The intelligent operative who coordinated the brutal torture of April 14th peaceful protesters has passed out shortly after he presided over the secret burial of Ebrima Solo Sandeng, Kairo News investigation has uncovered. Mr. Sandeng, an executive member of the opposition United Democratic Party, was tortured to death and buried at the National Intelligence Agency outpost at Tanji village in Kombo North.
Saihou Jeng (alias Sir Jeng), the NIA Director of Operations, coordinated the brutal tortures of the protesters who included three women. One of the tortured married women passed out and peed blood for several days, fueling murmurs that she might have been sexually abused. Court affidavit only chronicled threats of rape.
The tortures had left their negative impact on some genuine spy agents who have since started spilling the beans, for they don’t want to “live with the sin of not exposing the true story of an innocent man who died in a callous manner.” They promise to peel off Solo Sandeng’s story in piecemeal.
Going by their account, Sir Jeng coordinated the entire torture sessions perfectly but he got his own battle to wrestle with. He passed out soon after Solo Sandeng’s remains were buried. The Kaur native started shaking continuously. He then became unconscious and fell on the ground. Jeng was bundled into the car and rushed to the hospital where doctors reportedly diagnosed him with trauma resulting from rude shock. Perhaps, this was the first time Sir Jeng had taken part in extrajudicial killing.
Our sources would not fathom why the same Saihou Jeng who was at the center of it all lied in the court affidavit. Saihou Jeng would have made history for being a truth-telling spy agent with innocent blood on his hands.
Dodou Jawneh
How could he ever be a celebrated hero even if he had come out clean? No such chance for me if it is true that he presided over the torture of protesters. He will always remain a dog in my heart.
Hi kaironews, Here is the number for National intelligence agency operations 4201279 . This is the main line where all call goes through . It has been working unless they change it recently. The analysis unit number is 4222225 . If you want you can publish it for public use so that people can bombard them with calls. Thanks .
Alimatou Sarr
Hey Mr Jammeh! The author is writing in parables. I think what he meant was that Jeng would be a celebrated hero for being the first serving government official in the country to have come clean on torture. In that he will provide answers to who actually ordered tortures. In essence, he may not be everyone’s hero but he will at least be commended for answering the unanswered questions.
Heroes shouldn’t get themselves recruited for Nia under the status quo in Banjul. They may train to be teachers, tower control operators, nurses, legal practisioners, doctors and so forth to help themselves and their families rather than apply for an Nia vacancy. All people working for this Nia can be forgiven by God but not my human conscience as i see. To me, they (Nia) should all rot in inferno if they won’t come back to their senses. Who knows Jeng was on that varge to come back to his senses and got himself into the claws of the horrible beast….They (Nia) should act too soon to come back to their senses before it will be too late for all of them.
We need a better photo of this blood thirsty monster..,his family needs to be told how Jeng gets paid by killing defence less Gambians, the bag of Rice he buys them is blood money..!
Yes indeed, its is all blood and bloody Nia. The time is near they wish they were not.
Hi kaironews, please we need a very good picture of the Donkey killer sir Jeng . People need to see him clearly. If my sister is married to this man I will break it up . If he is my blood brother I will change my sure name and I don’t want to see him my life . Baster
He is a killer donkey. He killed a noble or killed nobles.
Please read this foroyaa story in which they are still searching for solo , presumably they want public to be cautious because solo may appear . Bunch of hypocrites to say the least
Your obsession with Foroyaa/Halifa will put you in a mental home, unless you check yourself. Extreme obsession is a symptom of OCD and you are showing signs of that here. Just a brotherly advice.
You may have missed this very sensible view point in Foroyaa, whilst you were searching for what they have on Mr Sandeng (which is very clear unless you have an agenda), so I am reproducing it here for your consumption:-
@Foroyaa :- “In our view, the State could better handle this politically motivated incident by starting the process of political dialogue to discharge and release the UDP leadership and members. This is the only reasonable and justifiable way forward. History will prove that this is the correct path. Any other way will lead the country to a political blind alley.”
Bax , foroyaa is not an independent newspaper but a tool for business interests of Haifa and Sam Sarr . You have failed to quote the right statement about their search for solo . Foroyaa never treat his employees well . They report stories which are not critical of the regime. This is evidence by the interview below in which foroyaa reporter was censored by Halifa and Sam . I hope you at least agree this time because you cannot continue to deny the truth that foroyaa and Halifa are agents of dictatorship .Please see the true agent of dictatorship below in the story . This further confirmed my belief that pdois and foroyaa are working for Jammeh .
The above story tell us who is Halifa