
What Halifa Should Have Told Us

HalifaMr. Halifa Sallah, tell us about your meeting with General Joseph Bassen prior to going to Dakar. The Gambia is a very small country and everything is known next day.

Mr Sallah, you are not more educated than the rest of us to teach us anything NEW.

What we need in the Gambia today and now are:

1- Unconditional release of all detained politicians and party militants.

2- Call for a National Emergency Conference where ALL stakeholders i.e Political parties, NGOS’s Professional associations, the Bar, the Doctors and Accountants, Engineers, Journalists, Transport associations, Teachers associations, Students associations, Farmers associations, in other words ALL sectors of society must converge around an clear conference AGENDA and discuss the way forward for the Gambia. The International community must accompany this National Conference for an international stamp of approval. Many African countries have done the same “ALL Inclusive National Conference” when they reach cross-roads and why not the Gambia?

Jammeh and his government are out of ideas and have failed the country’s rules, the laws and the constitution. They thus behave as you rightly said with IMPUNITY which is unacceptable in a civilize nation.

The Dakar meeting must be seen as a prelude to the above proposed National Conference.

Mr Sallah this country cannot be handed to you on silver platter as promised by Yaya Jammeh.

This country does not belong to Jammeh. After Jammeh the people will decide who to entrust the Gambia thru a free and fair elections, devoid of foreigners casting votes in our national elections.

Mandinkas are NOT Gambia’s ENEMIES. It is Yaya Jammeh mis-rule that is the problem of the Gambia.

Deyda Haidara



  1. Alpha Bah

    Halifa is a hypocrite. He knows all what he is doing with Jammeh government. Dont mind him Allah the most powerful is watching and seeing us all. Allah knows what is in our hearts even if we don’t utter a single word.

    • Abdou

      Alpha, could you please indicate in empirical terms how has halifa been a selfish man.
      Also if the protest was not a udp protests then whose protest was it (please note that I am not implying that it was a udp protest)
      You further alleged that “Mr Salah is the most policy opportunist Gambia has ever seen”
      Alpha he who asserts/alleges must sounded God fearing and truthful. However the very attributes that sincere and truth loving human beings should be embedded with appears to be bereft of you
      Hatefulness n spite renders the heart and mind become clouded and toxicities. Just be ware

    • Abdou

      I have no doubt in my mind that history will absolve him. But will also reveal the haters of. Each of us knows ourselves more but Allah knows the hatred we conceal in us with the cloak of objectivity.
      Detractors will wither away as truth prevail

      • Maxs

        Abdou , please spare us with your preaching of words of Allah which some of you are so obsessed without understanding what it means . Don’t you understand that it is our God given right to criticize Halifa. You are speaking like Dictator Jammeh with his cardboard which he claimed is Quran just to further confuse religious fanatics and ignorant folks. Go and enroll at community college . That is what you need.

        • Coker

          Wooly, you are dishonest to the core. What are you saying. You are completely lost. You cannot extricate yourself from your Web of lies. Sorry for you

    • Alpha, calling Halifa hypocrite a million times will in no way help your selfish cause. Halifa is daily fighting for you and me so that our homeland will be a bastion of peace and progress for all its citizens. As you said Allah knows what he and PDOIS are doing daily to fight for those protestors who unbeknowing to them have been infiltrated in the name of UDP to engage in socalled regime change demos and found them in this situation. Halifa is working not to be paid by praises from warmongers but to be rewarded by GOD Almighty alone. So you will do yourself a lot of good should you weild your machette on the right person who is the problem rather than on the one who is speaheading the SOLUTION.

      • Maxs

        Yero , People in diaspora are more educated and politically aware than Halifa and entire pdois party . He has unworkable and outdated politics . An opportunist at best . I do not know what is your level of education but you speak like some who graduated from fifth grade .

  2. Maxs

    Hydara , I always count on you in speaking the truth . Thank you for your wise words . Yero Ba have said even here sometimes ago that Yaya Jammeh and his government have trust and confidence in pdois . Mr sallah is the most political opportunist Gambian has ever known . We must continue to expose him . He will never be president of The Gambia because Gambians have repudiated him and he has no support base which can make him win . In his self righteous press release , he claimed that a lot of people in The Gambia thought that the opposition are meeting in Dakar to form a coalition, that is the most dishonest and untruthful statement I heard from him . Such a lousy claim is further from the truth . This man is just spinning lies upon lies for his selfish interest. You will never hear him give full support to peaceful protesters because in his narrow and selfish mind , he think this protest is udp protest which is why he nearly blamed the udp for what he called if the opposition act spontaneously and found their actions to be mistake , there is no intend of crime . So in other words , he is saying that udp actions was a mistake . What a stupid and despicable statement .

    • Bax


      When Mr Sallah wrote that many people were told that the opposition was meeting in Dakar to form an alliance, he was talking about an event in The Gambia…an event that you cannot possibly dispute because you are not on the ground…Rumours do spread in The Gambia and it is not impossible or improbable that some people might view the Dakar Conference as an alliance building initiative..

      These facts are undisputable :

      (A)..About Mr Sallah

      (1)…Mr Sallah is resident in The Gambia;
      (2)…He is actively involved in political events and activities on the ground, which takes him around the country;
      (3)…He has access to reliable and verifiable sources of information, either in, or who can reach, all parts of the country…

      (B)…About Max

      (1)…Max is not resident in The Gambia;
      (2)…He is not involved, at all, in political events and activities on the ground, which takes him round the country;
      (3)…He has access to no verifiable sources of information in the length and breadth of the country…

      Therefore, when Max accuses Mr Sallah of lying, under such circumstances, he exposes himself as a shameless, bold faced LIAR. Period.

      • Maxs

        Bax , yes you are right Halifa have access to Jammeh because he is advising him and mr sallah is an agent of dictatorship which is why they speak the same language . So you are right , Halifa has access to verifiable information , no doubt about it . They both called diaspora warmongers and they both hate udp . A Mentor and a progeny

        • Bax

          Twist that anyhow you like, but the fact will remain evident. Mr Sallah is a senior member of a newspaper with reporters across the country. He is also senior member of a political party with party operatives in the whole country. So he has access to raw information. He doesn’t need Yaya Jammeh because Jammeh is fed doctored information to please him.

    • Haidara, you are behind time or it is your deliberate intention to misinform the readers. A National Conference was called for by the Foroyaa in its editorial column since the 26th of May 2016.
      All the same you are spot on for coming onboard what the PDOIS disciples have been telling you all these while that it is futile calling for demonstrations to change the regime. You even promised then that you will bring about change soon and we will see it. Do not be like Maxs who will only read his trash and not care to get information from opposite sources. He is indoctrinated to the core with hatred.
      Below is the editorial

      The Macky Sall administration has seen the need to convene a national conference comprising all the political leaders, religious leaders, civic leaders and academia to express their opinion on the way forward after a referendum to amend the constitution of the Senegalese republic.
      The conference was covered by the national media and each representative was allocated time to interrogate the mode of governance in Senegal and the way forward.
      In the Gambia, a major opposition leader is being taken to court in handcuffs for over a month now without even bail being granted. This is not the sign of a healthy political environment.
      The political environment in The Gambia needs to be sanitized. The type of language being thrown about and the hostilities being meted do not befit a sovereign people who should put the national interest before personal interest and who should act with concern and respect towards their fellow sovereign citizens.
      Gambia needs a leap forward from the present situation. Who is prepared to guide the country towards its better destiny is the question that every sovereign Gambian should address right now.
      The standards of best practice are now before the Jammeh administration. At least the Macky Sall administration has taken a step. Will the Jammeh administration take another step? The future will tell.
      Haidara, PDOIS and Halifa are on record for calling the release of the protesters since the incident happened. This is on a daily basis. He is also as chair of the inter party committee doing everything to have the protesters released and put an end to this incident. You are just bias in thinking otherwise you will not fail to know at least some of the effort being done by the PDOIS on this matter.
      If i were you Haidara, i would daily contact my party leaders to inform me regarding certain issues before i utter nonsense. I was laughing my head off, did you say Jammeh is going to hand over power to Halifa on a silver platter? Ha! ha! ha!

      • Deyda Haidara

        Yero Bah, there is an african saying that says” If a child (Yero Bah) disrespects you, don’t mind him just go and deal with his father (Halifa Sallah)”
        Go ask your mentor if he had never met General Joseph Bassen the emissary of Jammeh?
        As for Senegal, please do not compare apples and oranges in other words democracy and dictatorship.

      • Maxs

        Yero Ba , of course foroyaa will call for national conference because Halifa want to position himself as a refereer or key peace broker between his progeny and Gambian people . What he should have done is to condemn Jammeh and stand with udp completely but mr sallah has indicated that udp leadership spontaneously acted and made a mistake , therefore there was no intention of crime committed .
        In the case of Senegal , there is peaceful referendum on constitutional amendment and it makes sense to call for national conference before and after the referendum . When Senegal had political turmoil during president wade’s time , all political leaders came together and fight for democracy and rule of law . So currently , The Gambia is in such situation and what Makes sense is to fight for electoral reforms which the peaceful protest is all about . In The case of Senegal , it was mr Sall’s government which called for conference by inviting all the stakeholders , do we have such scenario in The Gambia ? The answer is no . So you cannot call for peace when your enemy is bombing you or killing your people and he is not willing for ceasefire . That is like you are surrendering to him . Pdois needs to add their efforts and protest for the unconditional release of peaceful protesters and electoral reform then we have such a pressure on Jammeh , he will listen and allow sanity to prevail . But it is useless efforts for the oppositions themselves to have national conference when the tyrant did not even recognize their present or the need to sit down with them . So pdois call for national conference without the above consideration is completely useless and waste of time and it Will serve the interest of pdois political standing which they are desperately try to improve since no one like or love them . It is like a man who never had a woman but when his friend has a conflict with his wife and he is desperately want to see the end of the relationship so that he can have relationship with the woman . That is the pdois case . Nobody love , they are unpopular and old with prehistoric ideas about politics . They are so desperate to copy others ideas but they have no idea of application of those ideas in a given situation . It is the same with their obessesion with primary election and they are so confused that they called the selection of mr sallah by three men as primary election even though the one of the three men was their returning election officer of the primary election.
        We shouldn’t fall for their cheap call because at the end it will give legitimacy to the regime and pdois . Let them get up from their sleep and fight for the country . Writing useless , disjointed and generalize statements with coded language will not solve the problem and this is why intelligent Gambians have repudiated mr sallah for his lack of honesty and decency to publicly state his position on issues of national concern . I think my ally missed the point here . Don’t allow these confused people to propagate their falsehood for their political end.

