
Official launching of the Media Development

Post Press Statement- For immediate release

Official launching of the Media Development Indicator’s Assessment, MDI project by UNESCO in partnership with ARTICLE 19

Launching of the media development Indicators Assessment MDI project took place on Friday the 8th day of March 2019 at Kairaba Hotel at 10:00am in Banjul. The event was organized by ARTICLE19 on behalf of UNESCO and also marked the first meeting of the national steering committee and team of researchers.

Following decades of work in the area of Freedom of expression in The Gambia, ARTICLE19 has been working with the government of The Gambia, CSOs and other stakeholders including media organisations such as the GPU to support the reform of media laws and policies to ensure that they are in line with international standards.

The MDI project is concerned with evaluating the development gaps in media sector with a focus on the system of regulation, pluralism and diversity, Media as a platform for democratic discourse, professional capacity and supporting institutions.

The committee is an inclusive gender balanced and multi stakeholder’s membership including:

Spokesperson andDeputy Director for InformationThe Institute for Human Rights Development in Africa (IHRDA)Gambia Press Union (GPU)Broadcasters Association Gambia (BAG)Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (TANGO)Female Lawyers Association Gambia (FLAG)The Gambia Bar Association (GBA)The Gambia Association of community Radio stationsNewspaper Publishers Association GambiaSchool of Journalism and digital media, University of The GambiaSchool of Arts and Sciences, University of The Gambia

The role of the committee is to:

Validate the methodology prepared by the researcher(s)Validate the choice of stakeholders that will be part of the consultation processComment on the zero draftValidate the final draft

It is hoped that this assessment will complement existing efforts in building a more sustainable media sector in The Gambia.

The launch was graced by the Hon Minister for Information and communications (MOICI) Mr Ebrima Sillah, the Regional Director of UNESCO Mr Dimitri Sanga, Regional Director of ARTICLE 19 West AfricA Fatou Jagne Senghore, members of the steering committee, the team of researchers and representatives from various media houses.
