
Kartong Youths Tortured, Forced To Insult Their Mothers

lamin j darboeAt least 33 Kartong youths are on the verge of appearing before a Magistrate in Brikama this afternoon, Kairo News has learnt. The youths were arrested on Monday after they had altercation with sand miners and Police Intervention Unit officers.

The youths will be represented by Barrister Lamin J. Darboe and Lawyer Edrissa Sissoho.

Brikama Magistrate’s Court is jammed with supporters and sympthatisers of the coastal people whose dignity and sanctity have been attack. The opposition United Democratic Partye (UDP) sent an observatory team to the court. The party leader also dispatched a Kartong native to gather all facts. Despite not being a political party issue or case, the UDP says it cannot ignore the plight of Gambians.

The youths of Kartong would not allow their town to be further destroyed by mining that creates serious environmental destruction, the offshoot being fast coastal erosion and infestation of mosquitoes and snakes. Kartong gains absolutely nothing from the mining and its residents numerous cries fell on deaf ears hence the need to confront miners at the mining site.

Kairo News has also gathered that the youths have not only been severely tortured but also forced to insult their mothers, which is common during torture sessions in Yahta Jammeh’s Gambia. This is meant to break down the will and confidence of the victims.



  1. Ebrima Conteh

    Hmm who knew Gambians youths have it in them.

  2. Deyda Hydara

    We are tired of crying and fleeing; our parents are tired of crying and spending moneys on lawyers and marabous. The youths want you to remember and take the following statement very seriously:
    “We are not SCARED to die in the Sahara desert and the rough seas of the back-way to Europe, then how dare you think that we the youth are scared of DEATH. The only difference between the back-way risk and what we will do on the ground is that this time around we will DIE fighting for our human, our godly and our constitutional rights in our own country.”
    The REVOLUTION has started and no PIU, NIA or kangaroo courts can stop it.

  3. Maxs

    Clearly jammeh has no respect for anyone’s parents . Insulting parents is routine business for jammeh . Jammeh insult the parents of his body guards . He insulted his own mother using insulting names he assigned to himself during his online activities. This is the practice he does all the time ., so no surprise to hear this horrible news .

  4. Kinteh

    It is indeed a political party issue. If you want to be a leader, then you should physically go to such Hotspot and show solidarity with powerless people defending their god-given endowment. Sending a fact finding team is well and good but the physical present will give more credence to UDP’s or any other party’s resolve to take on this regime poised for massive violence against a defenseless village. Darboe must stand firm now because the signs are there that, the regime will try to use this uprising to teach opponents a lesson on what awaits them in the upcoming election. Thus hurrying to the needs of these youths , will sent a strong message to the regime, that violence and coercion won’t be condoned any longer. It is also a strong message to the party’s own youth wing that they won’t be left alone if attacked by security forces.

  5. Gambia

    The Kartong Riot- My Observations

    Unfortunately this is the sad reality of the present day Gambian disintegrated society. Yahya has over the years successfully managed to break our society from a community of people to an individual society where everyone is left to suffer their troubles alone.

    Having lived all my life in The Gambia and serving in the security service for over a decade, I know that despite acting in defense of their rights, the protest by the Kartong youths was an ill-advised one taking the Gambian societal, legal and political environment into its true perspective.

    Unlike all it’s neighbours, The Gambian community does not share and feel the plight of an individual member and all leave things to the victims to bear the pain. In everywhere else, this would have been an opportune moment for all of Kombo South to come out and ask for answers to the many questions surrounding the sand and other mining activities in their area to bring it to national and international spotlight. Politicians and interest groups would also capitalise on the situation leading to a spontaneous outcry of dissatisfaction and protests. Such a situation would avail the security forces to remain neutral as they would be unable to carry out orders to dispel the the protest nor would they be able to enforce any anti-protest laws due to the sheer number of the would-be offenders and the obvious inability of the courts to try them.

    It is only in such situations that involvement in riots can bear fruits especially in a country where there is no rule of law. But anything short of that merely amounts to wishful adventurism which only lands the perpetrators into the hands of the dictator and giving him means to use the protesters as an example in order to consolidate his power through coercion, intimidation and punishment of few to scare the majority.

    Based on my experience as a member of the police, it is impossible for any individual officer to side with the victims despite the fact that they are within their legitimate rights. This dilemma is created by the fact that the society that should be the principal judge is constantly silence leaving morally just members to suffer alone with their families. The same is the situation with the members of the security. If you don’t act, you pay the price alone.

    Unlike our neighbouring countries, despite the constitutional guarantees for peaceful protest, assembly and expression, the public order act makes the applicability of these rights impossible for the common citizen. This is manifested in this arrest of the 33 youths who would be subjected to every torture and inhumane treatment yet those who applaud them would not join them in their fight nor share the cost of the ramifications.

    They would now have to get money to pay for legal services as well as the disruption to their normal livelihoods. The politicians and political parties would have stepped up for them, but the reality of the situation that they would be accused of being behind them and levelled as fueling trouble would keep them all away from the victims.

    Though, this assessment would undoubtedly not go well with the cyber hardliners in this fora, it presents The Gambian reality which if unchanged would render all hopes of spontaneous regime change in Banjul to nothing but a hallucinogenic mirage.

