Faraba Fatal Shooters In Police Custody

Faraba Banta protesters three weeks ago!

Gambian President is deeply saddened by reports of clashes in Faraba which led to loss of lives. President Adama Barrow’s office confirms that three police officers involved in the fatal shootings are in police custody while one is admitted at the Intensive Care Unit.

“Out of extreme concern and regard for justice and accountability, the President summoned the high command of the relevant security service and instructed thorough investigation into the matter as quickly as possible,” a press release issued by President Adama Barrow’s office stated.

The release added that Mr. Barrow has been “informed that Bakary Kujabi and Ismaila Bah lost their lives while Sulayman Jammeh, Sainey Sonko, Amadou Nyang, Sir Dawda Daffeh, Bubacarr Darboe Mariama Bah, Abdoulie Jobe and Alhajie Camara were wounded. Additionally, three Police Intervention Unit officers: Modou Dem, Alieu Camara and Momodou Jallow also sustained injuries.”

President Barrow “regrets such unfortunate incident leading to loss of lives taking into account how far we have come as a nation in fostering democracy and respect for the rule of law.”

Gambian leader “calls for calm and restraint while fact finding is underway to ensure the necessary action is taken” and that three police officers involved in the shooting are currently under the custody of the police and one is at the Intensive Care Unit at the Francis Small Teaching Hospital.”

President has consequently issued a directive to suspend all mining activities until further notice.


One Comment

  1. No socalled unending investigations. Those responsible should be brought to justice immediately. The national assembly should annul the indemnity bill. The government need to understand that every community should have a say in the projects in their community. If a project will employ ten villagers but destroy the livelihood of 100 people that project should not be implemented. The building boom is partly to blame for this
    I do not believe only 5 policemen were involved. The people who gave the order to shoot and those who shot the protesters should be prosecuted