        • Deyda Haidara

          Marx, the objective of the National Conference is to hand over a blue print document to Government and the International community what the Gambian people want to see existing in GOVERNANCE in the country.
          It has nothing to do inter-party politics or flag bearer selection process.
          The meaning of a country’s cross-road difficulties is that there is an IMPASS within the country, between governance, laws and ethics and the people’s live which can lead to explosion if not addressed properly by ALL sectors of society.

        • “Yero Ba , of course foroyaa will call for national conference because Halifa want to position himself as a refereer or key peace broker between his progeny and Gambian people.
          I think my ally missed the point here,” said Max.
          Max, readers will now see how divisive and empty you and the one calling himself Haidara are in this forum. Infact Deyda is more sinister and is doing a serious disservice to the real Deyda Haidara with his retrogressive ideas and principleless positions.
          It is Deyda who said Halifa should have instead called for a National conference but then he was reminded that that had already been done in a Foroyaa editorial.
          It is now that you are coming to condemn Deyda for suggesting a national conference. Why didn’t you not see the need to oppose Deyda when he made the proposal because you did not know then that a national conference had already been called.
          In terms of demos, we have told you a million times that demonstrations are not in the PDOIS Agenda 2016. If PDOIS wanted to hold demos they would not hide it, they would simply announce it to the whole world and no Gambian will say i did not hear it. They would seek for a permit and if they are rejected one they would contest it in court. If they are denied it in court they would go ahead and hold it anyway since it is a constitutional right to do so.
          If they are taken to court they would stand and defend themselves like they always do since these are political cases, to let the whole country know about their position.
          This is why i said Darboe should just accept and stand for all those supporters in court and take it as a political case and not shy away from it. It is dangerous to allow the prosecutors to have an easy ride which can be detrimental to the victims as this is a kangaroo court.
          What say you now?
          Kinteh, there is no need to kick a donkey lest you be like a donkey. Smearing campaign of Halifa is Deyda’s hallmark in this forum. He is shameless to the core.

          • Deyda Haidara

            Yero Bah, you are a slave that will never accept to go free even when your master kicked you out of his house.
            Halifa and Jammeh dine together and this you or Halifa cannot deny. Halifa is a sell out.
            I have no time for your lengthly rhetorics

          • Maxs

            Yero Ba , I feel sorry for you because the man you are spinning for is just like Jammeh because he is deceptive and always looking for his selfish interest . He is another opportunist and dishonest politician who is always looking for opportunity to make names for himself . Why can’t he work with anyone but himself alone .

  3. Bajaw

    Halifa, Hamat Bah & the likes are the moles engaged in murderous dictatorship enabling in the opposition & doing yaya KILLER DEVIL’s dirty work; they tirelessly engage pretentiously for selfish exploitations but unsuccessfully; & then sabotage the opposition efforts for failures & at times, even trade the information about the collective opposite efforts to yaya KILLER jammeh; just what can any tangible & serious liberation committed Gambian much more a so-called “leader” in opposition be secretly meeting any of yaya Killer DEVIL’s agents & elements of death for, beggars believe…???

  4. Bax

    You do let yourself down sometimes and unfortunately, this is one such ocassion. Do you think any sensible person would believe in the existence of a pact between Jammeh and Mr Sallah…?

    Jammeh, who wants to be king; Jammeh who wants to rule for life; Jammeh who wants to rule for a billion years….!!!

    Is it the same Jammeh that agreed to hand the presidency on a “silver platter” to Mr Sallah….? Seriously DH….? How do you reduce yourselves to such levels…?

    You talk about unconditional release of detainees as if PDOIS had not already called for , not only the release, but the termination of what is obviously a political trial…Can we have some honesty please..?

    A National Conference, emergency or not, is required in The Gambia, but is calling one Mr Sallah’s or PDOIS’s responsibility…? Under the present political circumstances and realities, a National Conference, of the type we need, can only happen if the powers that be are willing and receptive to the idea.

    I believe, if I remember right, that PDOIS has always been receptive to the idea of a National Conference and has indicated this in previous open communications.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Bax ,your this statement alone proves that Halifa and PDOIS will do NOTHING except approved by his best friend Yaya Jammeh. Quote : “Under the present political circumstances and realities, a National Conference, of the type we need, can only happen if the powers that be are willing and receptive to the idea.”
      We insist that PDOIS sees a pleasure and an opportunity in Darboe’s & Co. remaining in Jail until after elections. But Allah will not answer your prayers and maybe Yaya Jammeh himself will not witness another elections in the Gambia.
      Yaya Jammeh is the warmonger by threatening to kill Mandinkas and not the diaspora as alluded by Halifa Sallah.

      • Bax

        How does my statement prove that allegation…? And why the linkage with PDOIS…? I didn’t expect that from you..?

        Common Sense is all you need to employ to see that a National Conference, bringing all stakeholders under one roof, is inconceivable without the involvement of the party in government, perhaps the most important stakeholder of all, due to its privileged position.

        How do you propose a National Conference without the participation of that most peivileged stakeholder…? Let’s hear it…

        • Deyda Haidara

          We do not need the APRC or Jammeh’s government participation in the National Conference for they are the MAIN problem that brought the country to its knees.
          This will be a citizen conference and not a political one that requires your privilege friends input. Senegal had one in 2010 without the PDS of Abdoulaye Wade and today the recommendations emanating from that conference are used to revamp the governance issues and the constitution.
          Bax forget about Jammeh and party politics, our problems are beyond politics, they are SOCIETAL and GOVERNANCE problems that need to be addressed and recommendations made by society at large in a National Conference.
          Whether Jammeh accepts the recommendations of the conference or not is irrelevant, what is important is that the society has spoken and their concerted voice and recommendations will resonate and can influence elections. The voice of the people must be heard.

    • Coker

      Bax, your detractors are simply dishonest hence the inconsistencies. Dhydara does not want halifa be handed power on a silver platter (this is a figment of his imagination) however he hastily went on to propose a “national emergency conference” through which a unifying leader will emerge. You see the price of dishonesty. When you are dishonest you become inconsistent and cloudy. By this proposal he is lending support to Halifa’s stance for a leader to be chosen through consultation (even holding a primary is ” consultative”.
      Hence “Dhydara” has blindly shot himself on the foot by being dishonest. This is how truth comes to be reckoned with. It exposes the hypocrisy in a person. Now hydara is Halifa’s deciple in calling for consultation to select a flag bearer.
      Those who try to cover the sun shall become burnt

      • Deyda Haidara

        Coker no one knows what you are trying to say..not me anyway?

  5. halifa sallah is must capable oposition leader in gambia day if any one fail to suport truth you will suport lies

  6. Bax

    Quote: “When a political leader acts instantaneously on the basis of conscience, even if it is later found that the evidence is mistakenly assumed, criminality should not be alleged…”

    Max, I am in doubt that you relied on the above statement to make your ridiculous claim that Mr Sallah nearly blamed the UDP…Now, quite apart from the fact that the above quotation is an “open ended statement”, which can have different interpretations and understandings, how does it nearly apportion blame on the UDP…?

    I am not saying that your understanding of the statement is wrong, because being an open ended statement, it can mean what you understood it to be, but the inference you made from your understanding is flawed.

    The inference is flawed because when we view the statement within the context of Mr Sallah’s (PDOIS’s) style of writing and usage of language, it becomes obvious that it is a general statement which is not specifically referring to the UDP.

    How many times have you accused Mr Sallah and PDOIS of “writing in general terms” ? Why didn’t you see that “general terms”, which is obvious here…? Isn’t this evidence of the double standards (hypocrisy) that I often point out to you…?

    In fact, when we read the subsequent statement, it gives the appropriate meaning to the first one.

    Quote: “Instead any contradiction between the political figures and the state should be taken as political conflict which is managed and resolved through dialogue…”

    This is clear and self explanatory and only an ignorant and hateful mind can see any blames (of anybody) here..It is a pity that your hateful mind is clouding your judgement and shutting down any sense of honesty you may possess.

    • Maxs

      Bax , mr sallah always write in open-ended statement and coded language . He is either a political prostitute or hypocrite because he want to have it both ways if I go by your explanation . This is their mode of operations which you finally agree . Please don’t change your mind about it because I know your next posting you will try to change your position . Their statements are general , open-ended and coded language . That is pdois and foroyaa . They never attack or condemn Jammeh directly . Only smart people realize this about them but confused disciples don’t .

      • Bax

        That’s your opinion Max, and you are entitled to it, but it’s beside the point.

        The point here is that you fraudulently and dishonestly tried to infer a specific meaning to a general statement, to make a false allegation..That is the point I made.

        Foroyaa’s role is to convey a message, in a way and manner, that is consistent with the ideals of the party..If you think it can be done differently, get off your backside and go start one that suits your ideals and philosophy or ask and assist those that you support to do so… After all, it’s a shared responbility and no one should have monopoly over the tools needed for the job.

  7. jah

    maxs believe your selfe is better then to believe some one, PDOIS doesn t force any any body to go out for uprising

    • They are laid back and worthless(Pdois). Udp worths that’s why they act with purpose.

      • Bax

        The bulk of UDP Members are in their homes; not in the streets. Just be honest to yourselves.

  8. Kinteh

    If indeed such a meeting has taken place with an emissary in the name of general Joseph Bassen (never heard of), then Mr. Sallah must come out immediately less the suspicion of accomplice hang on him.

    • Bax

      Kinteh please…! How can you take such malicious statements seriously…? Yaya Jammeh has no emissary to send from his battalion of Imams, Chiefs , party bigwigs and government officials…? He is going to send a General (God knows from where) that no one ever heard of…!

      If he is Senegalese, I wonder which self-respecting General in the Senegalese security apparatus would accept a role for Yaya Jammeh, given the sour relationship between the two governments…?