    • Deyda Hydara

      @Gambia, what you said is all true but let me flip the coin and address the repercursions these isolated scenarios will have on the dictator as well. Let us start by saying that the battle is between the people and a dictator. The former is unarmed whiles the later is armed. If such is the case, the balance of power will certainly take a long time to shift to the benefit of the people. However as in any country that was ruled by dictators, the same public feelings, frustrations and precautions held back public uprisings up to a certain point. The dictator will always bragg around his entourage that he is invincible, meaning he knows what he is doing is not right but no one can do anything about it yet. What the dictator always forgets is that those around him and the few militants around are there for their own personal interest first and formost. They will be there as long as the risk they are taking are worth it. These are the very people who would go back to families and in the streets and public gatherings to gauge the popularity of the dictator amongst the public. When they feel that the dictator has no supporter besides the few around him, they will start to express their dissatisfaction of the dictator and will start to disown him when they are public and will advance their being around the dictator just for bringing food on the table for the family because they have no other of employment to hold unto. The Jammeh entourage has now reach this stage uncertainty kwowing the public vomited him and most of are beginning to secretly pay allegiance to the opposition and the public in general. Those of us who live with them can attest to this fact daily. We will not reject them because we will need them for various fights, so we encourage them to disown the dictator whiles serving the public interest.
      As far as the Gambia is concern today, the problems that will make people revolt, is hunger and unemployment and high cost of living. Even the so called big men are begging for fish money. There is no money in the country. Everyone is complaining. Businesses are closing and or moving out. Taxation is getting higher and all kinds of new taxes are introduced every three months just to be able to pay civil servants salaries. There is wide spread racketing taking place at all levels of government specially amongst the security agents. Tax collections are going down each month and collectors are harrassed for not doing their job and not meeting targets whiles they in turn harrass businesses and people to pay what they dont have in the first place. This viscious cycle alone is crippling the livelyhood of the people.
      People are at the brink of survival and it is matter of little time when no one will tell no one get up, they will all get up at once and remove the CANCER killing all of us without discrimination, tribe or class.
      The country is fast reaching this stage and we are OPTIMISTIC that change will soon take place. We can feel it each morning when we mingle with the public. It will happen sooner than most of us think. Jammeh is presiding over a dead people walking in the streets and desparation will push them to take desperate ACTIONS.

    • Lafia Touray la Manju

      “a hallucinogenic mirage.” hahaha! That feels like an attack on Fatou Camara and her regular gibberish Faturadio talk show guest, Ben Suwareh.

  6. Bax

    Good observations Gambia….Our country is a very special one…

    • Lafia Touray la Manju

      Our country is not special. We are just one of them depending on which group of countries you want to place The Gambia in.


  7. Lafia Touray la Manju

    I agree. Unlike Kinteh, the UDP in particular understands this dynamics. Hence, the need to keep this as non partisan as possible.


  8. Makalo


  9. Makalo


  10. Maxs

    Good observation Gambia . I agreed that the victims and their families will be left alone in all this fiasco because of individualistic nature of majority in our society. Jammeh is able to succeed because majority Gambians are very individualistic . We must commend these people for fighting for their rights. Some Gambians will sacrifice and fight for their rights no matter what conditions we have .
    I also agreed with hydara’s points and I think he is very right .
    Bax as usual missed the point. There is nothing special about our country when we have military dictatorship in place . When we cannot feed ourselves and we have religious and community leaders all stay silence about human rights abuses , corruption and lawlessness. Please tell us what is special right now about The Gambia?

    • Dawda

      Bax did not missed any point on his comment (for “Good observations Gambia….Our country is a very special one…”) because Bax understand plight of Gambians and noted these comments or statements by Gambia in his article QUOTED;

      “Having lived all my life in The Gambia and serving in the security service for over a decade, I know that despite acting in defense of their rights, the protest by the Kartong youths was an ill-advised one taking the Gambian societal, legal and political environment into its true perspective.

      Unlike all it’s neighbours, The Gambian community does not share and feel the plight of an individual member and all leave things to the victims to bear the pain. In everywhere else, this would have been an opportune moment for all of Kombo South to come out and ask for answers to the many questions surrounding the sand and other mining activities in their area to bring it to national and international spotlight. Politicians and interest groups would also capitalise on the situation leading to a spontaneous outcry of dissatisfaction and protests. Such a situation would avail the security forces to remain neutral as they would be unable to carry out orders to dispel the the protest nor would they be able to enforce any anti-protest laws due to the sheer number of the would-be offenders and the obvious inability of the courts to try them.

      It is only in such situations that involvement in riots can bear fruits especially in a country where there is no rule of law. But anything short of that merely amounts to wishful adventurism which only lands the perpetrators into the hands of the dictator and giving him means to use the protesters as an example in order to consolidate his power through coercion, intimidation and punishment of few to scare the majority.”

  11. Modou

    The Evil operator seems to be always one step head of us. His obviously sick appearance has raised concern among his supporters. Jammeh is pretending to be on top of events. His ambassador to Saudi Arabia is seen in Banjul making arrangements for his evacuation to Saudi Arabia for treatment.
    The opposition must intensify their campaign and increase tension for Jammeh not to get the benefit of Saudi Hospitality. If necessary, they must lobby Saudi Arabia to let them know that they are dealing with a dictator and mass murderer.

