
GYU Damns Attack On Political Activists

Gambians in Qatar adding their voice in condemning Yahya Jammeh for flip-flopping!

Press Release: Gambia Youth for Unity(GYU) condemns arrest and harassment of GambiaHasDecided Campaign

The Gambia Youths for Unity (GYU) has learnt with dismay that the outgoing APRC regime is arresting or threatening to arrest youths affiliated with “The Gambia has decided Campaign”.

As a youth group and more importantly patriotic citizens, we hereby condemn in no uncertain terms any act hatched or being hatched by the despotic Jammeh regime to unlawfully detain peaceful law abiding citizens exercising their democratic rights.

At this point in time, the Jammeh regime should be preoccupied with matters relating to handing over to democratically elected incoming coalition government and desist from harassing innocent citizens.

In the same vein, GYU wishes to reiterate our position that Jammeh should peacefully hand over power to President Elect Adama Barrow on January.19th and desist from intimidating citizens for the sake of peace and tranquility of our beloved nation. We standby by the Gambian people, the UN, ECOWAS and wider international community in demanding that the verdict of Gambian people as per December 1st Elections be fully respected. Our resolved to safeguarding the rule of law, equality and justice as enshrined in the constitution of The Gambia remains unshaken.

Long live Republic of The Gambia.

Your Sincerely,

Gambia Youth for Unity {GYU}

Signed: Fabakary B. Ceesay

Acting Chair,

The Netherlands