      Have you missed the supposed pact between Jammeh and Mr Sallah ..? Obviously, Halifa would have to live for a billion years and 1day to benefit from this pact.

      Please, don’t even waste your time with such rubbish…Easier to believe that pigs can fly than in this pact.

      • Deyda Haidara

        Bax,now I know that you are out touch with realities on the ground. For your information General Joseph Bassen is a new recruit of Jammeh and is the new state house commander. Bassen is a gambian like you and used to be an officer of the defunct Gendarmerie and later the army. He retired since 1994 and was the chief security officer of the Central Bank of the Gambia until his appointment about 4 months ago.
        Who will take those highway Imams seriously in the Gambia? Look Bax we are on the ground and we know what we are talking about unlike you who don’t even know who Joseph Bassen is. You are a big time disciple dreamer.
        Halifa Sallah will NEVER deny meeting Bassen an emissary of a special message from Jammeh. Halifa is so happy with the message and cannot hide it anymore.
        Details will emerge very soon and you will feel the biggest shame of your life in learning that your mentor Halifa conspired with Jammeh against Darboe, the UDP prisoners and the Mandinkas.

        • kamalo

          Deyda, when I first started to read your contributions I thought you were an impartial and non-partisan political observer. Now I know better.

          We know where your sympathies lie. You are a die hard UDP supporter, and like all of your colleagues you strongly believe that Halifa is your enemy.

          You belive he has denied Darboe the Gambian presidency, and he is working to undermine the UDP. Thus the level of hatred and spite that most UDP supporters have for him.

          But the sad reality is that none of these accusations are true. Halifa is not everything that you think he is. And he is everything that you think he is not.

          He is the best person right now as a compromise candidate for a unified opposition for the Gambian presidency. He is a formidable candidate that can unite and heal the country.

          But you guys will never let go of your hatred and accept this man. He has done nothing wrong to you. All his adult life has been dedicated to the service of his country. He is not your enemy.

        • Bax

          Please excuse my ignorance about the personalities in Jammeh’s set up. I had assumed that “Bassen” was a “foreign” surname…I have to be honest…I’ve never heard of that surname before.

          Anyway, what is holding you from “spilling the beans” about whatever is being conspired…? Go on and tell the whole world..

          Where or when did this conspiracy start…? Was it before, during or after the demonstrations, arrests and detention…?

          • Deyda Haidara

            Bax this is just tip off, the main course will be served in due course.
            Also let me be clear that Halifa was not the only one caught in the devil net of Jammeh since the 14th April.
            You see Bax hatred can lead to BLINDNESS and BETRAYAL and that’s what happen unfortunately and Jammeh capitalize on these negative sentiments to make false promises to certain leaders.

          • Maxs

            Bax , you are too ignorant of what Jammeh is capable of doing which is why you are supporting Halifa who is spinning for Jammeh. The fact that you did not know Mr Bassen tells me you know little about The Gambia. Pdois fool people like you who are so vulnerable to their lies because you nothing about your country. I know that Jammeh is a criminal who is capable of doing anything in this world. The only crime Jammeh did not commit now is to eat people alive but he has been kiling people, watch the video of his victims, have sex with his own family including Jimbey Jammeh, give dead bodies to his crocodiles, rape women and teenagers. You have no idea what Jammeh does. I wish I can meet you in person and educate you about this monster. Jammeh’s crime is beyond the thinking of ordinary citizens.

  9. Janjanbureh

    We should not be surprised about Halifa and PDOIS since 1996 they have been an obstacle to any progress in bringing democracy in the country. All these open letters to the dictator is actually advising him to correct his mistakes and also showing the citizens that they are not afraid to tell truth to power. They rather have Dictator Yaya Jammeh to rule and destroy the fabric of the country than have democracy and rule of law led by the UDP.

  10. Ous

    Max I am tempted to question whether you have proper upbringing because you don’t post without using abusive language against people capable of being your fathers. How did you buy into this rubbish by Deyda is not a surprise because of your manifested hatred against Halifa. Pdois is not going to protest because of udp is protesting, they are miles apart in terms of policies and programs. If Deyda is privy to any meeting between Halifa and Bassene, he should go ahead and give details rather than spewing lies on this forum.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Ous, I challenge Halifa to deny that he did not meet Bassen who delivered to him a message from Jammeh.
      Maybe Halifa will prefer to lie but his INACTIONS and EMPTY rhetorics will prove that he dines with Jammeh and hates Darboe, the UDP. Halifa did sell his soul to the DEVIL.

    • Maxs

      Ous , I know your father has never been truthful to you which is why you are supporting those who are contributing to the oppression of the Gambians , I bet if your father was murdered and your mother was sexually harassed by jammeh’s thugs like they have violated those decent ladies , you wont come here to say i was using abusive language . Those who lack sympathy , tolerance and empathy are the very people abusing Gambians and they are help by Mr sallah who pretentiously claimed he is an opposition leader while he castigate the UDP and diaspora,. He is supporting the dictatorship. the reasons why we still have jammeh is because of people like you who are dishonest and never stand for justice . if your father was killed and your sister was raped just like solo sanderg and fatoumata were killed and raped , I am sure you wont come to tell us pdois will not protest. Every day i am making positive differences in people lives and that is what matters to me . IF you considered my categorization of mr sallah as dishonest and opportunist as abusive language then you have no brain to see how he uses coded language and deception /lies , he is spreading . Your lack of exposure is giving you limited understanding of how the world works. Why you guys not attacking jammeh who is help by mr sallah . Halifa is damn opportunist because every time there is event which threaten the regime , this man will come with foolish press release to divert people’s attention. If your father had raised you well , you would have stand up for peaceful protesters and advocate for the rights of others . you failed to reflect on yourself but you can foolishly and dishonestly judge me based on my categorization of mr sallah as a political opportunist.

  11. It is about the state quo in Banjul and I opt to use my head to see through it rather than rely on Mr. Sallah and the Pdois. They are hypocritically waiting for their turn to perpetuate despotism in the country. We are all arguing now but everyone knows what is real and what is not. The Pdois party bigwigs are the type of academics why the un-alphabetised Gambians are very suspicious of academics in general.

  12. Motafeh Mankajang

    Max, are you OK? Seriously, I believe something is wrong with you. People are in the struggle to fight the common enemy, who is Yahya Jammeh.
    But you and your shallow minded kind are all retarded. Your obsession and hatred towards Halifa/PDOIS is gonna kill you if you don’t wake up from your slumber, for Halifa is TRUE SON of The Gambia, a bastion of HOPE to many back home here. Halifa/Sidia’s names has already been written in the history books.
    It’s high time you change your approach, and point your ammunition towards Babilimansa. Halifa is in a different league. You will never be like him, not in million years. So, chill bro and get a life. You are too boring. Reading your comments is sickening.

    • I bet he wish the whole country be sitting in front of him and reading after him though you are likely to read acid and garlics after him.
      This irrevalent Pdois merry-go-round won’t save their day. How could @Max ever point his ammunition towards Babilimansa when it is the owl who manufactured Babilimansa’s ammo-proof.
      Destroy the ammo-proof factory to neutralise Babilimansa.

      • Maxs

        Ggapm , Exactly you are right . In the course of history we have seen many people like mr salah who were an obstacle to liberation struggle , it happened in south africa and USA civil rights movement when fellow blacks were the key detractors and enablers of the oppressive system . PDOIS is currently playing that role in the Gambia . I will continue to question and scrutinize and expose them whenever it is appropriate and needed. It is not only APRC who is spinning for jammeh but PDOIS is another fake opposition who is spinning for jammeh which is why only his newspaper and their party is fully functional free from any attack.

        • Nobody dares touch Foroyaa as long as they do not flout the good laws of the land. Only weaklings fear a huma nbeing like themselves who are made from the same flesh and bone like them.
          Darboe should stand for himself and help his members to stand for themselves or appoint new lawyers to serve them in court. It is dangerous to allow prosecutors with preying eyes to bring surrogate witnesses to give culpable evidences without challenge only for the judge to deliver judgment based on those evidences. Deyda and Max should be more concerned with their party’s present crisis rather than wasting all their precious time on telling lies about Halifa and PDOIS when they could use their brains to help their party at this moment of crisis.
          Just Contemplating!

        • kamalo

          Max, what do you know about liberation struggle? Stop deluding yourselves that you are engaged in a liberation struggle. Who do you want to liberate anyway?

          A classical example is what happens with the protests and demonstrations.

          People like you who should have been leading such protests and demonstrations, are busy in this forum fighting a psychological warfare, a war of words, with PDOIS members and their supporters.

          Meanwhile, those gallant women are holding the forte for you. Our indomitable mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces and daughters.

          I was so moved the other day listening to the their songs of triumph and hope.

          A liberation struggle is predictable. It is decisive. Nothing is left to chance. In a liberation struggle the battle lines are drawn.

          • Maxs

            Kamalo, udp is a party of diverse people. Women are integral part of the struggle which is why they stand up for their sons, brothers, husbands and uncles while your leader is cowardly castigating udp and diaspora using his tribal and bigotry card. He is despicable politician who should be ashmed of himself. Whenever women lead any struggle there is always hope to see the end of oppression. Rosa Parks was defiant which led to civil rights movement energized and today she is in the history book as one of the pioneers of civil rights movement and political freedom. Your myopic mind didn’t allow you to understand that. Those beautiful songs sang by our mothers and sisters are inspiration to all those who are ready to liberate our country. It was the same beautiful songs sang by slaves as their demand their right for freedom. It was the same beautiful song women in South Africa sang for ANC during liberation struggle. It was the same beautiful song sang by all peace loving men and women who are ready to liberate themselves from dictatorship. While your party leadership dined with the dictator, our women are fighting for better Gambia.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Motafeh, You will soon EXPLODE when you learn than Halifa is dinning with the DEVIL you think you are fighting against. This is what Marx feels and reads between the lines of PDOIS pronouncements and rhetorics.
      You will have a very brutal wakeup when Halifa will be EXPOSED in a sinister conspiracy with Jammeh.

      • Motafeh Mankajang

        Keep on dreaming, Deyda!
        It beats my imagination how a sane person like you or anyone can have such fallacy… Halifa and Jammeh dining together. That’s ridiculous and so funny.