  12. Maxs

    Dawda , I totally disagree with your view because Bax indicated that ” good observations Gambia….,,our country is a very special one ” and this comment has nothing special about The Gambia rather it emphasizes The Gambia’s unfortunate situation and Gambians’ lack of desire to fight common interest together. There is nothing in Gambia’s posting which makes The Gambian nation the best among its neighbors or community of nations, in terms of citizens standing together, fighting common interests and ability to be each other’s keeper rather it portrayed us ( Gambians ) as very individualistic society where victims of government oppression are left alone . This is why I think it is wrong to indicate our country is a very special one .
    Dawda, you have no way of knowing what exactly Bax meant by his comment “our country is a very special one ” despite your assumption that he referred to Gambia’s posting you quoted. I think Bax can speak for himself because he is eloquent. So for the benefit of readers, Bax can clear himself on this unless you want to assume the responsibility to be his spokesman lol. until then I am not convinced that The Gambia is a very special country based on the posting done by Gambia.Maybe Bax is talking about something else .

    • Bax

      Max….Dawda represented my view very well because he understood the context in which my statement was made..His quotation was therefore relevant…

      Gambia made a very good observation by saying, “Unlike all it’s neighbours, the Gambian community does not share and feel…..” Max, this characteristics of The Gambian is what distinguishes us from our neighbours… It is what makes us SPECIAL…(Not in a great way but a negative way..)

      I’ve lived in this country for a while and have lived in same blocks and streets with different nationalities…Senegalese, Congolese, Cameroonians, Gabonese,Guineans ,Pakistanis,Bangladeshi, Chinese but I’ve only ever seen one nationality phone the immigration and report their own as illegal immigrants and that is Gambians…

      Trust me Max, we are SPECIAL. We really do take pride in each others downfall sometimes…That’s why we are in this mess..

      Lafia said Kartong always votes for Jammeh…If I was a betting man, I wouldn’t be placing my money on that trend changing because we are special.. Anywhere else, they will not vote for him but that’s not Gambia…

      The PPP introduced the ERP (Economic Recovery Programme) in 1985 and carried out massive retrenchment of workers, sold public enterprises and removed subsidies from basic commodities… 1986 was election year and what was the result ? Anywhere else, they will be punished but special Gambia gave them the votes, as usual..

  13. Maxs

    I disagree with Gambia ‘s view about his description of the protest by kartong youth as “ill-advised one taking The Gambian societal , legal and political environment into its true perspective “. I won’t consider or describe it as ill-advised because these people really believe in what they did despite lack of action oriented support to join them from the large population. Such statement or comment defeat the whole idea of activism , fight for political rights and freedom as well as economic and social justice. This is because we are fighting for better Gambia where we can have better societal values, legal and political environment. Such statement also indicate that we shouldn’t do anything considering unfavorable societal , legal and political environment in The Gambia until such a time the environment is favorable . I think you fight your rights when you live in unfavorable environment so that there would be social , political and economic justice. Gambia’s description of these protesters’ efforts is just misplaced and irresponsible statement in my view. Taking history into consideration, there is no situation that change based on favorable views of those in power or favorable environment. It is usually a small group of fair minded and genuine individuals who come together to fight injustice , corruption, oppression, and later on the population join them . Therefore it is lack of understanding of this historical perspective in this regard that Gambia based his assumption that this protest was ill-advised . Where in the world you do see people being advise to protest only a in favorable environment ? People protest based on grievances, frustration, injustice and exploitation. Despite lack of support from surrounding villages, these people are heroes because they stood for what they believe in and fought for their rights . History will judge them kindly for their efforts.. The same thing can be attributed to December 2014 statehouse attackers who left their comfort zones , well paying career jobs and benefits and went to sacrifice their lives on behalf of our country . Their love , duty and pride for our country is exceptional and highest honor should be given to them . These are the people that has my highest respect . The Same can be said about our opposition leaders who have sacrificed everything on behalf of Gambian people.
    I believe the protesters are well advised because they are doing the right thing for their community and the nation. Such a statement should be condemned because we cannot discourage those who are doing the right thing by calling their efforts I’ll-advised . It lack basic decency to believe what is right because of assumption that there is unfortunate and unfavorable environment.

  14. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Kartong always give an overwhelming support to Jammeh in every election. Time to change gears, kartong. He is not your guy.


  15. Gambia

    Max, fact based analysis is very different from mere wishful assumptions and desire to attain results that are not supported by the realities on the ground.

    Unless you tell this forum that you have left your comfort zone and en route to go to the Mile 2 prison gate to demand for the release of the youths and if not you be detained along with them, no one should take you seriously.

    Your response has shown beyond doubt that you are among those who have no realistic goals and only engage in adventures without self awareness or regards to the realities on the ground. You may tell me that you are justified by your frustration at the lack of results in all other avenues to uproot the dictatorship and would therefore catch even a straw as a drowning man in an ocean. But unless you are such, you would or anyone would have asked himself this fundamental questions before embarking on a protest in the Gambia’s current political landscape:
    What do I aim to achieve?
    What are the costs involved?
    Am I prepared to pay the price? How long is the fight going to take?
    Do I have means to go that far?? If you don’t, then your actions would be nothing more than sheer adventurism.

    To elaborate, I will give you few examples to contrast this protest with.
    1. The UDP Fass stand off. The UDP was demanding the enforcement of their right to free political activities and the police prevented them leading to a standoff. They stood their ground being prepared to go any further. Of course knowing that the police will give in and they will proceed with their tour thereby achieving their goal.

