
UDP Spectacular Entry From Basse Congress

UDP Entry To KMC Showed unprecedented demonstration of support after the party’s acclaimed Basse Congress. The amount of people that poured out on the street led to some militant supporters and diaspora groups calling for the welcoming to be converted into mass civil protest. Lawyer Darboe and his new Executive which comprises of many women and youths galvanised the countrywide support of the UDP. People can be heard openly calling for Jammeh to be brought down.

Among the entourage entering Serrekunda were all their regional delegates from all corners of the Gambia. Some of the delegates firmly believe, the country is ready for regime change and that, further outreach rallies and joint opposition action can be a catalyst to bring change once and for all. UDP supporters and militants walked on the main high from Tabokoto to Westfield, from Westfield to Bakau on foot, taking the Convoy over 3hours to get to their final destination in Pipeline. The enthusiasm and energy injected in Gambian body politics will make the coming months a fascinating spectacle for observers. One opposition supporter who shot the video made it simple, he said “it is like we are alive again”.

A freelance journalist who attended the Basse Congress lamented to Kairo New that “I have attended many political party congress in the Gambia, but I have never seen anything of the magnitude of the UDP Basse 1-3rd of April Congress. It was well organised, youths groups empowered to play their part, regional groups presented their ideas and agendas, the amount of teamwork and preparations was something UDP should continue to do. And the journey back to Serrekunda was something that galvanised the villages on the Trans-Gambia highway. At each village on the road, the convoy is stopped with jubilations and elation. It was as if it is an election victory celebrations. I also admired Adama Barrow UDP  Deputy Treasurer for reading the party’s financial statement and indicating the donors in the Gambia and diaspora. That was something I felt is a huge progress in Gambian politics. The voting process was also in an open manner with delegates chatting to each other and actively involve that gave me renewed hope for the Gambia.” Buba Ceesay



  1. Maxs

    I think diaspora should engage our families , friends , neighbors and general population in The Gambia by making a random phone calls across the country . I would consider this as Robo calls to the country . If Every Gambian spend at least $100 to make this calls to the country , to convince our relatives and general population about human rights abuses , corruptions and economic hardship , and encourages them to vote for UDP and its coalition , it will make huge differences in terms of messaging. Today majority of Gambian people depend on diaspora for their daily living and other needs. So our calls and participations can make huge differences . This is an individual efforts which anyone can do comfortably sitting in your bedroom , all you need to do is randomly select any phone number in The Gambia and dial , you should please respectfully talk to Gambians , they would listen to you . Explain to them the hardship they are facing each day under this regime and they deserve better . Educate them about their own situations . If you know prominent members of Aprc and their families , they should be tageted with these calls . Calls areas where you believe , there is significant Aprc supporters . Call top military leaders , senior government officials ,Chiefs , all key players in this regime and Speak to them politely and with intelligent reasoning. Those in diaspora with financial means , please set up calling centers wherever you are and start to engage our people . This will indeed complement and make the work of opposition leaders easy , while the opposition leadership are facing the tyrant , the simple thing we can do as Gambian’s is to make simple phone calls . Please Don’t be Afraid . Remember someone is sacrificing his or her life to fight for better Gambia for all of us . Let us all call Gambia randomly to make huge differences in this election. I am confident that, with diaspora participation in these calls it will send a shock wave across the country . We should target people we don’t know and have a dialogue with them . It is responsibility of every citizen to participate to end tyranity in our country . Jammeh’s regime has denied the diaspora the right to vote but we can prove to them that we also have influences to make the outcome of this election in our favors ; by encouraging the citizens to vote against the regime. This is simplest thing we can all do . It is our duty and responsibility to fight for democracy and rule of law to be returned in our country. Our current predicament , is our national problem . Each and every one of us has stake in this election and to see the end of military dictatorship . We can only see the end if each play his or her part . It is not only opposition leaders who should play their part ,it is we the Gambian people who should play our part more than what the leadership are doing . So I challenge each and every Gambian to make a simple random phone calls to The Gambia and speak for political change.

  2. Janjnabureh

    They should just finish the job once for all and save us all the headache, time, money and lives. The dictator stole power from the people by using guns and now we want to take power from him through elections. Why wait for elections I asked? It is time Gambians understand that we are rewarding an idiot something he don’t deserve at all. Peoples revolution is the only solution in removing the brutal and callous regime from power and a national conference of stakeholders should then be setup to select a transition government until free and fair elections are held for new government to come in. We always blew our best opportunities to get rid of this unwelcome guest. This man will not be remove peaceful let nobody fool you.

  3. Malang

    I am amazed by the street lights in Basse. I used to live at Houses For Rent just at the entrance to the city in early 1990s. It used to get really dark at 730pm. The Gambian people have achieved a lot in the past 20 years.

  4. karamo


    Bravo UDP.

  5. Janko Camara

    Maurice Bucaille wrote in his celebrated book – The Qur’an and Modern Science – “There is no compulsion for man to accept the truth. But it is certainly a shame upon the human intellect when man is not even interested in finding out as to what is the truth!”

    As honest Gambians, seeking truth, justice and an end to the political accident that has befallen our beloved country since July 1994, the events of the past 5 days should provide enough justification for sober reflection to discover and accept the truth.

    • Maxs

      Mr Camara , not accepting the truth is what is holding our country back . It is few people who are spreading untruthful alliance for their own selfish political ends . They refused to accept the truth and their power of false propaganda is spreading cynicism across the political spectrum . Pdois and its indocrinated disciples are leading this efforts . We must call them out . They are either with us in this fight or with Jammeh and his criminal enterprise . They have a choice to Make .