The truth behind Yahya Jammeh’s banning of the age-old female circumcission otherwise known as female genital mutilation has finally come to light.
Gambian leader announced the banning of FGM in Kanilai on November 24th, 2015 during day 15 of his countrywide tour. Mr. Jammeh said he had arrived at the decision after researching the Quran and consulting religious leaders whether the practice is mentioned in the Qur’an. “But I did not find it there,” he said, describing the FGM as “a traditional practice. We could have allowed it to continue if it was a religious practice but it is not.”
Blaming FGM for causing cervical cancer and deaths in labour, Jammeh warned punishment awaited the circumciser, parents if circumcised girl and head of the village. The Jammeh government later outlawed FGM through a legislation.
Anti-FGM activists and groups showered praises on Yahya Jammeh for nailing a coffin on such a contentious issue.
But Kairo News investigation found that Yahya Jammeh banned the practice for a totally different reason. “You know Yahya Jammeh hates to see anyone who attracts funding. His anger boils especially when he has no control over these funds,” said a former presidential aide. “Yahya Jammeh banned FGM purposely to deny groups fighting for eradicating funds. He thinks the likes of Gambia Committee for the Eradication of Traditional Harmful Practices (GAMCOTRAP) are attracting huge international funding yet the government has no control over. Jammeh decided to ban the FGM after his attempts to implicate Dr. Isatou Touray and Amie Bojang-Sissoho in financial fraud.”
The aide accused Jammeh of being selfish and self-centered person who has supported FGM throughout his presidency. “Is he not the same Yahya Jammeh who threatens the anti-FGM activists?” the aide asked. “He has repeatedly said that those whose mothers are not circumcised should shut up.”
Dictator Yaya Jammeh is a dumbass and a wicked character. The man has no principles nor does he believe in anything. May his soul burn in hell.
Female circumcision, being rushed through unregulated, have (life & death) complicated health implications for both the female & unborn child; there’s no physical harm &/ risks in banning; especially in view of how unregulated it’s been practiced in our local communities in Gambia all along…
However to be fair to others (female) who would voluntarily adhere to tradition, the circumcisions MUST be assumed & taken changed of by the health ministry; be performed under medically regulated circumstances; the age for circumcision (for example) on any female MUST be at puberty & adulthood age; where the female (& ONLY her) must be let in charge of the decision & can exercise their own individual rights to opinion, on an issue with significant implications on her own life & nobody else’s; rather than being inflicted upon as before, by third-party decisions who’s rights are limited on the girl child…???
Coming down to the GREEDY kanilai MURDEROUS OCTOPUS with its poisonous tentacles inserted into all strata of our revenues, funds, grants & resources fluking our bloods & sweat dry, it was PURELY SELFISH AGGRANDIZEMENT ONLY which is the motive for the illegal illegitimate coup & NOTHING ELSE; the evidence has been here for ANY decent human of conscience to see…
Yaya DEVIL jammeh will kill its own Bojang mother, PROSTITUTE CONCUBINE Zenab Suma, AS WELL AS both the children Mariam & Mohammed IF in its (yaya’s) DEVILISH interests…
It’s heartening that Gambians & humanity at large are reading through, as well as divulging information exposures for all to work together to avert this EXPENSIVE CATASTROPHIC (CRIMINAL) MISTAKE of fate, that ever happened to innocent Gambia for last 22 years…
We’ll soon achieve liberation together; Insha Allah…
Long live the Gambia…
That certainly sounds like a very plausible explanation. He is a very calculating individual.
He is a very fantasized individual who thinks he can do or act anything he likes, in the Gambia. His hypocrisy needs not be puzzled out. His pictures don’t deceive no one. This one here is telling you, ‘look at my dangerous giddy gaze that is seeing you all Gambians even while I’ll be sleeping’. He is fake, hype and coward that is why he relies on military-like armed police and other supposed national security establisment personel and apparatuses to intimidate and oppress innocent Gambians to stay in power. The calculations of his peanut sized brain alone can’t get him this far. He violently intimidates and subdues Gambian under his feet with military like people and hardware; that is how he manages to clinch himself to power all the two decades. Just look at his fake face and that stupid bite of his cancerous lips. We have a terrible record of a national mistake that, a mad man have become a head of state in the Gambia.
Babu Soli
These are idiotic and banal arguments that do not subscribe to the truth. If the practice is administratively banned, isn’t that what the self-profitting GAMCOTRAP was all the time fighting for? With Western indoctrination into our traditional norms, that NGO(GAMCOTRAP) under the lame leadership of “Dr” Isatou Touray ployed on western fundings for personal aggrandisements. What is the fate of the NGO now that she had left it in total disarray to vie for political leadership? Wasn’t she incarcerated for misuse of the funds from Spain with tangible evidence of a Spanish lady’s funding files which were not admitted as proof by Isatou’s unscrupulous lawyers?
Now that the practice is legitimately banned in the Gambia, I would like to ask “Dr” Isatou Touray to go across the broad spectrum of Europe and campaign against female prostitution which is widely accepted in all European countries but a traditional tabboo in our culture and religion.
When the West says NO to some of our values and norms, why not say NO to some of their abominable values and norms? Only when we are neocolonialists and sellouts!