    2: In 2012 the Senegalese youths took to the streets when Abdoulie Wade wanted to amend the constitution in his favour. The security confronted them and they resisted, though leading to some deaths, it led to nationwide actions leading to the defeat of Wade and a change of government.

    3: Burkina youths were unhappy with Bless and they took to the streets for days. Opposition parties joined them leading to regime change.

    4: Youth riots in the US about police brutality leads to Federal probes and prosecution of many officers with wide range of reforms.

    5: Halifa Sallah’s challenge to the witch hunt in 2009. Halifa knew what was involved and was ready to go any level being equipped with information that would expose the regime and damage it once and for all. Being aware of their vulnerability at the hands of Halifa should they proceed with the case in court, the regime dropped the charge saying it was in the interest of justice. Are the Kartong youths at such an advantageous position against the regime?

    Now tell me what the goal of this protest is. You would say to bring to attention the environmental damages the mining is doing to their area. Good, but is that an end result or a mean to an end? The goal should be to stop or minimise the environmental damages and the community to benefit from the mining. You will agree that the later should be the end objective. Now tell me how this single protest would achieve that goal without any hope that even their neighbours would join them let alone politicians or organizations from the national level.

    Secondly, are the youths by themselves going to be able to achieve this in this single isolated protest or they were expecting others to join them as they seem not the only ones affected.

    On the governance and rule of law point, do they expect that the Gambia police under the direction of Ousman Sonko and Yahya Jammeh would give them room to express their grievances or they would use any force necessary to disperse them?

    On the legal side, are they aware that under the public order act of the laws of the Gambia, you must have a police permit before engaging in protest and without it, you are liable to arrest and prosecution leading to custodial jail term. I hope you are aware that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

    Are they aware that the prosecution can ask the court to deny them bail on the pretext that they pose a threat to public peace and order. Once denied bail, they can drag the case to last ages so that they are punished even before being sentenced.

    Are they aware that while in detention, they can be tortured.

    Now Max, tell me Max in the light of all these facts, if it is not ill-advised to engage in a protest when they know that no one else but them would be in the fight?

    Tell me if it is not adventurism to bypass the legal requirements and playing yourself in the hands of the dictator where there is no respect for rights or due process.

    Tell me Max if you are going to start a fund raising or if you are going to commit a percentage of your paycheck towards the legal cost they just land in as you must be sure that 99.9% of these youths won’t be able to afford fees to pay a lawyer.

    • Deyda Hydara

      @Gambia, please permit me to raise a point that is crucial in your analyses. Quote: “On the legal side, are they aware that under the public order act of the laws of the Gambia, you must have a police permit before engaging in protest and without it, you are liable to arrest and prosecution leading to custodial jail term. I hope you are aware that ignorance of the law is no excuse.”
      Now the UDP stand off at Fass, the PDOIS sec. gen. Halifa Sallah protest were all carried out without police permit. The results are now history.
      From the above facts, it will then be irrelevant to invoke the law as far as the Kartong protest is concern. I will only agree that the protest concerns exclusively the interest of the locality. The national effect is therefor missing in their actions hence the sectoral concerns and consequences.
      Nonetheless the whole country sympathizes with them and both moral and legal assistance are extended to them pro-bono.

  16. Bax

    @Deyda Hydara…”Let us start by saying that the battle is between the people and a dictator. …

    (The former is unarmed whiles the later is armed….)

    If such is the case, the balance of power will certainly take a long time to shift to the benefit of the people. ”

    Reaction…Now, hold on a minute DH…! Did you just say the dictator is armed..? Are you calling for patience in our dealings with the dictator..? (balance of power will take long time to shift)

    Didn’t you chastise Bax for saying the same thing not long ago..? Well, when common sense is allowed to prevail, convergence of views is bound to be the only outcome… Thanks for getting closer to Bax than Max..

    • Deyda Hydara

      Bax, the only fight worth its salt at the moment is to ask your people at home to register and vote massively for the opposition.

  17. Bax

    Good analysis again, Gambia….Really good points made…

    The problem with Max is that he fails to see that dissatisfaction alone, though significant, is not an enough catalyst by itself alone, for mass action against tyrannical governments by the citizens.

    Other significant factors must also be present before mass frustrations can be the catalyst that draw the masses into the streets, in significant numbers, to achieve desired results..

    At this point in time, though there is mass dissatisfaction with the regime throughout the country, there is absence of the other significant factors, and hence any protest actions that could be crushed or contained by the security, with little effort, though worthy of praise, is ill advised and ill conceived, as Gambian has observed..

    Taking the Burkina and Senegal examples, it can be.showned how these countries are different from ours…In both countries, protests began when the leaders attempted to change their constitutions for their own benefits…

    How many times has the constitution been significantly altered in The Gambia to suit Yaya Jammeh..? Will it be an exergeration to say that he is the only sitting president in the whole world allowed to conduct business..?

    As we converse here, he has just almost impossible to stand against him by the elections amendments…You heard anything Max..? Burkina Youths burned the parliament when they even dared entertain that motion…

    Our nation’s psyche is wrong; our national character is wrong; our political awareness is low; our priorities are wrong; our feelings for each other is wrong; our patriotism is misunderstood and misplaced…

    All of these factors have to be present and right for grievances to be channelled towards the right goal..Unfortunately for us, we haven’t reached that stage yet…

    But, as the saying goes, even goats will bite when pushed into the corner…Let’s hope “The Gambia goat” does bite sooner, rather than later, because God knows it has been pushed too hard into the corner now…

    • Deyda Hydara

      Bax, the only reason why we have not reach a critical mass yet for a massive insurrection is that the Gambia is invaded and infested with foreigners from Sourthern Casamance. Hence Burkina, and Senegal that you used as examples do not have these massive foreign intrusion in their political life and struggle in their countries.
      Next time you analyze the Gambian situation, please take this IMPORTANT factor into consideration.