        • Deyda Haidara

          You will soon see that Halifa is not only dinning but also winning as well with the devil Yaya Jammeh. They are now body-body.
          Since you are brainwashed fools who cannot think outside the box,
          Halifa will never deny my statement but fools like you can jumps around like monkeys waiting for a banana from the gorilla. LOL.

    • Maxs

      Motafeh , can you please do me a favor and read thoroughly mr sallah’s statement over the years . I have no hatred aganist him as a person but I do not like his deception and lies he has been spreading all these years . Halifa sallah is not a true opposition leader . I used to follow, support and read him very well for the past years but I realized that there is no iota of honesty in his politics . I attended many symposium where he was the guess speaker and at the time his eloquency made an impression on me . This was when I was in high school but as I get into higher education , I came realized that his eloquency does not match with what a true politician who is interested in political freedom will do . So I have since not given him full support and every time , he release his press statement , I will find alsmost all his messages questionable , dishonest , untruthful and spinning for jammeh . Many people who used to like mr sallah and supported him have now abandoned him because they have realized he stand for nothing but his selfish personal interest . You will never see Halifa sallah directly attack or condemn Yaya jammeh or even call him a dictator , so why he foolishly and dishonestly called us warmongers ? He is a political hypocrite who is spinning for his progeny . Please take time and read his press release . Make sure you read his statement well because he write in coded language and general statement . We are having a proxy political war with pdois and I will continue to scrutinize and expose his lies whenever he has release his statement . Until I hear from you again , let your heart not be trouble and understand that it is my constitutional rights to fight for the truth and justice for all . Let justice guide our actions toward the common good .

      • Deyda Haidara

        Marx, please dont’ waste your valuable time with this new PDOIS blind-man on the forum called “Motafeh”.
        Let PDOIS prove me wrong that Halifa Sallah is not talking to Jammeh thru a third party??
        Let them simply ask Halifa the question, but they are so SCARED to ask him any sensitive question.
        Brainwashing ideologies are as bad as military dictatorships. The disciple dare never speak their minds lest they commit suicide. That’s how bad PDOIS formatted their disciples, like ROBOTS.
        I came to realize that Halifa Sallah hates Ousseynou Darboe and the UDP so badly to the point of helping Jammeh in his SINISTER plans.
        I am so disappointed with Halifa and never thought Halifa will sell his soul to the devil just because hate.

    • Dodou Jawneh

      Mankajang, if you say that Halifa and his party are in a different league in the fight to end the Jammeh dictatorship, I agree with you wholeheartedly. But I do think this is a lower league, because you can, for instance, see the difficulties he and his party have in working with two of the main forces in this struggle – the UDP with the biggest support base at home and the diaspora activists that they seem to have turned into foes in recent times.

      • kamalo

        Jawneh, different league mainly epitomizes different approach. And yes, PDOIS has a different approach in responding to our political situation.

        The difficulty that PDOIS has with UDP also centers on this issue of approach.

        Given the nature of our political situation, and all the reasons that have been advanced that a party-led coalition strategy is not suitable and effective to defeat the APRC, the UDP stubbornly insisted on pursuing this path.

        Having failed in this bid on numerous election cycles, another approach to defeat the incumbency was flagrantly flouted by people like Max and Deyda in this forum.

        And now we are a witness to what the outcome of these approaches can bring.

        PDOIS is always and still ready to work with UDP on a coalition. But UDP has to change its strategy and approaches. It is working.

        The Diaspora is a force to be reckon with, no doubt about that. We only need to be better structured and more organized. And also understand that our role is not to change a government. Our role is to work with opposition political parties to help change a government.

        PDOIS considers the Diaspora as an ally in the struggle. A very significant contributor in finding a solution to our political predicament. They are not foes.

        • Maxs

          Kamalo , pdois never considered diaspora as an ally as it was recently demonstrated by Halifa in his attack on diaspora as well as his refusal in the past years to honor any invitation from Disapora . How can you claimed that he is ally of diaspora ? Halifa has the same hatred for udp . Udp leadership understand that you are a fringe opposition which is an obstacle to unity because you do not follow simple , practical and proven method of coalition but you are obsessed with your unrealistic and unproven method .. Udp leadership have already made a decision that they will not waste their time to work with unrealistic and fringe elements . After all your party is an agent of dictatorship . A three man executive party cannot be compared with a party which has close to 20 executive members , young , old , male and female.
          If People like Dr King and Mandela has the same belief like pdois ignorance political belief then millions of blacks in USA and South Africa won’t have their political freedom and civil rights . No doubt you won’t make any progress in politics because of your evil policy of not even condemning an evil terrorism by Jammeh .

          • Dodou Jawneh

            And Sedia had an interview with Fatu Camara. It didn’t go well.

        • Dodou Jawneh

          Kamalo, you too can spin now (lol). The phrase ‘not in the same league’ is used to express superiority or inferiority of one thing over another. I believe Mass simply tried to express his opinion of Halifa’s superior political ideas compared to other political leaders. He is not alone in this thinking. I have always heard PDOIS supporters repeatedly taken this posture in in Wuli where I am from. I thought of it as elitist thinking, if not condescending.

          • kamalo

            Jawneh, and by extension what is it that makes people to observe that PDOIS can be “superior or inferior” when compared to others?

            It is not in their manner of dressing. It is not the way they relate to other people. It is the way they process and act on information.

            And in this regard, it is their approach and response to political issues.

    • Thank you Motafe for telling Max and Deyda what they should comprehend and or conceptualise many years ago in this forum. They think ideas must be forced through the throats of people. This is why they make it their preoccupation to spin lies and slander against decent folks like Halifa who are doing everything to salvage our birth place.
      PDOIS did not participate in forums organised by civil society groups in the diaspora in the last two years but gave its reasons and also provided solidarity messages. PDOIS has not participated in elections since 2001 as a party until some people said they are afraid to go back to their party because they cannot make it work. Now that PDOIS is working to build PDOIS they come back again to say that PDOIS is concentrating on PDOIS too much and neglecting everything. When will PDOIS satisfy such grumblers?
      Since PDOIS has regularised and build their structures and branches and worked among the masses, held a congress, held primaries and selected their presidential candidate, held their convention and even went as far as making a proposal for a coalition with a written invitation to all parties to do the same so that we can make a headway. What will now stop PDOIS from attending any meeting which has something to do with coalition and change of the country especially now that elections are due?
      Max, Deyda and his kind will never credit Halifa because they hate him for reasons that are unjustified and holding the grudge that he was the one unremitingly responsible for the lack of success in their various agendas which of course includes but not limited to their parties’ agendas and other selfish plans and programmes but rather prefer instead to unduly label Sallah with all the negative adjectives they could memorise that are beyond any reasonable person’s comprehension.
      Imagine their accusation that PDOIS attended the conference in Dakar because Halifa wants to position himself as the leader of the opposition in Gambia; that he refused to attend the past invitations to attend conferences in UK and US etc because of his personal interest; that whatever Sallah do or didnt do is to boost his opportunist interest in politics. Can any sensible reader comprehend and accept these ramblings deviod of all commonsense? These are losers who refused to acknowledge that where they failed, PDOIS and SALLAH have mustered the courage and intellect to surpass and to fight on with the monster they feared so much as to run away to exile only to pretend that they are bravest beings Gambians have ever heard of. They talk as if Gambia is a mighty place where people do not know each other.
      Let Max unveil his identity to prove that he is much braver than everyone. Telling us the lie that he is having a lucartive job and how educated he is and all that puff puff will not take us anywhere knowing how many such lies he has been spreading in this forum.
      Thank you Motafe and hopefully he may hear you where he failed to hear a thousand others who told him the same commonsense thing.

      • Deyda Haidara

        You see Yero Ba, you cannot defend Halifa, don’t rely on this little new “Motafeh” to do it for you.
        I Deyda Haidara wrote the above article accusing Halifa Sallah that he sold his SOUL to Jammeh. I am still waiting for a denial from him.
        Halifa is fond of writing let him write and deny the statement. That all I am waiting for and not his disciples jumping from tree to tree like monkeys.
        I am TOO disappointed with Halifa when I learn about this sad event. Halifa of all people selling his soul to Jammeh simply because he hates Darboe and the UDP ?? Very sad indeed.

        • Deyda you must be daydreaming if you expect Halifa to respond to what you knew in your innermost is trash. Halifa has other engagements more relevant than going into forums where only negative adjectives are used against him. Even if he had joined the protest, you would have said he wants sympathy from the UDP supporters and that his actions are not genuine.

          • Deyda Haidara

            Dawda relax, I know Halifa Sallah personally and very well indeed. We spoke several times in the past and I had respect for him.
            But your Halifa , my Halifa has made a great MISTAKE by not taking the right historic decision from 14th April onwards. Instead Jammeh capitalize on Halifa’s mindset to lure him into delusional promises in return for mellowing down the UDP debacle. What concrete action has Halifa taken since April 14th except calling the diaspora warmongers and the UDP trouble makers that landed them into Jammeh’s net??
            Dawda am not a UDP member or any other party, I am just a concerned citizen who want to see justice, rule of law and democracy in our beloved country. Being an independent mind accords me to make independent analyses and take independent decisions.
            And finally I maintain my stand that Halifa made some exchanges with Jammeh and this will backfire on him for he sacrifies his basic principles of justice and fairplay.

          • Maxs

            Haidara , you are right Halifa and Jammeh used the same political talking points . Both of them are anti-udp and anti-diaspora . Halifa is just spinning lies after lies for his progeny Yaya Jammeh . These closed minded people will never see that because they never think outside the box . So forget about Dawda, he is back with his myopic view on issues .

