Before 3rd April 2016 it seemed people the world over had heard of the name Ramon Fonseca, much, much less in the small, remote and isolated west African pariah state of The Gambia. When I made a call of randomly collected list of names of locally based Gambian journalists whose contact details I have and who I know would risk talking to me, the name “Ramon Fonseca” rang no bell with any of them. Several of them plunged into guess work in response to my enquiry. Some guessed that Fonseca was a “Latin American boxer,” others that he was a “Spanish footballer or coach,” or a “Latin American politician or presidential candidate.” Two however were not far off with one saying that he was Panama-based drug cartel leader and the other that it was a Venezuelan bank. But Ramon Fonseca was neither of those. He is from Panama alright. One who at first planned to become a priest but later dumped that Catholic idea to co-found a law firm that ventured into the offshore business. This is a booming business is a secretive enterprise that the world’s rich and powerful use to hide assets and flout rules by setting up front companies in rogue states and jurisdictions like Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Hong Kong, Niue, etc.The Panama-based company that Ramon and partner founded became known as Mossack Fonseca and is today, since 3rd April 2016, much in the lime light. This is because of the so called Panama Papers, the result of a global investigation into the off shore global business. The investigations followed the leaking of 11 million files or 2.6TB of data exposing a wide array of shadowy characters who use offshore companies to facilitate bribery, arms deals, tax evasion, financial fraud and drug trafficking. The 11 million files consist of invoices, receipts, email chains, and documents that make up the Panama Papers often prey upon state coffers, tax payers, national treasuries, the poor and the disadvantaged; victims of wrongdoing enabled by this shadowy industry. The Panama Paper is their story exposing foul play just like the Wikileaks of 2010, the Offshore Secretes of 2013, the Luxemburg Tax files2014 HSBC files of 2015, before it.
The Panama Papers, because of its amazingly huge size, 2600 Giga Byes, is released in batches and only a tiny fraction has yet been released through the German media house, Suddeustche Zeitung, who in turn passed it on to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, part of the American Charity, Center for Public Integrity, to which a Kaironews Source is associated. This Person has been assigned to monitor the papers in case of any Gambian connection and so far the following have been disclosed:
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Search results for “Amadou Samba Gambia”
- Offshore Entities(9)
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Incorporation | Jurisdiction | Linked To | Data From | |
SAMBA LTD. | 03-JUL-2003 | Niue | Panama | Panama Papers |
GAMBIA MANAGEMENT LIMITED | 18-JUL-2003 | British Virgin Islands | Hong Kong | Panama Papers |
SAMBA MANAGEMENT LIMITED | 12-JUN-2003 | British Virgin Islands | Bahamas | Panama Papers |
UTILITIES DEVELOPMENT COMPANY GAMBIA OPERATIONS LIMITED | 04-JAN-2005 | British Virgin Islands | Kuwait | Panama Papers |
SAMBA RICHFIELD HOLDINGS LIMITED | 08-JAN-2013 | British Virgin Islands | Hong Kong | Panama Papers |
GAMBIA TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | 04-JUL-2003 | Bahamas | Hong Kong | Panama Papers |
GAMBIA TECHNOLOGIES LTD. | 31-OCT-2001 | British Virgin Islands | Panama | Panama Papers |
SAMBA PLAZA LIMITED | 01-JUL-2004 | British Virgin Islands | British Virgin Islands | Offshore Leaks |
Roxwell (The Gambia) Oil & Gas Limited | 26-FEB-2008 | British Virgin Islands | British Virgin Islands | Offshore Leaks |
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Search results for “Goverment of The Gambia”
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- Connected to 1 intermediary
- Incorporated: 18-JUL-2003Inactivation: 06-MAY-2005 Struck off: 30-APR-2006
- Status: Dissolved
- Registered in: British Virgin Islands
- Linked countries: Hong Kong
- Data from: Panama Papers
- Agent: Mossack Fonseca
- The panama papers data is current through 2015
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When we searched for the names “Yahya Jammeh” and “Zeinab Jammeh” under the country “Gambia,” nothing was returned, but when we searched for “Amadou Samba” and “Gambia government,” the results above were returned. As Mr. Samba has fronted for Yahya Jammeh on the ownership for the Daily Observer newspaper, it is most likely it is Jammeh behind these fake names of Samba’s. And remember, the firm Mossack Fonseca is only one of the hundreds of firms hosting offshore accounts. But bear with us, as more of this trove is released and as we are able to put you more in the know.
The end
kumba njie
kairo news thank you for bringing such very important information to your reading public,Gambians will need them in post Jammeh Trials.Jammeh and his Enablers are looting the meger resources of the Country.
Kebba Cham
Rightfully so. Amadou Samba is a man that has taken illicit bribes from companies and individuals trying to do business in The Gambia.
Without the knowledge of the president he collects payments in guarantee for a presidential meeting more like a lobby man.
Furthermore, there are lots of deals and corrupt practices he has been involved in. These monies he buys properties in England renovates them and sells them again effectively cleaning his money.
If you steal millions of US dollars from Gambians and then give peanuts in dalasis as donation do you think you are generous. You steal US $ 1 million and give donation of D100,000. What a fools joke.
Allah will repay him one day.