  18. Maxs

    Gambia, it is very interesting that you gave examples of protesters or demonstrators who foght for what they thought was right at the time in each case . I can perfectly use the same example of udp stand off with the police to indicate to you that UDP stand off was also characterized as I’ll-advised by some people who believed that lawyer Darboe and his supporters will be arrested and even kill when confronted by the police . The question is ” was the environment favorable to them when they started the stand off with the police ” ? The environment wasn’t favorable and it took them few days before they can succeed , today UDP is going around the country with their meetings as a result of fighting for their rights. You and your type would call their efforts ill-advised because of the assumption you had in terms of current societal , legal and political environmental perspective. Your presentation is simply based on false assumption without any facts and it also demonstrates ignorance of the rights and will of the people . Another example is when the sheriff caliph general and his co-accused refused to follow illegal order of Dictator jammeh , they were arrested and taken to court , the result of their persecution was that they have constitutional right to pray as they wish and they were all acquitted or discharged. They foght for what they believed in was right at the time . Are there any changes in the environment compare to today base on societal , legal and political perspective? The answer is ” no” , stop presenting your false assumption and want to discourage those who want to fight for their rights no matter what conditions we have in The Gambia . It is irony that you use these examples of different protesters who protested in different unfavorable and unfortunate environments and they were able to achieve success in their demands or at least their cases has exposed authorities’ oppression, corruption and lawlessness. Each of these protesters were victimized as a result of standing up what was right . The mindset you have , if every one has that mindset , Gambia will still be colonized , black people in South Africa and USA won’t have their political freedom, and basic human rights . You speak like Bax because you are all confused disciples who don’t think for yourself but being indoctrinated to point that you think one need to protest only in favorable environment. What a contradiction by given those examples you eloquently highlighted . Don’t you know that everyone who protested have a goal , determination, knows the danger or consequences before they embark on protest? Every one who protested knows their goal and consequences , therefore it is silly questions to ask if the protesters are aware of their goals , danger , consequences, how long it would to take achieve the desire results.

    Here is what you said about Halifa :

    Gambia said ” Halifa sallah’s challenge to witch hunt in 2009 . Halifa knew what was involved and was ready to go any level being equipped with information that would expose the regime and damage it once and for all . Being aware of their vulnerability at the hands of Halifa should they proceed with the case in court , the regime dropped the charge saying it was in the interest of justice. Are the kartong youths at such an advantageous position against the regime?

    Gambia , your above quotation is not only a lie but it further expose your lack of respect for the geniune efforts of kartong youths in their desire to change evil exploitation going on in their backyard. It also means that in your narrow indoctrinated mind , only Halifa sallah is smart enough to expose the regime and damage it once and for all . What is he waiting for 21 years if that is the case since he has such a capability? Stop your obsession with Halifa sallah and realize that kartong youths are equally well aware of their goals and consequences of their actions. This further highlight your indoctrination and inability to see things differently. If the regime is so vulnerable to mr Sallah why didn’t they respond to his numerous letters or why even arrested him in the first place? What information is Halifa sallah equipped with which makes the regime so vulnerable and he can damage them for once and for all ? I would like to know that . In essence you believe that these youths are on fools errand because you asked if they are in the same advantageous position as mr sallah. Why can’t Halifa sallah do the same for foroyaa messenger who was taken to court for insulting the president or UDP Amadou Sanneh currently in mile two prison. Stop your misinformation. What was the outcome of the foroyaa messenger’s case who was acquitted without mr sallah being his legal representative in court ?
    Are you telling us that each time people protest they should know they are going to be successful , if not they shouldn’t try because they will be jailed or imprisomed or arrested ? The opposition leaders and their supporters have been fighting for 21 years to change the system despite they are victimized by imprisonment , torture , intimidation, death , political thuggery and arrest . Is the environment different from these kartong youths protesters based on societal , legal and political perspective? Think twice before you write and use your brain to connect the dots . If you are sitting in your comfort zone , don’t be a coward to try to discourage others who are fighting for their constitutional rights. For My own personal contribution or to join the protest, you have no idea what I am doing and why I believe everyone needs to fight what they believe is right in terms of changing corrupt political and legal environment in The Gambia. You should ask yourself ” what Am I doing to change the status quo in The Gambia rather than posting your silly question to someone else “?
    Your characterization of genuine efforts of these individuals ( protesters) fighting for their rights or doing the right thing as adventurism is not only misplaced but it is also ignorance , irresponsible and unpatriotic. It is very insulting to these protesters to indicate that their efforts is simply a futile one since they are not as well equipped as mr Halifa sallah in your view .
    In summary , please know that every one who embarks on protest , have a goal, know the consequences and the environment they are protesting in . Kartong youths are well aware of these factors just like Nelson Mandela, Dr king , Halifa sallah, lawyer Darboe , caliph Sheriff Hydara , December 2014 statehouse attackers and anyone who participated in fighting for the political , economic and social justice in The Gambia or any where in the world. Kartong youths are on the right path of history and hopefully very soon you will tell me their protest is well advised because as you said about Halifa sallah, they may be well equipped with information to expose the regime and the regime will drop all charges . It remains to be seen the outcome of this protest.