  13. Thank you Motafe for telling Max and Deyda what they should comprehend and or conceptualise many years ago in this forum. They think ideas must be forced through the throats of people. This is why they make it their preoccupation to spin lies and slander against decent folks like Halifa who are doing everything to salvage our birth place.
    PDOIS did not participate in forums organised by civil society groups in the diaspora in the last two years but gave its reasons and also provided solidarity messages. PDOIS has not participated in elections since 2001 as a party until some people said they are afraid to go back to their party because they cannot make it work. Now that PDOIS is working to build PDOIS they come back again to say that PDOIS is concentrating on PDOIS too much and neglecting everything. When will PDOIS satisfy such grumblers?
    Since PDOIS has regularised and build their structures and branches and worked among the masses, held a congress, held primaries and selected their presidential candidate, held their convention and even went as far as making a proposal for a coalition with a written invitation to all parties to do the same so that we can make a headway. What will now stop PDOIS from attending any meeting which has something to do with coalition and change of the country especially now that elections are due?
    Max, Deyda and his kind will never credit Halifa because they hate him for reasons that are unjustified and holding the grudge that he was the one unremitingly responsible for the lack of success in their various agendas which of course includes but not limited to their parties’ agendas and other selfish plans and programmes but rather prefer instead to unduly label Sallah with all the negative adjectives they could memorise that are beyond any reasonable person’s comprehension.
    Imagine their accusation that PDOIS attended the conference in Dakar because Halifa wants to position himself as the leader of the opposition in Gambia; that he refused to attend the past invitations to attend conferences in UK and US etc because of his personal interest; that whatever Sallah do or didnt do is to boost his opportunist interest in politics. Can any sensible reader comprehend and accept these ramblings deviod of all commonsense? These are losers who refused to acknowledge that where they failed, PDOIS and SALLAH have mustered the courage and intellect to surpass and to fight on with the monster they feared so much as to run away to exile only to pretend that they are bravest beings Gambians have ever heard of. They talk as if Gambia is a mighty place where people do not know each other.
    Let Max unveil his identity to prove that he is much braver than everyone. Telling us the lie that he is having a lucartive job and how educated he is and all that puff puff will not take us anywhere knowing how many such lies he has been spreading in this forum.
    Thank you Motafe and hopefully he may hear you where he failed to hear a thousand others who told him the same commonsense thing.

    • Maxs

      Yero , whether I have a job or not , it doesn’t matter to you because you are not going to pay my bills . Isn’t it . So If you want to contribute , please make payment to The Gambia democracy fund .
      I do not hate mr sallah but I do not like his deception and dishonesty in deceiving Gambians . He refused to work with diaspora all these years but now he want to position himself as a leader who care while he refuse to support peaceful protesters . Mr sallah lack intellectual virtues because he did not have integrity to stand for what morally is rightly . Stop defending him , try to be open minded and understand that The Gambia is bigger than mr sallah or anyone .
      Remember , pdois did not achieve anything for 40 years in politics , just 3% support base .,

  14. Bajaw

    The Bassen surname is the same &/ (otherwise) as Badji(e); sometimes expressed or pronounced together (generally) as Badji(e)-bassen…..

    The Bassen (Joseph) criminal is a yaya jammeh element who’s meeting with Halifa should cause concern unless transparent in details….

    However, it must be crystal clear to all including Halifa that any handover suggestions from yaya jammeh (as merely farcical &) will be utterly foolish to believe in; yaya jammeh is PURE-EVIL & DEVILISH who MUST be rid of at ALL costs for humanity to REMAIN peaceful in coexistence….

    Gambians will engage the Murderous Oppressive kanilai KILLER DEVIL & enablers UNTIL total liberation, come rain or shine…..

    Long live the Gambia….

  15. Deyda, you lies are catching up with you stage by stage. Halifa who is given ministerial post by Jammeh for two consecutive times and refused it and even went ahead and wrote a letter to Jammeh to NEVER AGAIN OFFER HIM ANY SUCH POSITION because he would never participate in a government which has taken power behind the back of the people, would now go and meet with an unknown emissary of Jammeh to talk about handing over a presidency to him. You do not even care to what is positble and what is not. You think there are some gullible readers who would fall for your endless repeating of lies as to believe it to be true
    Read the Foroyaa editorial ofTuesday 14 June 2016 and how far you are behind time.
    Could President Jammeh hand over the Government to any Gambian of his choice who is not appointed Vice President or Speaker without overthrowing the Constitution?
    The Constitution of The Gambia requires the vice president to take over should the office of president becomes vacant. Should the office of president become vacant in the absence of a Vice President, the Speaker of the National Assembly becomes president.
    There is no room for a constitutional hand over of power outside of this framework without overthrowing the constitution. Hence, members of the opposition who perpetuate the view that President Jammeh has interest in handing over power to any of them are idle dreamers. The APRC has already selected President Jammeh as their flagbearer for 2016. Anybody who perpetuates the view that he is not ready to stand to guard his presidential seat with all his money and might must have belief in a fairy tale.
    Those who are perpetuating the handover myth are putting those who wish for change in 2016 to sleep. They are preoccupying people with senseless discourse rather than empowering to them to prepare to become change makers.
    Awareness and organization to prepare voters to vote for a coalition candidate should preoccupy the camp of the opposition. Anybody who is not doing this is part of the problem of the Gambia and not part of the solution.
    Handing over power to a chosen personality is a monarchical system of succession which is alien to democratic and republican values which propagates power entrusted through the expression of the unalloyed consent of the people. Anybody who does not subscribe to such values in the 21st Century is not fit to govern or to lead a republic.

    • Maxs

      Yero , you never think outside the box . How many Gambians used to be opposition supporters but are now in Jammeh’s camp ? Foroyaa editorial is an indication that pdois is working hand in glove with Jammeh . Hand over power to Halifa does not mean Jammeh will call him in broad day light and hand over to him , if that is how you understand Haidara’s statement then you do not understand it . You are on record here when you claimed Jammeh’s regime has trust and confidence of pdois and that is why pdois was never deny any permit or foroyaa newspaper has never been attacked for the past 22 years. So why you think Jammeh cannot strategically handover power to Halifa sallah when Halifa is now openly criticizing diaspora and blamed udp for their instantaneous demonstration as a mistake ? cant you read between the line ? Why pdois in a haste to select their presidential candidate when no other party does because they waiting for possible unity. when pdois support base is less than 4 percent of the population . Stop quoting Halifa which I mean Foroyaa when you want to make your case . Foroyaa Is control and direct by Halifa . Quote another independent source of authority if you want to make a case for Halifa sallah in that way your biasness will not be shown.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Yero Ba, instead of calling me a liar, try to read between the lines of the faroyaa paper of the 14th June to understand EFFECTIVELY that Jammeh did sent an emissary for that purpose. Why did Halifa wait until today to address the issue only half way, while this proposal was done in May.
      Now Halifa is trying to throw someone under bus since the BOMBSHELL sinister proposal is exposed out in the open. Halifa did not address the emissary issue, why?
      Who in their right mind will believe that Jammeh respects the constitution??? maybe you Yero Ba since you have a chicken brain.
      Yes Halifa did believe the news, it was too sweet to warrant analysing it on the spot based on lawful possibilities. But when the dust settle, and the idea now exposed Faroyaa will start to think and it is in this save face exercice that Halifa tries to portray, yesterday, today and tomorrow… Me Halifa, Me Halifa, Me Halifa… blablabla…Hello! some one awake?
      He still need to confirm whether he was approach or not by a Jammeh emissary.
      The whole truth will surface as the SINISTER plans get exposed out in the open.

    • Maxs

      Yero , i do not blame you because you are as Tribalist and bigotry as Mr sallah. All you care about is the stupid political interest of Halifa . All your attitude and deeds in this forum have demonstrated your ignorance tribal stupidity over the years and this is why foolishly claimed that udp and ppp were mandinka party and your boss dishonestly used coded Language to blame the UDP and shamelessly defended yaya jammeh.

    • kamalo

      Yerro, you have brilliantly shut down this idle banter with the relevant provisions of the Gambian constitution.

      I believe there is nothing more to say about this issue. It cannot be more clearer. Well argued,

      • Deyda Haidara

        Listen to this Kamalo the other chicken brain. (Lol)
        We are used to the useless constittutional provisions advisory letters of Halifa to Yaya Jammeh. (Lol) he wrote 10000000…of them to Jammeh.
        I said and maintain that Halifa secretly met an emissary of Jammeh back in May and Halifa NEVER denied this FACT.
        Instead he kept pouding blindly about the constitution this and that and his open refusal to work with Jammeh since 1994. (lol)
        Halifa did not specify that he will ONLY ascend to the presidency by people’s vote and NOTHING else including not being the next APRC candidate.
        Maybe Jammeh will ask the APRC to vote for Halifa if he decides not to contest.
        In any case Jammeh mastered the art of raising someone expectations high up only to throw him under the bus and expose him. Halifa be very careful, Jammeh is not trustworthy.
        As for Kamalo you are now degraded to a fish brain.

        • kamalo

          Deyda, you are the one making the allegation. Why don’t you provide the proof that Halifa indeed met with this person?

          Halifa who is so conversant with the constitution and its provisions, why would he meet someone for the reasons you have stated?

          More so when what you are suggesting is a violation of the constitution. You are not making any sense. Your attempt to be mischievous is quite glaring.

          How else would Halifa ascend to the presidency without the people’s vote? You are not making any sense.

  16. Bajaw

    The main issue with general failures of the struggle for liberation (achievement) is specifically the “voter fatigue”; (otherwise) the low political morals of the average Gambians’ (discouraged &) affected by the dispice (/dislike) of the murderous status quo (as/) & to the fact that the (salvaging) opposition parties, (who are) generally tasked constitutionally, mandated & supposed to work in tandem to liberate the oppressed masses all don’t honestly want to do collectively in unison….

    If the opposition parties could temporarily unite for the GENUINE liberation (first) ONLY; above any other secondary motives to human lives, welfare & dignities being abused currently unabated, our country will be saved; the reestablishment & sustainability of harmony, justice & peaceful coexistence should prioritize everybody’s concerns in the Gambia in these trying times due to Murderous Manipulative kanilai IDOL Worshiper Tyranny supported by enablers at the expense of humanity they all pretentiously claim to serve & belong….

    The halfhearted pretending coalitions in the past have all been insincere pretentions whilst being undermined at same time, just as we continue to realise & observe; most Gambians since along, gave up hope in elections, as (/which) results to low indigenous Gambians voting for a change; except for almost all the “950, 000” Cassamace residents in Gambia & other misinformed or selfish Gambians including the enablers who who are manipulatively utilized to fake results….

