 270 needed to become the United States President.


President-elect Biden is expected to assume office on January 20th 2021. His challenger has refused to concede defeat. Instead Donald Trump is bent on fueling misleading information, insisting that the vote counting is marred by fraud. Mr. Trump’s campaign has launched series of legal challenges in many states on the basis that “the election is far from over.” Trump had several times declared himself the winner before the results were declared. He wanted a halt to counting of mail in ballots which highly favored Mr. Biden.


Joseph Biden was declared President after he had overtaken Trump in the state of Pennsylvania.


President Biden had earlier made history for being the youngest elected senator in the early 70s. He held on to his Delaware seat until 2008 when he was elected along with President Barrack Obama. Mr. Biden, 77, will be the oldest United States President. His running mate Kamala Harris, a California Senator, too has made history for being the first ever female Vice-President in the United States. She is also the first black woman of South Asian descent to become the Vice President.


Donald Trump has joined the list of one-term United States Presidents.