    • Deyda Hydara

      Brilliant response Maxs. You made my day.
      A la lutta continua.

  19. Gambia

    Deyda, I beg to refute that assertion that the Gambian lack of action is due to d influx of people from Casamance.

    In every settlement in the Gambia big or small, over 90% of all residents are Gambians. Like I said in my previous posts, nothing other than greed, fear and selfishness of all of us are to blame for our inactions and being our brothers’ keepers.

    Take a look at these,

    These 33 youths arrested and being tried from Kartong are all Gambians. What are their fellow villagers and citizens from their neighboring villages doing or saying about it?

    2. 2012, 7 out of the 9 executed prisoners were all Gambians. All from different villages and communities. What did those communities do or say about it. Nix. Only the 2 journalists Saidykhan and Ceesay protested in the Gambia. What happened to them? They end up being forced into exile in Senegal. What later ensured, elders from those very communities across the country went to state house to appease the man’s ego on TV. Was this done by the foreigners you are trying to blame?

    3: 2009, the man initiated a witch hunt in the country and abducted over a 1000 citizens who were subjected to inhumane treatment. The majority of those abductees were old responsible ple, who stood up against the practice? None. Only a few youths from Jambur, Halifa and 2 police officers. Those officers where subjected to so many maltreatments at the hands of the government leading to one being punished leading to him leaving the force under undesirable circumstances. The 2nd officer has been denied promotions since then he is at the same rank with his juniors being promoted over him. The list can go on.

    You see, unless we come up as a people and genuinely and honestly assess ourselves with clear conscience to change in the best interest of our country, we are going to remain in this situation. The best thing a Gambian can do is to blame others. Yahya knows this though he is the best at it. But uses it to his advantage to remain in power.

    • Deyda Hydara

      Yaya Jammeh himself said live on TV whiles treathning Senegal in 2014, that the Gambia has over 800.000- senegalese living in the country. Jammeh’s figure refers to the massive influx of Casamnce people in the Gambia. We know the Northern Senegalese are not many in the Gambia and more over they do not work in the government civil service as the southern senegalese do. When you go by Jammeh’s figure then it is fair to say that 1 out of 2 people in the Gambia is a foreigner. What we know for sure is that the level of foreigners involement in our body politics and security appararus does not exist in any country around the world.
      Now it’s up to you to beleive otherwise but it will not change the facts on the ground.
      From your arguments one can clearly see your biais toward Halifa Sallah and PDOIS. You are also one of those gambians who prefer the status quo and fail to see the world changing. You have a static mindset as such it will be difficult to see beyond your imagination.
      However, we know for sure that the Gambia in 1994 is very much different of the Gambia in 2015. Even Jammeh knows his popularity is down, his followers also know that Jammeh is loosing popularity.
      Long live the UDP who does waist their valuable time in futile arguments that serves only Jammeh’s agenda.
      Please register and vote Jammeh OUT in 2016.

  20. Bax

    Max.. .Try to be open minded….Always respect people’s views as their own…No one is obcessed or indoctrinated here by anyone…People mention Halifa or Darboe or Mandela because they have respect for them and what they do/did…

    Try to also distinguish between situations and avoid lumping everything in one “basket”…

    UDP stand off was successful because they had the numbers and were acting within the law….The outcome would have been different if only a small number of UDP militants were involved…This one would also have been different if the numbers were overwhelming…So numbers are crucial..

    Although Halifa did not have the numbers with him when he stood up for victims of the witch hunters, he is a globally recognised and respected figure…and hence pressure (both national,regional and international) was put on the regime for his release…and again, it was a matter on which the regime had no moral or legitimate grounds to stand on…

    No one on this side can argue that the actions of the Kartong Youths was not praise worthy because it was…It is an act of courage and it takes a great deal of balls too, for anyone to defy Jammeh’s terror machine..

    But the question whether it was ill advised was a legitimate one and at the moment, as matters stand, the answer to that is,”Yes, it was ill advised”, because rather achieve its “No mining in Kartong” objectives, it may strengthen the dictator’s hands and deter others from the same path…

    But time may proof us wrong and vindicate your position that it was well advised…It’s all a matter of opinion depending on what factors are considered…