    Elections world over are numerical, as democracy is stringent favourably in majority; Halifa & disciples & the yaya jammeh murderous elements now masquerading as PDOIS supporters all know UDP are the real winners in any democratic setting on the grounds; so UDP as the perceived obstacles who mustn’t be allowed to threaten these two camps’ temporary (materialism) benefits by all means….

    All ( that) Gambians want is stop to murders, criminal women rapes, tortures & molestations amongst others; the victims of yaya DEVIL jammeh are humans like us all that NO materialism can (be) worth more than; so far UDP alone have proven that worth constitutionally enshrined responsibilities of realistically standing up for the oppressed masses through out these dark-age of our country history; without political reforms there are NO (real/) genuine but kangaroo elections ONLY in Gambia; let Halifa contest inline with his duties to legitimize dictatorship as have always been; realistically total liberation accomplishments are the estimated timeline for the Gambian struggle so we are behind UDP in front in the liberation struggle all the way to the very final end….

    Long live the Gambia….

  17. Motafeh Mankajang

    Max, anytime I read through Halifa’s statements, all I see is genuineness, selflessness, love for Gambia, and humanity at large.
    Deyda, can you for the benefit of the folks in this give the details (date, venue, agenda…) of the so-called meeting that took place btw Yahya and Halifa? It’s all nonsense! If you wanna address me as a disciple of Halifa, I’m cool with it as I see Halifa as a man who feels the pain of Gambians.
    I have come to the conclusion that your sense of reasoning/judgement is weak. Halifa has been showing his support to the UDP from the onset. Hating on him for not going to the street is idiotic. PDOIS had their own fights. They never asked for any support or attacked anyone for not joining them. You think Gambians are ready for an uprising? But you should know better since you claim to be on the ground.
    Wake up, folks! Halifa knew better. And how can anyone in his right mind think that Halifa hates Ousainou? It’s some of you who are trying to create that animosity. Those 2 gents have utmost respect for each other.
    We all have to learn from these past events… Ousainou did what a lot of you in the diaspora have been advocating for throughout. But what wadup the outcome? How many Gambians joined him? How many are turning up at the hearing?
    You said again Halifa is not willing to work with UDP or form a coalition with other opposition parties. How myopia can ya’all be? Halifa came up with a PDOIS coalition formula, and asked all other parties to come with theirs and then put them forward to Gambians to choose the most applicable one. But nay, the only feasible formula is; all the other parties have to rally behind UD (the party with the largest support). How dictatorial!
    They said “PDOIS is a party with a support bade of only 3%”. My question is; how can they ever be an impediment to anyone? Halifa won’t make progress in politics, yet again waste your valuable time writing pieces on him.
    Deyda, you rightby addressing me as “little Motafe”. I agree… I could be the youngest and the least educated in this forum, but I can reason well. I don’t hate on people for no genuine reason. I am a sincere person.
    A brotherly advice: please change that name. I see it as a great disservice to the great Deyda Hydara. He is a legend. And you are not a genuine person. Please, do us that favour!

    • Deyda Haidara

      Little motafeh, I want to do you this little favor for I know you are a victim of indoctrination.
      “Simply flip the coin and analyse the other side.” Some call it “thinking outside the box” and others called it “look and listen the other way too” etc etc … Juges need to hear all sides in order to deliver a good judgment. That’s what I did after observing for a long time and gathering facts and now can deliver my verdict. Unfortunately Halifa felt on the devil’s net.
      If I had praised PDOIS or Halifa you will NEVER ask me to change my name “Deyda Haidara”
      Now open your eyes little brain.

  18. Bajaw

    Why aren’t the PDOIS disciples & ANYBODY explaining why Halifa lied about the explanation of article No. 2 of the constitutional into “two powers in state” when the supreme power FACTUALLY resides with the peasantry population…???

    If at all Halifa is indeed sincere to God, (Halifa) himself & humans, what (if at all any) benefits Gambians, PDOIS & himself & family by manipulating constitutional statutes misinterpretations & misrepresentations for whatsoever reasons be known…??

    Why are Halifa, disciples & yaya DEVIL jammeh itself & enablers all pretending, ostrich bury their heads in sands & always shamelessly quoting the constitution in the kangaroo proceeding courts & in their arguments in (their own) defenses when ALL ( including for murderous dictatorship &/ against, whether Gambian &/ non) KNOW that there are NO constitutional abiding & observances (whatsoever) EXCEPT for their selfish interests ONLY under yaya killer devil maladministration & treacherous misrule; otherwise WHY aren’t the same constitutional provisions guaranteeing the victims’ rights not abided by & adhered to….?

    Halifa chose to be politician (by own accord) in leadership trust, whom the constitution mandatorily demanded (upon them), to stand up for peoples’ sufferings in honesty in its entirety WITHOUT fear, favour or ill will; INSTEAD of the manipulative manoeuvres (Halifa) contrarily manifested for selfish exploitations…..

    Truth is, Gambians WILL do WHATSOEVER it takes to liberate the Gambia by ALL means NECESSARY; this ENTAILS tackling yaya KILLER DEVIL (our common enemy) & ALL & any other OBSTACLES including enablers; UDP are leading & ALL the liberation committed Gambians are in this TOGETHER to inevitable end…..

    Long live the Gambia….

    • Bax

      I asked Max a simple question about the powers that exist in a state, but got no response…Could I ask you the same…?

      We know that there was a change of power on the 22nd July 1994….?

      My question is: What power changed hands on that day…?

      Also, if contesting elections in 2016 constitute legitimising dictatorship, would you hold the same to true in 2006 & 2011…?

      In other words, your logic, if applied to the past, would be that all parties, without exception, that contested those elections legitimised dictatorship.
      Where and when did kamaso stand up for “rule of law and justice…”?

      Or is alleged mutterings in Sedia’s mud house and “the bureaux” what constitute “standing up for rule of law and justice”, to you…?

      The fact that you quite readily accept unstantiated and unverifiable claims as truth, means that your understanding of “truth” is questionable.

      • Deyda Haidara

        Bax, logic for logic, PDOIS should have NOT contested the 1996 elections in the first place. They should have asked the AFPRC/APRC to simply go back to barrack and allow ONLY civilians (not soldier turned civilian) to contest the 1996 elections.
        This is exactly what Mali did in 1991 when Mousa Traore was deposed.

        • Bax

          Why only PDOIS….? What about the UDP & NRP…?

          As far as we know, Capt. Tumani Touray never expressed or showed any desire to continue, as head of state.

  19. Deyda Haidara

    Kinteh, General Bassen is the last Jammeh recruit as the State House Commander in charge of his personal security and the liaison with the Casamance rebels.
    Secondly General Bassen met Halifa Sallah, Hamath Bah and Mama Kandeh separately and individually to deliver a special message to them from Jammeh.
    All of them were promised that the APRC has no potential and credible candidate after Jammeh, therefore, it is possible that Jammeh will not constest as the world do not wish to see him even in shadows. Jammeh ask them to support him to deal a heavy blow to Darboe and the UDP and the Mandinkas in particular for him and the Jolas fear reprisal if the UDP wins an elections. ALL the opposition politicians agreed to the conspiracy including OJ to play Jammeh’s SINISTER plan to liquidate the UDP head.
    Little do these people know that ALLAH is the CREATOR and best planner of all things and the CONSPIRACY will fail like house of cards.
    It is ONLY Allah who decrees a leader.

    • kamalo

      So the conspiracy is all the other opposition political parties and the ruling APRC against the UDP.

      At least now we know, it is no longer Halifa alone who is involve in the conspiracy. All the political parties are conspiring against the UDP.

      • Deyda Haidara

        Kamalo, where is OJ presently? In UK.
        Did you hear anything or any see concrete move from Amath and Mama Kandeh to get the UDP people freed lately? NO.
        The only person GENUINELY doing all she can to have Darboe&Co. freed is Fatumata Tambajang. Period.
        There is indeed a CONSPIRACY but as usual Jammeh will throw them all under the bus. They have been TOO naive to believe in Jammeh.
        For your information ALL the detainees will be FREED by force and there is not a damn thing Jammeh can do about it.
        In fact it has started with the release of 13 people from the April 14th detainees.
        NEVER trust Jammeh, just go six feet deep and ask late Baba Jobe, or on earth and ask Lang Tombong Tamba, Momodou Sabaly, Njogou Bah, Jesus Badji or recently Ansumana Tamba etc etc ..
        Jammeh is a KILLER, a MANUPULATOR, and a TRAITOR.

  20. kamalo

    “Kamalo, udp is a party of diverse people. Women are integral part of the struggle which is why they stand up for their sons, brothers, husbands and uncles while your leader is cowardly castigating udp and diaspora using his tribal and bigotry card.”

    Max, it is a constitutional requirement that all political parties must be diverse. Our country is based on diversity. That is why our National Anthem celebrates this diversity. Our diverse people.

    You cannot have a political party solely based on tribe. You cannot have a political party, also, that is solely based on religion. Neither on discrimination based on gender. Therefore, women are, and always have been an integral part of the political manifestation and deliberation in our country.

    In fact, it is reckon that they are the most active and powerful political group in the country. Why do you think those who are organizing these women into the streets are heavily relying on them?

    But merely providing transportation and other logistics to these women to congregate in one area cannot be your idea of a liberation struggle. Where is your conviction and your commitment to your cause?

    “He is despicable politician who should be ashmed of himself. Whenever women lead any struggle there is always hope to see the end of oppression.”

    But the women are not leading any struggle. They are not in a struggle. You are the ones who are engaged in a struggle. All that those women see are the injustices that have been meted out to their sons and their husbands. And they will carry the day. Their sons and husbands will be returned to them.

    Rosa Parks was defiant which led to civil rights movement energized and today she is in the history book as one of the pioneers of civil rights movement and political freedom.”

    Max, I told you we are not in the era of civil rights. We already have our rights. All our rights are enshrined in our constitution. All you have to do is defend the constitution and your rights.

    Yes, Rosa Parks is a Civil Rights icon. And African Americans now are busy running for elective office. They are governors. They are mayors. They are congressmen and congresswomen. They are senators. We have an African American in the White House for two terms.

    Stop acting like a victim Max. Harnessed the power that is at your disposal. At least you are telling me that your are the biggest opposition party. And numbers matter. Use those numbers to take back what belongs to you.

