
Whistleblower Contests Dismissal

                 Cadet ASI Omar Camara

Cadet Assistant Superintendent Inspector Omar T. Camara would not allow his July 3rd dismissal from The Gambia Immigration Department go uncontested. Camera was accused of failing to accept outpost transfer.

In a rebuttal letter to Immigration Director, Mr. Camara said was victimised for blowing the whistle, and that his dismissal had violated the proceedings and communication from the office of the President.

Attached are letters relating to Omar’s dismissal:

Dear Sir,

I acknowledged the receipt of your letter dated July 3, 2018. I would like to inform you that based on the letter I received in connection to SILENCE BREAK OUT from the office of the president dated on the 9th March 2018 and on the proceedings dealing with the petition, your letter has violated these proceedings and the communication from the office of the president, therefore, based on these reasons that I C/ASI Omar T. Camara is a legitimate employee of the Gambia Immigration Department and I shall be reporting at Banjul for work. The procedures dealing with the petition must be followed. I am not handing over any material to anybody because am still the legitimate employee of the Gambia Immigration Department.

Director General your decision about this case is unfair, I could remember the particular passport booklet was stolen from the office of the central cashier, this was reported by the officer commanding the unit and no investigation was carried out. That the same passport book was later discovered and was printed in the name of BORA COLLEY (most wanted person) what was your decision about that? Because that booklet was stolen by your own boy, so anything against you is an offence and anything against the state is not an offence or crime. This particular officer is working freely in the Gambia immigration and nothing happens to him. Can you judge that case and that of petition I filed against you? Is it fair Director General?

You were invited by the ministry to resolve this case but you decided not to respond to the ministry. The kind of management style you are exercising here is well understood.

Anything against the Director General Buba Sagnia is an offence and anything against the state is not an offence or crime. What was your decision against those officers who issued passport to Bora Colley?


C/ASI Omar T.Camara
CC Secretary General