  21. Maxs

    Bax, I am very open-minded individual and I respect even ignorance views expressed by others. . That said you can’t have it both ways , you either criticize or praise the efforts of kartong youths . It is hypocritical and dishonest to consider their efforts I’ll-advised due to stupid assumption that the societal , legal and political environment is not favorable for such protest . Don’t you think people protest when they feel injustices , frustration, lawlessness and corruption? Whether their actions is successful or not , their actions or goals are justified because mining cause environmental hazards and the community has no benefits in the whole process except the idiot leader and his imbecile inner circle . The people of kartong are doing the right thing for their community . Some of you disciplines who are indoctrinated needed to be prescribed testosterone to boost up your confidence because low testosterone can cause significant emotional changes. The mindset Gambia described ordinary Gambians , that is individualism is the same mindset he is doing because he criticized the efforts of kartong youths as I’ll-advised .
    If Halifa didn’t have numbers then why Gambia so obsessed with him and stated that regime is vulnerable to him and he is well equipped with information to damage the regime once and for all .
    Tell me which protest anywhere in the world which is well advised ? When Halifa and Seedia protested when the junta wanted to shutdown foroyaa newspaper during the transition period, majority of citizens indicated that their protest was ill-advised because they felt it was dangerous at the time . They were arrested and Taken to court and because of their bravery and courageous acts , thousands of Gambians now read foroyaa everyday . If you do not have balls to acts , don’t assume others won’t because we are different. Captain Jagne left well paid job as commander of three hundred men in Kentucky and went to Gambia to sacrifice his life on behalf of oppressed nation , he knew the danger , what was his goal and consequences, but he did it on our behalf . His monthly salary and veteran benefits is far more than what an idiotic leader supposed to be paid . He is a patriotic citizen who care about his country. I think it is wrong to undermine the efforts of those who are doing the right thing for our country or community . Bax , Dawda and Gambia are all disciplies who are trying to undermine the efforts of these protesters by calling their efforts “I’ll-advised “.
    A typical indoctrinated cyber warriors .,

  22. Gambia

    Max, no one can talk sense into you as you are both irrational in your reasoning and uncivil in your choice of words and tone. I do not have time to flog a dead horse.

    However, before I finally leave you in your dream world, I would respond to your questions about the examples you raised.

    1. Darboe and UDP broke no law and committed no offence in their standoff with the police hence there could be only one possible outcome. That is for the police to let go. Peacefully travelling in the country requires no permit nor does holding a political activities. But engaging in a riot and protest requires a police approval and doing it without one makes one liable to prosecution n jail as per the laws of the Gambia. How are these two the same??

    The Caliph you mentioned does not break any law by not praying on the proclamation of the President. Prayer is a personal issue and state cannot dictate it. And doing it or not does not in any way threaten public order. Unlike preventing licensed miners from conducting their legally approved activities amount to a crime. How are these two the same?

    3. Halifa does not commit any offence by protesting an clandestine witch hunt in the country. Taking him to court only exposes the persons and authority behind it thereby making him vulnerable to condemnations globally. Was sand mining the same and comparable to the witch hunt??

    Darboe, Hydra and Halifa all knew that even if the regime take them to court, there can be only one outcome that is acquittal as they commit no offence in the language of the laws of the Gambia.

    But Max, despite the youths of Kartong having good intentions, their involvement in riot without a police permit was illegal and they could be found guilty in court and sentenced. How are these the same?

    Above all, none of these 3 scenarios require external support to achieve their goals. But the youths of Kartong would require a even greater force to get their goal or for even the regime to think twice before quashing it. And yet no level headed politicians would associate themselves with that riot due to it’s ramifications.

    At least, over my years as a senior security officer in the Gambia, I have enough academic and professional training and working knowledge of the subject under discussion here. I am not a lay man here therefore I know exactly what I am saying.

    As for your language and tone, I leave them to you. I would not respond to them.

    I hope you are enlightened

  23. Maxs

    Gambia , with all due respect for your security services for our country for over decades, I am indeed trouble and highly concern by the mindset you have and if that is the mindset majority of servicemen and women have in our beloved country. As you are an ex law enforcement officer, I expect you to recognize the constitutional rights of these protesters no matter what circumstances the situation might be in The Gambia. The Gambia’s constitution has guarantee for citizens to express their frustration, grievances and other wrongs committed by those in power or authority. The youths of kartong has recognized this and they have been looking for authorities to address their concerns and grievances. This was why they wrote to national environmental protection agency to seek answers. It is therefore Fair to say , youths of kartong are very well aware of their constitutional rights and responsibilities as citizens.
    I am deeply troubled by your assumption that the protest was ill-advised not only due to societal, legal and political environment perspective but also your own belief as ex law enforcement officer of our nation security services.,The expression of my concern is not a personal one to you but as general observation in terms of conduct of law enforcement officers with regards to respect of citizens’ constitutional rights in the republic of The Gambia. I have observed that Gambia’s security services which includes police force , national army and national intelligence agency have general being number one violators of the rights of citizens due to illegal orders they carry out when performing their constitutional duties and responsibilities and other unlawful activities they did in the course of their work . Today most of atrocities carried out by this regime were done by law enforcement officers who give blind eye to the rights of our citizens. In the process, they become the victims of the very system they help to oppress civilians and general population. One of the greatest mistake , I think we made as a nation is lack of well professional, disciplined and conscious law enforcement officers or servicemen in our national security apparatus. This has been huge problem because , majority are ignorance of the law , their rights and responsibilities as well as they tends to see civilians as their enemy . This can be seen in all security services in their manner when dealing with citizens in various capacities. Personally , I have seen some great friends when they joined the military, their attitude in terms of respect and recognition of the rights of others have changed over time . They become more of a bully and arrogant individuals who think they are above the law . They become very abusive when dealing with civilians. I think these behaviors has to do with indoctrination they received during their training . I believe that proper civic and constitutional rights education which should be core course in the law enforcement training is either absent or insufficient. It is line with this observation I think news of torture , Insult, intimidation, disappearances , murder and illegal detention becomes synonymous with Gambia security services . Today , majority of crimes committed are carried out by these lawlessness individuals masquerading as policemen, soldiers and national intelligence officers . Majority of these security men and women continuously break the law everyday by carrying out illegal orders from the Dictator and his Gang of criminals. Loyalty of Gambia’s security services should be placed on Gambian citizens who are paying their salaries , service benefits and other incentives they received through the taxes citizens pay . The dictatorship in The Gambia did not want security services to recognize this facts and therefore has indoctrinated the military and other servicemen to believe that They have best life when the dictator and his gang of thugs are in power . Today looking the statistics of the victims of this regime , you will find out that majority of those killed , disappeared, exiled , imprisomed and tortured are security services men and women especially the military. It is therefore important to highlight that security services are victimizing their colleagues, friends and coworkers in various services than civilians. It is time the security servicemen and women come to the side of the masses . If they continue to victimize civilians or their fellow servicemen, the next victims might be their own brother, uncle , father , sister or mother .