    “Your myopic mind didn’t allow you to understand that. Those beautiful songs sang by our mothers and sisters are inspiration to all those who are ready to liberate our country. It was the same beautiful songs sang by slaves as their demand their right for freedom. It was the same beautiful song women in South Africa sang for ANC during liberation struggle. It was the same beautiful song sang by all peace loving men and women who are ready to liberate themselves from dictatorship. While your party leadership dined with the dictator, our women are fighting for better Gambia.”

    Those women are not singing songs to liberate you. They are singing songs against adversity. They are singing songs against injustice. They are singing songs of hope and triumph.

    They are singing songs that will overcome the present political predicament. The political predicament that see their husbands and theirs sons being bus from the prison to the courts. That is what those women are singing about. Hope and redemption. And you see it all over their beaming faces of determination and resilience. They will overcome.

    Max, the constitution gives you your freedom. The Slaves did not have a constitution that gave them their freedom. You can imagine what their songs were about.

    Songs in general are beautiful anyway. Freedom songs. Redemption songs. And I like those South African liberation songs even though I don’t understand the language.

    That is the power and beauty of songs. In the movie Shawshank Redemption, the prisoners were mesmerized when the melodious voices of those women singing in a language that they couldn’t understand boomed from their loudspeakers.

    Yes, songs are powerful tools to convey a message. To inspire and to give hope.

    • Kinteh, despite your gullibility, i don’t think you will fall for this open and simple lie. Now it is not Halifa alone who saw Bassen but all the opposition leaders except Darboe for nothing but to deprive Darboe and Mandinkas of leadership. I think only Max may believe Deyda this time around. You know i told him that his lies will eventually catch up with him. That is what is definitely surfacing now.
      “Secondly General Bassen met Halifa Sallah, Hamath Bah and Mama Kandeh separately and individually to deliver a special message to them from Jammeh.ALL the opposition politicians agreed to the conspiracy including OJ to play Jammeh’s SINISTER plan to liquidate the UDP head.” wuliya be I faa la le!
      Now it is clear to even Ggapm and Bajaw despite their slumbering why this nobody’s rant deserves no response from even Halifa’s Talibehs.
      Its a shame to call you by the name of Deyda. You are most appropriately named ‘Wuliyaafoola’.in this Forum from now on.

      • Maxs

        Yerro Ba, don’t you know Jammeh rule by divide and rule. This is the reason why nobody trust anybody. You failed to understand that dictatorship is a very dangerous system of government. Smaller opposition parties are sometimes paid to be an agent of dictatorship just to give them legitimacy. Pdois is an agent of dictatorship. The main goal of Jammeh is to stay in power forever. I do not deny or doubt anything negative story about Jammeh as long as his presidency and interest is concern. Jammeh can kill his own mother if that is what is going to maintain him in power. I believe that Haidara story is possibility because Yaya Jammeh is capable of doing anything on this planet. Please be open-minded.

      • Deyda Haidara

        Bax, the post you are refering to was done since the 11th but witheld by the Administrator until yestaerday. Here is my response to you beside your insults whic do not move me an inch.
        Kamalo, where is OJ presently? In UK.
        Did you hear anything or any see concrete move from Amath and Mama Kandeh to get the UDP people freed lately? NO.
        The only person GENUINELY doing all she can to have Darboe&Co. freed is Fatumata Tambajang. Period.
        There is indeed a CONSPIRACY but as usual Jammeh will throw them all under the bus. They have been TOO naive to believe in Jammeh.
        For your information ALL the detainees will be FREED by force and there is not a damn thing Jammeh can do about it.
        In fact it has started with the release of 13 people from the April 14th detainees.
        NEVER trust Jammeh, just go six feet deep and ask late Baba Jobe, or on earth and ask Lang Tombong Tamba, Momodou Sabaly, Njogou Bah, Jesus Badji or recently Ansumana Tamba etc etc ..
        Jammeh is a KILLER, a MANUPULATOR, and a TRAITOR.

        Having said the above, I now challenge any of the leaders mention to deny my statement. Some received cash rewards but cannot confirm the sums involve.
        African politics is DIRTY and Halifa is not an exception.

    • Deyda Haidara

      Really Bax! I quote you said “Those women are not singing songs to liberate you. They are singing songs against adversity. They are singing songs against injustice. They are singing songs of hope and triumph.” Unquote.
      Now Bax just flip and mix the statement anyhow you want and you arrive at one basic objective: END INJUSTICE for all Gambians.
      Maxs is a warrior just like you but Maxs’s leader is million times braver and more intelligent than your leader.
      UPD will assume the next presidency, they outsmarted all other political parties and leaders.
      You can take this statement to the bank.

      • Bax

        That’s not a quotation from me, and I have no problem if the UDP assumes the next presidency, as long as the mandate comes from the people (and not Yaya Jammeh).

        May be General Bassen went to inform the others that Jammeh will hand over to Darboe. After all, aren’t they cousins : The Darboes and the Jammehs…?

        So there’s a shocker for you (lol)

  21. Bajaw


    The power of State (article no. 2) are the sovereign rights vested in peasantry masses who are the Masters in any given place in the civilized world, as enshrined in the Constitution of countries; since everybody can’t be generally in charge individually, this peasantry power delicates & allocate responsibilities to subordinate for the incumbent servant-government of the day to judiciously manage the collective affairs as promulgated by the Constitution; this subordinate privileged “power” is what have been forcibly usurped illegally in July 1994 in the forceful overthrow of the democratic PPP government by afprc criminals, & remained to abuse since then & worst by the minutes…..

    Since everybody including my humble self have all been caught inattentive due to our nativities driven by our overriding yearnings for betterments of the corruptions that plagued the former regime (PPP) of the day & deceived by the pretentious banditry promises of “accountability, probity & transparency” lies that have been sold to unsuspecting Gambians & the whole world unashamedly; we all naively accepted to play along when should’ve in fact demanded for swift return of the stolen mandates to caretaker transition to the next republic without the involvements of the kanilai DEVIL & fellow bandit cohorts in the election process leading to handover…..

    Thence didn’t take long for the ugly realistic colours of the kanilai MURDEROUS Alligator & criminal cohorts to manifest the truthful sadistic motives for the forceful illegal usurpation of the “subordinate powers” in July 1994; because of the peaceful nature of Gambians the genuine citizens of conscience motivated & organised each other into political parties to challenge for the reinstatement of rules of law & sanity (in the privileged subordinate power) at the helm of affairs of State; but whilst some genuine Gambians & political opposition party (such as UDP) are genuinely interested in truthful liberation for eradication of the barbarities & misrule which plagued our homeland since July 1994, all the way there are others (such as PDOIS-Halifa, NRP-Hamat bah & recently PPP-OJ) who are bent along pretentiously in this same struggle for reinstatement of sanity but rather purposely on ulterior motives FIRST, manipulating, undermining & overriding the community salvage struggle purposes which deserve precedence PRIMARILY & for anything ELSE to follow secondarily….

    With all that have transpired from July ’94 to date & (up) in this material time, the subordinate-servant barbarities situation is so pungently grave that including Halifa & all enablers admissions, it’s civil community “strive prevention” we are all faced with currently; which WARRANTS the truthful dedicated endeavours of all Gambians, supported by friends & International Community to get rid of the kanilai Killer DEVIL at all costs soonest; but what is evident is the connivance of the pretentious LIARS masquerading as so-called politicians ganging up with the MURDEROUS kanilai Dracula against UDP who are the only political party truthful to their mandated responsibilities in the Constitution at the forefront of the liberation struggle to defend the supreme power of the peasantry population & regain collective freedom as constitutionally promulgated…..

    Now, Bax, Kamalo, Yerro & WHOSOEVER, all please answer my question ‘why has Halifa Sallah lied in attempts to distort, misinterpret & misrepresent the constitution by dividing article no.2 into “two powers of State” to misinformed the rights of the masses on fear mongering only, to discourage the masses from pouring out to demonstrate against as started by Solo Sandeng & non-partisan compatriots which will exacerbate the demise of yaya Killer Devil; when Halifa is mandatorily tasked CONSTITUTIONALLY to be faithful, truthful, defend the rights & welfares of Gambians without fears, favours &/ ill will…..???

    • Bax

      Quote : ” this subordinate privileged “power” is what have been forcibly usurped illegally in July 1994…..”

      Comment : By your own admission, as evident above, there are powers (or at least another power) in the state, apart from the power of the people, and whether you decide to call them/it inferior or not, they are still powers that exist within a state…because for a power to be subordinate, there has to be at least, another power to which it is subordinate.

      So you have effectively rubbished your claims, that there is “only one peasant power of the masses”, as utter nonsense.

      As far as I can see through my limited understanding, Mr Sallah’s use of the phrase “two ULTIMATE powers..”, is neither wrong, nor does it contradict the constitution and could not therefore be a lie. All it is saying is that at the uppermost end of the “power pyramid” in a republican state like ours, lies the powers of the people and state: hence “two ULTIMATE powers”..

      The word “ultimate” in this instance does not say whether one is superior or inferior to the other, but when you read Mr Sallah with an open mind, you will see that he does not leave anyone in doubt about the SUPERIORITY of the POWER OF THE PEOPLE, as the sovereign citizens of The Gambia, over everything else.

      So I really don’t know what the fuss is all about..

      • To give the impression that two powers exist in governments is total rubbish and a sign of exhaustion of one’s political efforts. The word POWER refers to the ordinary people. People in office got nothing more than mandate.

        • kamalo

          Ggapm, nobody is giving the impression that two powers exists in government. The argument is the power of the state and the power of the people.

          The power structure of the government is the state. Two examples are the courts and the prison system.

          The government regulates behavior through the prison system; and it enforce the laws through the courts.

          The people do not have the power to regulate behavior. The people do not have the power to enforce the laws.

          Therefore, the power to regulate behavior and enforce the laws is the power of the state.

          The power of the people is distinct and innate. It is inalienable.

          The people have the power to select and determine the manner of government.

        • Bax

          Who said “two powers exist in government “…? Are you on something…?

    • kamalo

      Bajaw, Halifa talks about the power of the state and the power of the people. He never talked about two powers of the state. We have tried to make this distinction but you guys are still conflating the two.

