There are two court cases today. One is that of Lawyer Darboe and the April 16 protesters and the second is the habeas corpus application on behalf of Solo Sandeng.
Notwithstanding all the paper evidence pointing to the state admitting killing Solo Sandeng, today is the D-day that Jammeh’s henchmen and lawyers will formally tell UDP lawyers in an open court room full of Gambians that ‘indeed Solo died under their custody’. As usual, they will be economical with the truth despite swearing to the Holy Qur’an in the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Dictator Jammeh whose government suffers an all time low positive ratingย has reported to have secretly sneakedย out of the Gambia 2 days ago. He is believed to have visited his marabous in the region to help him consolidate the crown. ย
Today’s sitting is a landmark case in the history of a government that has never admitted to being responsible for anyone’s death — not even those in state custody.
Antouman Gaye and other lawyers will attend that case. Even though the state confirms Sandeng’s death, some counterintelligence officers have been going round brainwashing Gambians that Solo is still alive. Will the regime do the unthinkable of producing Solo in court? Today is the D-day in Banjul.
The state will also rest their case if they are not be able to produce any further evidence in Darboe and co case.
Supporters are travelling to the court as usual to hear how lawyers will grill Saihou Omar Jeng, Director of National Intelligence Agency Operations and one Dr. Lamin Sanyang on the unanswered questions regarding the death of Ebrima Solo Sandeng.
Modou Lamin
May the Will of Allah Subhaana WataAllah prevail on these witnesses to tell the truth. May Allah answer our prayers with great gift of last ten days of Ramadan and Lailatul Qadr. May HE, the All knowing the all Powerful Creator give victory to the defenceless and powerless Amiin