  24. Maxs

    Gambia , I am sorry to say this to you , you are the type of senior security officials who are very ignorance of the laws and the constitution of The Gambia. Majority of Gambian security services men and women are your type who have no regard to rights of the citizens.,
    Clearly you have lied to the world that Halifa sallah is well equipped with information that would damage the regime once and for all . You can described my tone as uncivil because I know as Gambian you will blame me for pointing out your lies but you will never accept your lies and you will argue with yourself to your grave without taking any personal responsibility for your mistakes or lies . This is cultural problem we have in The Gambia. This is why you will never see any one in power or authority from jammeh to his ministers who will ever take personal responsibility and apologize to the population for the wrongs they have committed.. It is the same silly thing you are doing .
    You claimed that Halifa didn’t break any law by protesting against witch hunt because he didn’t have permit but kartong youth broke the law because they don’t have any permit either . Do you see your silly analogy or comparison between the two ? So you think protesters have broke the law because they are not as popular and recognized as mr sallah . My senior security officer, I don’t blame you because despite your training and so called education , you still think like many of those security officials who broke the law all the times . Your bias and ignorance of the laws , constitution and the rights of citizens has clearly manifested itself here . I hope you go back and read the constitution so that you will understand it . We cannot allow ignorance to prevail in this forum .,

  25. Maxs

    Deyda Hydara , I want to tell you that Bax , Gambia and many of these so called PDois disciples will never admit the truth you said about cassamance citizens infiltrated Gambian military and politics . Most of these people are hiding behind the name of PDois to distract and prolong our efforts to end current military dictatorship. If you read their comments , they never support any genuine coalition, demonstrations or protest . In my view they seem to be satisfied with status quo and they have continuously used PDois to make their cases especially Halifa sallah who is patriotic citizen . Their thinking is not in line with what Halifa believe in . When you confronted them about their lies they spread about the PDois and Halifa sallah they quickly claimed not to be speaking for the party or distance them from the party. They do not have independent thinking and what majority of Gambian citizens want in terms of political change. They are more sympathetic to Aprc than udp or NRP or any party . I do not see them as genuine in their efforts for regime change . Bax in particular want to have it in both ways . They are either with us ( oppressed citizens) or they are with axil of evil ( jammeh and his gang of thugs ) who terrorized the population.
    The so called security officer ( Gambia) do not have what it takes a patriotic security officer should do in defense of the nation and her people. Captain Jagne , Lâmin Sanneh and others are real patriotic citizens who I think of everyday for their ultimate sacrifice for our country . My prayers , and thoughts are for them and families every day . They are comrades and geniune citizens who I respect . A tree of liberty and freedom shall be watered by blood of patriots from time to time to strengthen its growth . We must pay the price with our blood , treasure and everything possible to remove the cancer of our society. We must not let hypocrites and cowards stand on our way because they will finally Join us when the tyrant is gone .

  26. Deyda Hydara

    Maxs, what these two guys fail to understand is that the situation is fast changing on the ground. I suppose they are not talking to the right people in the Gambia for them to comprehend that the reality over the years is Jammeh has used his kinsmen from Casamance as spies so much so that no Gambian will speak against the DEVIL in public for fear of landing one self at the NIA. Although the fear factor is fast changing camps as the APRC militants get more and more worried about the future.They also feel the economic pinch and the uncertainty hurting them as well. We also hear their complains and fears. At present it is difficult to distinguish who is from Casamance and who is a genuine gambian amongst them hence the confusion. GOD knows that when we sit in front of homes and watch people passing by, we can clearely say that one in every two people is a jola from casamnce. Their massive presence in the greater banjul area makes any would be protest difficult to organize. However everyone at home predicts that something will sponteniously trigger a popular outburst which might culminate in the end of Jammeh’s regime. All I can say at the moment is both APRC and opposition and the general public have enough of Jammeh rule and everyone is talking about it FREELY.
    I wish Gambia and Bax make a trip home to see for themselves.

  27. Maxs

    Hydara , you are very right. Jammeh has used cassamance jolas to kill even top Gambian security officials including Gambian jolas . This is why even those jolas who are Gambians when they go against the interest of jammeh , he used his cassamance jolas in military, jugulars and NIA to eliminate them. This is how he eliminated solo Bojang , Lang tombong Tamba and many others in the military. Jammeh’s use jugulars who are directly answerable to him and few others who are in the military.
    Bax need to visit Gambia because I suspected he is very old now and when he is bored , he come here to argue with us lol and when the atmosphere or debate is intense he will retreat into his little apartment. Anyway , we are not going put him in the front line because he can quickly switch side based on what I know about him now .
    In all seriousness, to me the current situation is life and death situations and it is not joking matter . Jammeh should be removed by any means necessary.