No one – not even legal luminaries – understand the rationale behind the conviction and subsequent sentencing of Gambian opposition leadership and supporters who were arrested and detained for merely calling for the release of their detained colleague dead or alive. Ebrima Solo Sandeng was not only brutally murdered but his family was also denied the right to provide him a decent burial. Any decent and law-abiding government would have released the remanded opposition detainees, investigate into the death of Mr. Sandeng and opened the door of healing. Even after admitting the death in custody of Sandeng, Yahya Jammeh regime remains adamant in its determination to lock up innocent people. None can strengthen Yahya Jammeh’s cruel mission other than his Mercenary Nigerian Judges. The outcome of the case is disturbing to everyone, including the President of Nigerian Bar Association. In this chat with RFI’s Daniel Finnan, Augustine Alegeh said it is disturbing to jail a leading opposition politician and 18 of his supporters for three years for unlawful assembly. Ousainou Darboe of the United Democratic Party was arrested after taking part in a peaceful protest. Alegeh said he does not know anything about Justice Eunice O. Dada, a former Magistrate of Cross River State in Nigeria. He would not talk about the case until he reads the judge’s verdict.
The president of the Nigeria Bar association needs to bring the disturbing outcome of this case to the attention of the president, Buhari.
Deyda Haidara
This is all good to know. The worst that will befall justice Dada is international shame for taking a bribe to knowingly deliver INJUSTICE to innocent people, a Senior Respectful Lawyer and politicians. She preferred selling her soul to the devil and Allah will punish her severely for that.
However the onus lies on us Gambians to free ourselves from tyranny and at this rate repression no other solution is available to us but take up ARMS and fight to FREE ourselves and our country.
Let us FIGHT for our salvation, everything else is simply to massage our pains that will not go away.
Jalika Gibba
The fundamental question is what is ECOWAS’ stance in all these? Yahya Jammeh has sent a message to Gambians that he will kill anyone who dare challenges his authoritarian rule. He killed 12 school children in 2000 for peacefully demonstrating for the killing of their colleague. He arrested and killed so many people for speaking the truth about his bad governance and lack of respect for rule of law and democratic principles. He completely defies the constitution and will do anything to keep him in power. Yahya Jammeh’s arrest and killing of political activist, Solo Sandeng and subsequent arrest and sentencing of the main opposition leader with his colleagues is a clear manifestation of his madness to stay in power at any cost. Fellow Gambian enablers, do you have any decency in you to stop supporting Jammeh’s evil course? It is people like you who are keeping this moron in power. Yahya is a loose cannon and he hits anyone, any place. A clear example is Njogu Bah, Momodou Sabally and now the brother of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Alieu Jammeh, Yira Jammeh, who was arrested earlier this month. Alieu Jammeh, I would like to see you praise Jammeh again whilst your brother is languishing in Jail. Fellow Gambians, this moron has shown us over and over again that he cannot be trusted. He lies about his economic achievements, Vision 2020, Vision 2016 and no one dares ask him about the progress of these stupid visions.