      The power of the state is the power structure of the government. This is what the government controls. The police. The army. The National Intelligence Agency (N.I.A). The Prisons. The Courts, although they are supposed to be independent, are under the influence of this government.

      The various government departments that have authority and exercise control over the people, also, represents the power of the state.

      Through the power of the state, the structure of the government as identified above, the government does regulate behavior and enforce the laws.

      It is only the government that has the power to do this. The people do not have the power to regulate behavior and enforce the laws. The reason for that famous maxim: the people should not take the law into their hands. Hence mob justice and punishment is outlawed.

      The police can arrest you, Bajaw, and temporarily restrict your freedom of movement; and the courts can convict you and permanently restrict, for a time that the law allows, your freedom of movement. And there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it.

      The courts can grant you bail to restore your freedom from police custody. And the courts can pass a non guilty verdict to save you from incarceration in prison. This power of the state is distinct and separate from the power of the people.

      The concept of the power of the people derives from the theory of rights. People have fundamental rights, rights as Thomas Jefferson puts it are endowed by their creator, and among these are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

      And the people have these rights before government is instituted among men. The government derives it legitimacy from the consent of the people. The government cannot institute itself. The people have to institute the government. Thus the power of the people.

      The people have the power to elect the government into office. The people also have the power to remove the government from office.

      In advance democracies the people have the power to recall those that they have elected into public office. Thus the ultimate power resides with the people.

      They people can put governments into office. The people can remove governments from office.

      I hope this helps to clarify the power of the state and the power of the people.

      • Kamalo,you have now done your best explanation but do not still expect our friends to understand it. They have no idea how a state works and are not interested in reality. All they care about is what to say to slander, defame and make wild allegations against Halifa and PDOIS which I’m afraid will not take them anywhere.
        Thank you for the explanation, at least other like minded or open minded readers will learn from you all.

  22. Deyda Haidara

    This will be my last posting on the above article. However the continuation of the bombshell will unfold with time. A lot of people will be flabergasted when the revelations come full blown. The Gambia is a nation of talkatives and Jammeh’s secrets are all over the place. This is why a free press is important in a democratic and civilize country.
    Those that are against me in this article let me tell you one thing, Jammeh will throw a lot of his own people and other hypocrits under the bus before he leaves office. Jammeh is a hater and loves no one, so anyone who thinks that you can use him for your selfish interest, get ready for Jammeh will tarnish your image before going.
    In this trying times besides the UDP my respect goes to Madam Fatumata Tambajang who remains steadfast in the fight to see that JUSTICE prevail.
    Those that think my name adoption is not deserve, let me assure them that I am an independent observer and a critical analyser based on truths and facts. The day Halifa or any one else does something good I will take his side otherwise I will blast him or others to the level of his derailments.
    Thank you.

    • Bax

      Quote: “Simply flip the coin and analyse the other side.” Some call it “thinking outside the box” and others called it “look and listen the other way too”.

      Comment : Won’t you be interested to know that this is exactly what I did with the events of 14th & 16th April, but my views did not make it past “moderation”..

      I am surprised that whilst views that insult, misinform, caricature and lie against Mr Sallah and PDOIS can make it past “moderation”, my views, which did not do any such thing, cannot make it and got removed.

      I am disappointed because I think my views should have been published, but I respect the right of the moderator(s) to decide what is published or not.

      I will not repeat what I stated but essentially, I argued that whilst it is not wrong to present the events of 14th and 16th April the way they are being presented, it should also be understood that like any events, actions or undertakings, they can be viewed from a variety of perspectives and what is presented at the end will depend on who did the presentation and what the motivations were.

      Obviously, what followed did not go down well with the moderation team and it was not published. I respect the decision but I question the impartiality. Hope this gets published.

      • kamalo

        That is a concern that I can share also. I remember at the Gambia Post, the motto was: “let thoughts fly.” No censorship. The same with the Gambia-l.

        To have a robust debate this medium should also consider removing the moderation, and let all comments to be posted instantaneously.

        The rigor and flavor of a debate is lost when comments and rebuttals have to take a day or two before they are posted. It is even harder to follow a debate that has a break in response for a day or two.

  23. Bajaw


    May be you can understand it this way; the fact is ONLY one power constitutionally exists which belongs to the people which were being oppressed by the privilege murderous subordinate servant & enablers who forcefully usurped the incumbency & delegated themselves responsibilities & illegally enforced upon the masses with the maladministration of our affairs of State which are supposed to be judiciously manage; those in authority are entrusted with the dispensations of justice & rules of law which the constitution is totally clear about & are liable for confrontations & reclaim of the duties when they are flagrantly flawed as the case in Gambia; this is what the people as masters as the power is what article no. 2 is all about; Halifa instead of hypocritical manipulations should’ve pointed out to the murderous oppressive kanilai KILLER DEVIL where the privilege ends & where the power truthfully lies; instead of scare-crowing fabricated lies in fear mongering & attempts to misinform & misrepresent the constitution just to discourage & sabotage the collective endeavours to expedite the demise of the dictatorship which favours Halifa & cohort criminals in arms….

    You lot are in for inevitable showdown with the truth which is God Himself that NO human beings can challenge & ever successfully keep supressed permanently; it’s just matters of time the tides will turn back once again for the oppressed masses sooner; Insha Allah….

    Long live the Gambia….

    • Bax

      No, I’m afraid, I am none the wiser . May be I can help you instead…

      (1)…All power (in a Republican Democracy) emanates from the people, being the sovereign owners of a country;

      (2)…Since a country needs to be governed, institutions are created, through the constitution, and mandated to perform specific functions, thus a GOVERNMENT is formed;

      (3)…These institutions, having derived their authorities from the people, become the official embodiment of the state, through which our collective wishes are exercised; These institutions collectively constitute the POWER of the state and called STATE POWER (government & non government);

      (4)…Since all citizens cannot gather in one place to decide how the country is managed daily, the concept of elective office and elected representatives is born;

      (5)…Sovereign citizens would periodically be required to transfer their power to individuals who come before them to seek elective office, through voting, and this is what constitutes (the seeking of) MANDATE..;

      (6)…The person who receives the most transferred power (votes) for the highest elective office (president) gets the mandate of the people to enter elective office and exercise control and direction over state power…

      Furthermore, whilst State Power is borrowed, Sovereign Power is not and that is why those who control state power can lose it, either democratically or by force. George Washington. Bush is still the same person who launched a war against Iraq back then, but he can’t even fight his next door neighbour now, without being in serious trouble. He has lost state power.

      To answer the question that both you and Max failed to answer, the power that changed hands on July 22nd 1994, was STATE POWER, not our SOVEREIGN POWER. Lt. Yaya Jammeh and his colleagues seized state power and started exercising control and direction over the state, without a mandate from the people for two years (1994-1996).

      State power, though dependent on the sovereign power of the citizens, is different in nature and character to citizens’ sovereign power and that is why you have some small states (in population) being more powerful than larger ones because they have built strong institutions which embody the state and give its status amongst the nations of the world.

      The USA, for example, is classified as the most powerful state in the world, not because it has more sovereign citizens, the collective power of whom is greater than all, but because it has built strong state institutions, especially the Armed Forces, which are controlled by elected representatives. I hope that is helpful to you noisy but clueless neighbours.

  24. Bajaw


    The noise’s absolutely from your end manifested in hypocrisy with Halifa’s political manipulations; both yours & Kamalo’s responses were what I already have dilated upon in “layman terms” as in my June 16 comment posting above; the constitution is absolutely clear in no doubt who the power belong between a Murderous Banditry Tyrannical incumbency & the peasantry population being oppressively murdered as currently in Gambia…..

    We all accepted the fact that Gambia is now besieged with “civil strife prevention” due to tyrannical manipulative maladministration including kidnaps, torture, rape & murder; when & where constitutionally yaya killer DEVIL jammeh & elements can hold & sanction demonstrations as witnessed before; why can’t anybody else for that matter be able to hold another peaceful demonstrations up to the points of criminal harassments, kidnaps, tortures, rape & cold blood killings of the very machinery supposed to protect the very people with the very guns provided & illegally used to kill..

    Yet here’s Halifa & some of you knowingly condoning, justifying & enabling the status quo for reasons be known for whatsoever reasons, when you in fact contrarily claim to oppose against the same criminality…?

    Halifa & lot of you disciples all admitted to the limited temporary privileges (otherwise confusingly referred to as power) entrusted with incumbents who constitutionally must be confronted in mature democracies in the civil world where Gambia is included & truly belongs when this privilege is abused as in Gambia….??

    Halifa can admit to abdicated responsibilities IF he’s HONEST enough, as incumbently obligated upon him as “opposition (so-called) leader” by the constitutionality of that sacrosanct position in “selfless services & sacrifices for the peasantry population (above anything else)” ….???

    The decay of humanity crimes in Gambia are punitive such that all opposition parties particularly the leaderships who are truthfully liberation committed, warrant to stand together as expected, required & demanded constitutionally upon them to confront Murderous yaya KILLER DEVIL & elements before our country is set ablaze…..

    We all have a “common ruinous enemy” in yaya KILLER jammeh & the mercenary agents; after the kanilai dictatorship the sky is the limit for any decent politicians; the afprc Banditry have been such a catastrophic learning curve experience for Gambia that NO stones will left unturned to allow such a free costly ride again on the back of “naive Gambians” ANYMORE (NEVER)….

    UDP alone so far manifested, assumed & sacrificed their mandated obligation responsibilities in defenses of the peasantry population when yaya KILLER DEVIL ordered for the assaults, kidnaps, tortures, rapes & maim & killing of electoral reforms demonstrators; political reforms are the only political option open to people salvage reclaim in the sham elections; whilst Halifa & the rest assumed manipulative hypocrisy for political gains exploitations while leaning towards both, between the MURDEROUS kanilai KILLER & the oppressed masses hypocritically….

    The realistic Gambians & UDP are genuinely in this our struggle for ultimate salvation with total liberation & NOTHING short; in that all obstacles strewn along the path must be cleared & successfully tackled; that’s all here to stay until the successful liberation, sooner Insha Allah….

    Long live the Gambia…